Author Topic: Women who use love, etc too soon, are they serious about starting relationship??  (Read 3459 times)

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Offline yoshiii

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I am corresponding with a couple of women who are using words like, hugg and kisses, dreaming of you, love and other things within the 2nd letter and not really talking about themselves.
Are these women serious about having a relationship?  I find it strange to use language such as this so soon.

Offline shaun

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That could be translator fluff or could be the actual woman.  Mine, and I knew I was talking with her because it happened on web-cam, did the same thing and even at times tried to get me to tell her that I loved her.  I simply told her that I would not say those words until I was sure and that would happen after I met her face to face.

You have to be careful.  I can't say all Chinese women are this way but many of them will say this to keep you interested in them as they work on getting you to come see them in China and marry them.  They know most older western men think with the wrong head when they talk to a beautiful woman. There are so many women in China looking for western husbands.  It isn't that they are trying to do something wrong it is simply hoping to keep you interested in them.  I really can't blame them.

Just take that kind of talk as fluff until you know there is chemistry there.  That is until after you get there and meet them.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 12:49:35 pm by shaun »

Offline Rhonald

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My take on it is that also some might think this is typical of western culture. They might see TV shows or movies and think this is what we wish to hear.
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Offline Jason B

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Could also be her take on English and this is what she percieves as being a hello or goodbye salutation.  But could also be fluff.  Ask her if you want clarification, would be interesting to see if it is tranlsator fluff and if they put it in again now that you have questioned it.

As for the not talking about themselves bit, ask a question that she has answered in her profile and if she answers differently I would be asking the translator why things are different, you maybe being taken for a ride.
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My take on it is that also some might think this is typical of western culture. They might see TV shows or movies and think this is what we wish to hear.

What they see on Television about people in the west. They believe every bit of it. It has taken me more than 2 years to finally show my wife it all a lot of Bulls##T
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Offline yoshiii

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Well I havent been writing to any one because everyone of them starts with the I love you or very strong statement of feelnigs too soon.  It makes me feel too rushed. I want to meet these women and get to know them and go visit them if I like them.  But hard to get to know someone when most of their letters are so strong. 
Even ones who I showed interest to but havent written a proper letter to is sending emails saying the same type of things as if we had been dating for a while.

Are these women serious or are they trying to catch something comes long first?

Offline David E

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It is usually the Translators inventing these words.....just so you get all excited and hot under the collar !!!...they want you to keep spending money on EMF's so they use this language to hook you in.

I know from my own experiences (and many others here too) that Chinese Women dont talk about love etc to people they dont know !!!!

They are very reserved about this stuff.

Dont get caught up in this "hook" is all pure rubbish.

I am afraid that more often than not, you will get this treatment from is very difficult to really get to know a Woman because you will never know just who is writing to you.

Best get onto one of the other sites such as Blossoms or China Love Links...and then again, these sites have a different set of problems due to scammers !!

Either way, sooner or later you have to get over there and see for yourself !!!

Offline yoshiii

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I live in Japan(I am American) is it easier to go there and meet someone vs trying to meet online? 

Offline Neil

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why not meet someone in Japan? irresistible as chocolate

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That would be a whole different topic.  I want to try to find somone who is not Japanese.  I want to see if maybe I would like to meet someone from China. I have Chinese friends back in the states and had a chance to date a chinese girl before but that is a story for another time
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 09:45:29 pm by yoshiii »


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Come to think of it , now that you have mentioned sweet/loving talk/writing too soon .. makes me laugh ! I must admit that it wasn't Chnlove or the Translator that tried to pull this over Me . It actually was "I" that started to call Qing , no less than the third Letter.. " Sweetheart " . Was she surprised ? Of course , maybe she thought that she was talking to a Translator herself .  ;D ;D
Anyway , with my first contact ( Min ).. much Fluff ; second contact ( Lin ) .. no Fluff , but too young for me ; third contact ( Lily ) no Fluff , she actually gave me her E-Mail without asking for it ; fourth contact ( Qing ) .. Fluff only from " Me " . I guess , she got HOOKED by it .. hook line and sinker .