My trip in April was a 27 hour (including layovers) flight to Guangzhou, as I had to get my "singles certificate" at the U.S. consulate there. I didn't sleep a wink the night before my flight, with packing and re-packing. Didn't sleep a wink on the plane either, as I was too excited ( I was about to get married) nervous (was my paperwork in order?) worried (would Ping be there to meet me at the airport....was her train on time?)
You get the way, was sleep coming my way.
My plane landed on time 8 am, and for some reason I blew through customs, never even got stopped or showed anyone my visa. I was in Guangzhou airport for less than 5 minutes. Turned the corner and there was a bunch of Chinese people standing behind a rope and there at the opening, looking even more lovely than I remembered was Ping.

She quickly grabbed a hold of my hand, and we were out the door to grab a taxi.
Ping had rented a room in a lady's home, right around the corner from the U.S. consulate.
After a very quick shower and a bowl of noodles, we were racing to the Consulate office (my appointment was for 9:30am) Now do you understand why I was so nervous. There was no room in my schedule for any delays. We actually arrived 15 minutes early and was surprised at the ease of receiving my Singles certificate. We were both so happy walking back to the room she had rented. Little did I know that we were only going there to pick up my luggage, so we could catch the 11:00am train to Nanning.
So after being up for 50+ hours I was about to make a 13 hour train ride to Nanning...oh joy! To make matters worse, no sleeper cars left, so it would be 13 hours on a hard butt was blistered.
I do want to say to any of our new members, this is my favorite way to get around China. This is the best way to find out just how friendly the Chinese are. Stick everyone on hard benches for 13 hours, and you will find out how they make the best of a bad situation. They come through with carts selling food and drinks and everyone in my area bought something different and we all shared everything. I talked with several people on the trip, and people who were strangers when we boarded were friends by the time we arrived in Nanning. God I love this Country!!
We finally made it to the hotel, and you know what.....I could only sleep for 4 hours

The next day we took the bus to the Nanning Civil affairs and Marriage registration office, and 30 minutes later I was walking out with my prized redbook in one hand and the hand of my love in the other. My next posting will be
"The Wedding Dinner" please stay tuned.....and thank you my Brothers