I think maybe we need to get this "money" thing into some sort of perspective.....
There are a bunch of Women out there...and not only Chinese women, but women from every race or culture that are prepared to do anything to secure a Man who is relatively wealthy, it matters not about his age or looks...his wallet is the key driver. These women only care about their own financial future and will go to any lengths to get it. Possibly we could call these women "commercial prostitutes" !!!
There is another bunch of women who genuinely dont want to enter a long term relationship which will mean a life-time of hardship, constantly worrying for money and faced with a long term imperative to work, work, work, with little hope of ever reaching some level of financial stability.
There is another bunch of women who dont care either way, they have little or no hope of finding a Man due to many different impediments...their only quest is for marriage...at any cost !!!
Naturally, we should avoid the gold-diggers because once they have soaked up your money....off they will go to find another sucker...aided by our Draconian Western Divorce/property Laws.
And for those women in this category who are totally stunning Super-model types...they will have a fair chance of success !!...but for all the "average" women out there who seek wealth for its own sake....in your dreams Lady !!!...you aint got nothing to trade

Looking at the photos of the women on the Post who had made all these comments, I dont think any of them had what it takes to attract a Millionaire....at least not in my culture !!!...so dream on girls.
Somewhere in between all this stuff is a large majority of women who will weigh up the pros and cons of their prospective partner, make a judjement call, for better or for worse and simply marry a man that they can love and respect....but make no mistake, it takes a very rare woman to enter such a relationship KNOWING that her partner is basically destitute with no money, assets or prospects....would you if you were in her position also be a bit spooked by such a potential future

?? Add to the fact, if this woman is from China (or any foreign Country) she is giving up all her existing security, culture, language, friends and family.....to live in dire poverty in a new Country....I think NOT
Somewhere we men have a level of responsibility to provide a reasonable life for our beloved partner....or we should have anyway. To what level this "reasonable" life applies, is up to the individuals to decide for themselves...we all got different needs and wants. If we are not clever enough to realise when a woman is only looking for money...then we deserve her.