The Chinese culture about sex generally is really strange.
What I've learnt is just among the younger peoples opinions...
It is as if don't talk about it and it can not happen (unwanted pregnancy, diseases etc.)... I had a good talk last summer about this with 3 girls on two seperate occasions... And they think sexually transmitted diseases don't really exist at China and if it does exist only the foreigners have it.
Which lead into another point. Unwanted pregnancies. They feel you can not get pregnant as long as the man pulls out early enough...
And just today. I heard from a friend thats at China. That two of her good friends have gotten pregnant now. One is 18, another one is older... And they will both go to a hospital to get them babies removed... It is the first time for the 18 years old one and 2nd for the older one...
I mean what the fuck? It is fine to fuck like rabbits apparently for the men. And let the women take care of the birth control, opps I mean 1-2 months too late birth control... I could never bear to have anyone go through that. Getting the baby chemically or surgically removed/killed...
It is fine for them to go through that shitty procedure in the hosiptal. So their boyfriends would not leave them??? And that the men can continue to keep on doing this, until they actually leave these girls. And find younger ones later on... I've heard some about one of these guys. At first he was asking a lot of girls if they have boyfriends... Then when he found one that did not have... He "took" her as his girlfriend... Apparently this boy is the girls first boyfriend and the girl is rather weak minded. I believe this girl will get burnt quite bad...
I keep kept told that "she is a traditional girl" etc... I refuse to believe a single word of it. But of course I won't say it straight to their face.
Theres so many things I get so angry and want to cuss their familieies and ancestors when I hear and read stuff that they do... But "its their culture" "thousands of years old and theyre proud of it"... But then I realize again. I don't really care, if theyre that stupid. Its their problem. I will not have anything to do with those kinds of people.
Also if I don't make a big deal out of anything, my life will be a lot simpler too... At this point I can't speak much, I don't know the culture much... its not my place to criticize and make people loose faces.
/end of rant