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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Chinese Women and Money?
« on: December 02, 2011, 05:05:32 am »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Vince G

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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2011, 10:04:04 am »
Interesting I think? It certainly portrays their frame of mind.

There was one woman I wish I was there to give an answer to. Maybe it was a translation thing? But this "Woman 4: “All the animals in the world, their mating are all based on materials. I think this kind of so-called ‘large money mating’ is needed. I think no matter human or animals, this kind of matting always require one to have something which attracts the other.”

It's that first sentence, "All the animals in the world, their mating are all based on materials"  WTF are you talking about woman? (LOL) based on materials? I've never seen a Black bird sporting around in a beamer and park at his penthouse with a big screen TV? Have you?   :P

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2011, 10:22:27 am »
There was one woman I wish I was there to give an answer to. Maybe it was a translation thing? But this "Woman 4: “All the animals in the world, their mating are all based on materials.

I interpret it "material" as the ability to provide. Good thing the woman said animal kingdom because in the insect word, some female species eat the male after mating.  :o Hum come to think of it, some human females devour a man's assets as well.
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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2011, 10:26:36 am »
Yeah there are reasons why some women are called Black Widows.


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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2011, 11:10:35 am »
Yeah there are reasons why some women are called Black Widows.

They ( some Women )spin their Web for years , to lure as poor Fellows into their Arms ( of Love haha ) and we fall right in .. don't we ?
We are still in a good time to find a Chinese Wife , as I see .. for years to come it will be Spider Heaven in China also . I hope NOT , but I see it coming !
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 12:06:38 pm by Arnold »

Vince G

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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 11:49:05 am »
It's not he Web to be alarmed about, the Black Widow Spider female will mate and then Kill the mate (I guess eats it too). Hence the women that marry a few men that seem to die off before their time is given the spider title.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 11:52:09 am by Vince G »

Offline Clayton

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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2011, 04:45:24 pm »
Willy, you've hit a nerve,  this is a subject that has had me worried for a while, godam money,
My wife's best friend usually joins in on our QQ conversations and the subject of money always comes up, now this friend is ,i understand well off, and she's always saying i should give my wife more money, now my wife has a well payed job and does not need extra from me although i send her money every month so her friends can see i am supporting her and she can keep face.

I have explained to her right from the start and keep reiterating my financial situation, one of our chats she said she was a little worried that i might not be able to support her and that she would have to wash dishes at the local pub so I told her everything about my finances, I'm a self funded retire, i own my house, i even told her how much money i have in my super fund, she then felt comfortable that i am able to support her but i don't like the way she and her friend,who i like, go on about money,it makes me worried because I've already had two wives that thought more about money than me.
I might be a little gun shy perhaps but when i saw those videos and the comments that followed I just thought 'shit' what am i in for now

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Offline john1964

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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2011, 05:37:11 pm »
These videos had me a bit worried too until I did a bit more thinking about my wife and previous conversations we have had about my current financial situation.
After we met face to face and knew we wanted to be together for life,  I wanted to start sending MinYing money but she refused to give me her bank account details saying she did not need for me to send any money as she had a job, It was only after I explained to her that it would help the visa process that she decided to give me the relevant information,
Over the last 20 months we have known each-other she has never asked for any money or when the next instalment would be coming, She has never asked me how much I earn or how much I have in the bank.
MinYing tells me that her friends are a little envious of the fact that I do give her money every month but are at the same time very happy that she has found a "good" man and not a deadbeat like her ex.
From the beginning I told my wife that I was going through a rather messy property settlement with my ex-Thai partner (now in its third year) and after the smoke has cleared I might have nothing as we all know the lawyers are the only ones to win, Many times MinYing has asked me just to give it all away and we can start again and work our way to a comfortable life together. John.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 05:46:43 pm by john1964 »


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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2011, 06:11:37 pm »
This got me thinking, Maybe she just wants to leave C 

Now .. now , are we starting to sound like our old Friends/Family ? They just want a Green Card out !

My LaoPo never ask me for anything either to this Day , she makes now her own Money here ( as little as it is ) . I pay for everything but her Clothes when she goes Shopping , the rest she saves . She has been willing to sell one of her Apartments in Shanghai to pay off our Home here , thus .. I don't feel not the slightest reason for her ever thinking more about Money than of Me . After four years Married , I think I know my Wife pretty well and not worry that she's after my Money .

So how can we be certain this (behind our back thinking) will not happen to one of us ? I feel that being together some time will always show some kind of signs/warnings if Money becomes more important to them . Watch .. observe closely .. make notes and add up til you have positive proof of not being for Love .
Anyway , I'm not worried .. if Lightning strikes .. I can't stop it !

Offline David E

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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2011, 06:13:53 pm »
I think maybe we need to get this "money" thing into some sort of perspective.....

There are a bunch of Women out there...and not only Chinese women, but women from every race or culture that are prepared to do anything to secure a Man who is relatively wealthy, it matters not about his age or looks...his wallet is the key driver. These women only care about their own financial future and will go to any lengths to get it. Possibly we could call these women "commercial prostitutes" !!!

