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Offline Mark_in_Canada

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Sponsorship question
« on: August 24, 2011, 11:20:09 pm »
Need some advice from the experieced members. When completing the sponsorship forms did most of you fill out the
"use of representive form"? Is it benifical for us -the sponsors, to also be the representive for our lady? So all the info will
flow to us?

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Sponsorship question
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 01:45:32 am »
From my understanding, a Representative is a professional person that has experience ( one hopes) in handling immigration details. We as the sponsor can not also be the representative.

the above form top 2 paragraphs states what I said.
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Offline Mark_in_Canada

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Re: Sponsorship question
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 05:54:14 am »
are you guys sure? Question 6 list that the person could be a family member or friend, that is unpaid. This would leave me to
believe that it could be me as well.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 06:14:45 am by Mark_in_Canada »

Offline Mark_in_Canada

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Re: Sponsorship question
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 06:13:12 am »
also, I found this on the cic website. The reason I think that I should be her representative is that, if there is a problem, and Canadian
immigration needs more information, would it not be better if they contacted me, instead of her?

Unpaid immigration third parties

Unpaid third parties, such as family members, friends, non-governmental or religious organizations will still be allowed to act on your behalf.

To protect your privacy, CIC will not share any of your personal information with your consultant, lawyer, and other representative unless you provide your written consent using the Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form.

Offline Martin

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Re: Sponsorship question
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 10:33:11 am »
I did not use a representative.  Honestly, in my opinion, its not needed, since the CDN immigration is a pretty easy process.  If you are not using a rep, dont fill it out.  Follow the guide book that you got with the application, and you will be fine.  There are three of us here that did it on our own...Rhonald, Chong, and me.  I believe Neil did it on his own, but has just started the process.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Sponsorship question
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2011, 02:59:17 pm »
It all comes down to the fact that if you are her sponsor, and if she gets any documentation from the consulate that she doesn't understand, she would contact you anyways. This in turn also shows proof of a relationship as you guys are sharing information. Why bother adding another layer of paper work to your claim? Especially, from my view point, if you are her rep and handling every communication, I would think it would cause a shadow of doubt that maybe this is an arranged marriage for a business purpose. I think the two of you working it out together is better evidence.

As an example, when my wife moved to a new place, I was the one who sent a change of address to Hong Kong. When she received the letter demanding a court document to prove her claim of sole custody of her child in 45 days, I sent an email to the consulate saying that her scheduled court date to hear her case was not scheduled until 3 months later; far past the 45 days she was granted.

In fact, that is our latest update: We sent the court document, notarized and translated the first week of July and now waiting to hear back from the consulate. The 18 of August marks 26 months processing since Hong Kong received our case file  :(

So hopefully our next letter will be a request for her medical redo. Then I will think we are near to the end. I worry the next letter will instead ask for new copies of her passport since it expires this month. We have been proactive and she went and applied for a new passport, which once she receives it, we will forward a copy of it to the consulate.

OOhh and one more thing, no matter how it turns out for you Mark, I hope you share part of your trip with us. And please, post pictures, as we haven't had a new member for some time now sharing with us their maiden journey. And we like pictures of Asian Maidens  8)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 03:20:05 pm by Rhonald »
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Offline Chong

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Re: Sponsorship question
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2011, 06:08:59 pm »
I'm a representative for a couple ... She's a Canadian citizen and he's a PRofChina resident. They don't speak a lick of English. All correspondence from HK came to my address here in Toronto. Then I relay the info to them ... she's currently in China visiting. We submitted the application in February 2011. They have an immigration interview this September.

Going back to your initial question, ... No, you don't need to act as her representative. Therefore, all Consulate letters will be mailed directly to her address in China. Get her to study English ASAP, it sounds like she'll have a future interview.

Offline Mark_in_Canada

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Re: Sponsorship question
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2011, 10:06:31 pm »
Thanks everyone, I will take your advice and not be the representative. Yes, one less layer of paper work is great!!!
I think the tough part will be dealing with the Dutch VOG thing. This is their police clerance. I need it for her daughter
that studied in the Netherlands.  I recieved a letter today, in Dutch of course, requesting more info I think. I have to
run it past my Dutch friend now to get the translation.
I hope everything works out for you Rhonald!