Author Topic: Thoughts On Translators (Human)  (Read 5118 times)

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Offline Lain

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Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« on: May 11, 2010, 02:40:57 pm »
OK, so as some of you may know I am not too keen on chnlove's services...but I will be visiting there soon to see my lady (maybe?) and I will requires a human translator for our visit.

So the question is this.

Should I hire my own translator, or use theirs?

I know she would most likely feel more comfortable with them having already worked with their agency staff, but I have to question if what I am saying is being said...there is already a "trust issue" with the agency that she is with and needless to say first impressions are very important.

Offline Irishman

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RE: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 03:34:32 pm »
Quote from: 'Lain' pid='38430' dateline='1273603257'

OK, so as some of you may know I am not too keen on chnlove's services...but I will be visiting there soon to see my lady (maybe?) and I will requires a human translator for our visit.

So the question is this.

Should I hire my own translator, or use theirs?

I know she would most likely feel more comfortable with them having already worked with their agency staff, but I have to question if what I am saying is being said...there is already a "trust issue" with the agency that she is with and needless to say first impressions are very important.

Lain maybe there is a third way. Many of us have visited many places in China and would have a rapport with someone we trust. What city are you going to visit and then maybe a bro can suggest a translator they recommend.
FWIW i thing its very hit and miss with anything in China, you can strike gold or lipstick on a pig ...word of mouth is how it is done.
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RE: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 06:31:31 pm »
I will be in two cities during my stay. I fly into Guangzhou on the 27th and will be there for 5 days. Then I will take another 5 day stay in Zhongshan. At this point as my other long thread points out, I may not need to hire a translator because I have my doubts about the agency and the lady whom I was to meet says that her mother is forbidding our meeting. Just today I laid down the time table and told her that I am coming regardless...if we can meet than I hope it will work out. If not, well I am sure that Zhongshan is still a beautiful city and should still enjoy may trip.

My problem is that I simply do not trust the agency that she is with. So I am unsure if they will truthfully translate our conversations, or take some liberties with our words. Obviously I will have no way of knowing if what she says or what I say is what is being relayed. There is also the very real possibility that I may have to meet with her mother and I do not wish there to be ANY misunderstandings. I have become very fond of this lady, and if she turns out to be the real deal (still have my doubts) then I want it to work out.

.........I may be simply over thinking this whole thing and I am worried over nothing? Which is why I am seeking advice about this.

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2010, 09:01:38 pm »
Bring your Besta, or get Ted to recommend one. If I were there I wudda done it for you myself. With the agency translator she may not tell you things that the agency won't like you to hear about them, or very private things.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 09:06:53 pm by odysseus007 »
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RE: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2010, 10:15:44 pm »
Your Besta will be worth it's weight in gold.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2010, 10:27:07 pm »

Are you dealing with an agency in Zhongshan?  - If so which one?   I know two here that charge 200 an hour with a  minimum charge of 600 rmb.

I have a translator friend here in Zhongshan and she did English language at a UK university and is very good.   She will charge nothing like that price.

As she is not with an agency she will tell you things as they are not as just those in line with agency rules.

One also follows the practice of some other agencies by keeping you on a thread then giving you a rubbish story to put you of coming.

And below my apartment is a very modern large dental practice.  All the latest equipment including cameras to see everything in your mouth.   And all those sexy dark eyes looking over the masks at you.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 10:38:26 pm by Willy The Londoner »
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RE: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2010, 01:07:56 pm »

i have someone in GZ who could translate also if she is available that time


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Re: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2010, 10:02:55 am »
I learned a lot about the agencies and ther translators in the the last three months. And I learned it the hard way. What we are faced with in dealing with the matchmaking agencies is that the translators work for the agency. They will delete any correspondence they think may endanger the relationship. So anger is not often communicated. They also add to the letter things that are fictions. A lot of flowery jargon and poetic nonsense to "liven up" the conversation. They are often prone to add a lot of " I love you" dear and "hehe" to the letters. They will often make up stories to discourage direct communications. At least this has been my experience dealing with and the Changchun agency representing the lady I communicate with. We don't like it but there are few alternatives.