There is another bunch of women who genuinely dont want to enter a long term relationship which will mean a life-time of hardship, constantly worrying for money and faced with a long term imperative to work, work, work, with little hope of ever reaching some level of financial stability.

There is another bunch of women who dont care either way, they have little or no hope of finding a Man due to many different impediments...their only quest is for any cost !!!

Naturally, we should avoid the gold-diggers because once they have soaked up your they will go to find another sucker...aided by our Draconian Western Divorce/property Laws.
And for those women in this category who are totally stunning Super-model types...they will have a fair chance of success !!...but for all the "average" women out there who seek wealth for its own your dreams Lady !!! aint got nothing to trade  ;D ;D Looking at the photos of the women on the Post who had made all these comments, I dont think any of them had what it takes to attract a least not in my culture !!! dream on girls.

Somewhere in between all this stuff is a large majority of women who will weigh up the pros and cons of their prospective partner, make a judjement call, for better or for worse and simply marry a man that they can love and respect....but make no mistake, it takes a very rare woman to enter such a relationship KNOWING that her partner is basically destitute with no money, assets or prospects....would you if you were in her position also be a bit spooked by such a potential future   ????? Add to the fact, if this woman is from China (or any foreign Country) she is giving up all her existing security, culture, language, friends and live in dire poverty in a new Country....I think NOT

Somewhere we men have a level of responsibility to provide a reasonable life for our beloved partner....or we should have anyway. To what level this "reasonable" life applies, is up to the individuals to decide for themselves...we all got different needs and wants. If we are not clever enough to realise when a woman is only looking for money...then we deserve her.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 06:17:40 pm by David E »

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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2011, 06:28:07 pm »
I might be a little gun shy perhaps but when i saw those videos and the comments that followed I just thought 'shit' what am i in for now


Just be aware that the reality of the Aus divorce and property settlement Laws have a provision for what is termed at Law as a "short marriage" one that lasts for less than 2 years.

In this time frame, if any woman ups and leaves and then applies for the "50% " asset settlement, she has no chance. All she will be able to claim will be 50% of the assets jointly aquired during the term of the marriage. Please note that this provision does not apply if there are children from the marriage.

In this way, we have some protection from"gold-diggers" if unfortunately our partners turn out this way. And I think it would take a bloody good actress, or a bloody stupid bloke not to spot this fraud over a 2 year period.... ;D ;D

Naturally , nobody plans for this dreadful eventuality, but we do have some protection against being robbed by unscrupulous women


Vince G

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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2011, 04:53:13 pm »
Just wondering if the women (gold diggers) in China are like the women here in western or the US? I know more then a few that were making good money and had decent positions. Though there a potential to grow and bring in more money? They got left anyway.


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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2011, 07:54:27 pm »
This Woman with her $154 Millions and other's alike , will never know/find "Real" Love . Ask me and I'll spit on that Woman .. first for HOW she got the $$$ and second it will definitely ruin her character even more so . This is in a Class right there with Prostitute's , woundn't touch them with a Mile long Pole .

Vince G

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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2011, 08:46:14 pm »
Well yeah, there are a few that get their money in crafty ways. When I was married right across the street in the apt on the 2nd fl of a house was a NYC cop (cop owned the house too). One day his wife left for like 3 days no reason? When she came back she told him she had a boyfriend and was divorcing him?

Electrician friend that I worked with. His father owned the business and after the son finished college would have the business. His wife left him too.

For the lighter side (not really).. Buddy and I (he was getting divorced, I was divorced already) We went to this little dive bar where about two dozen other guys were sitting at the bar. Over hearing us talking it went around the bar like role call, "my wife left me too". Realizing the whole place of guys were in the same boat. I don't know what they all had money wise but my buddy and I had our businesses at the time. He still has one just down here in Fl now.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Chinese Women and Money?
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2011, 09:11:54 pm »
What I have found here is that the woman are not gold diggers. They are careful!

The Western culture seems to be OK we have bread today but there will be jam (jelly) tomorrow.

Chinese women look to today, not for jam, but a regular supply of bread.   They look to be afraid of starting off on the road to nowhere.  That has been their experience for many generations and their lives have only started to improve in the past 20 years or so.

We can tell them what we have back home, nice house, nice car, a good job, pension in so many years time etc etc. But that is really intangible to them. We can show them pictures but who is to say that nice room your sitting is is not a friends place or the car your sitting in is not just on a sales site.   There is no sure sign that we are what we say we are. 

That is where the doubt comes into their minds.   As soon as they fully realise that you are telling the truth then there will never be a problem.  As they say a little goes a long way.

I was lucky in a way to have had no great assetts when I came here. I told my wife, right from the start when I first met her, that I had nothing left in the UK, no house, no car, small savings, so my she took me for what she could see. (But I dont think that she was fully 100% clear on that until we went to the UK 15 months ago and she saw for herself. )

We now have a nice home here and she looks after me as no other has ever done. I did tell her that it would take about four years to replace the money we spent on buying our apartment and having it refitted to our taste. You know what she did then. She went back to work with her niece so we could reduce that time scale to a little over 2 years.    I showed her that I was a genuine as I was.  But I was able to do that because I was here to stay.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,