Author Topic: How do u guys do the money thing?  (Read 2234 times)

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Offline 2hip

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How do u guys do the money thing?
« on: November 27, 2011, 01:07:40 am »
Okay, so if I move to China how do you get your pension monies transferred to a local bank in China?  Can it be a direct deposit thing like social security into a chinese bank?  Do you have to have a friend or relative Western Union monies?  Because some of the transfer methods take a good little chunk out of it before it is even sent.

If you aren't living in Hong Kong, Shanghai, or Beijing what are you guys spending a month (on average) for the two of you?  Of course I understand the differences in expectations and how some guys only will drink Johnnie Walker black.  But I mean the nuts and bolts sort of stuff like utilities, apartment, and such.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: How do u guys do the money thing?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2011, 03:49:41 am »
I can only speech from my perspective.  Whewn I first came here I was in Zhuhai and I spent 2400 rmb a month on two bedroom apartment, 600 rmb on electricity, water, gas and complex paymnet etc and 700 rmb a month on a cook/come cleaner- she would prepare my evening meal for me and wash the floors

I probably gave her less than 1000 a month for my shopping that included some expensive luxurys. 

When I moved to Zhongshan the cost of the apartment dropped to 1200 rmb a month.  The other expenses stayed the same as I had a wife then but she shops very carefully.

But if you are going to Shanghai or Beijing rents for apartments are very much hiigher as with all the large cities.
Plus the northern ones it can cost a lot extra in heating even if its connected to the government system.

So I doubt if I ever spent more than 500 gb Pounds about 750 us dollars a months on living expenses and now I have bought our own place the day to day running has dropped further.

I have my pension monies paid into my UK bank and I got to the Bank of China twice a month and draw money out on two cards.  In the early days I used to have to contact the bank every few months as there security system would query money being withdarwn in China but that minor irritatation has been overcome now.

The bank of china lets me draw out 2500 rmb a time on each card.  Go to other banks and the maximum often is 1000 which works out expensive in charges.

So I have no problem withdrawing 10,000 a month and anything we do not spend in the week we stick in our safe.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline 2hip

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Re: How do u guys do the money thing?
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2011, 05:31:28 pm »
thanks Willy for the great information.  Very much appreciated, alex