For those of you that "simply don't trust the translators" at the agency's. I have found a great alternative. She is a young English school teacher.  So far I have used her for translating email and telephone calls and it has worked great.   She knows the requirements, correct and accurate translations "verbatim" . No rewording and no embellishments.  Her fees are negotiable.  I just sent her a retainer that she bills against as services are rendered. The turn around time is about 24 hours on week days. She has a QQ account so I am going to try an experiment in realtime three way chat with her in the middle.  I'll let you know how that goes. I also intend to use her when I travel to China to visit. She is kust a phone call away.

 I asked that when she translates email for me that she include the original transcript along with the translation. I then had it checked by Jing (ex-wife) and she said it was accurate. So I am very happy with this service so far.  If anyone else wants to use her, here is her contact information.   mingxi jiang (  she uses the name Rachel.

I hope this helps somene. Gerry

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Re: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2010, 08:53:45 pm »
thats some great info for some of the members here. im sure thay will appreciate it. by the way
what does she charge?

we know of translators in Guangzhou that charge 200 rmb for 10,000 words? dont know how that compares
or if its a good price or not

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Re: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2010, 04:16:14 am »
You know, I have forgotten what she charges. I sent her 1000 RMB back in July and I have been using her ever since. She hasn't asked for any more money yet and I remind her to ask for more when I have spent my retainer.  She has turned into a real friend and has been a good sounding board for asking things about China and Chinese  women. She looks out for me and gives me advice when I need it. She is going to save me a bundle in airfare by arranging train transportion for me for all my destinations in China during my upcoming trip. She is located in Shenyang and I am going to visit her when I am finished in Beijing. I have a couple of ladies in Shenyang to visit and she has agreed to go along to help if I want her too.

Someone asked a while back about her English skills and wether on not she was good enough. The answer is YES. She was educated abroad and when I chat with her on QQ you can not tell you are chatting with a Chinese person.  I am not trying to plug for her I am just saying she is a great resource for some that needs this kind of help.
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Offline Pineau

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Re: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2010, 08:09:25 pm »
An update on Rachel.
She was such a great help on my trip to China. From Beijing to Shenyang, Dalian and Guangzhou, if I needed help I would either call her or text her or send her a QQ message. She would always respond within a few hours. She was great at sending me Chinese addresses and directions to my cell phone so I could just show it to the taxi driver. When I needed to travel she would research the train schedules and tell me which ticket to purchase. She would also book my hotel reservation in advance. I finally met up with her in Shenyang and spent nearly two weeks with her as my daily tour guide and translator. Her English is good for a mainland Chinese and she speaks with a bit of a Swedish accent if you can imagine that. I don't think I could have managed 40 days alone in China without her help.  I paid her $300 USD for her help from July through the end of October. ( she also likes stuffed animals) .So if you are traveling to China and need some assistance you can contact her and see if she can help you out. mingxi jiang (  she uses the name Rachel.

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Re: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2011, 07:53:25 pm »
Super cool, update on Rachel. She surprised me yesterday. She eloped! no big fancy wedding or long engagement. She just send me a note to tell me she had registered her marriage.  I'm so pleased. She has been a good friend for the past year and I regard her as my daughter. She is a member here so send her some congrats.
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Offline Pineau

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Re: Thoughts On Translators (Human)
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2011, 05:32:11 am »
Sorry for the confusion. It seems that Rachel is one of the English names of choice among Chinese ladies.

The Rachel your talking about  is from Wuhan. She was never a translator. She owned a garment store. According to her she recently entered a hotel management career.

The Rachel I was talking about is from Shenyang. She is a school teacher and a very good translator. And she recently eloped with her boyfriend without warning.
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