Words of good advise.
A little while ago I decided ( I may add in good faith ) to use the services of Chnlove. In short,
I was asked to buy some credits ( which as it turn out to my luck ) I purchased 8 credits ONLY.
US$ 6.50 - per credit ( it means the cost per single reply ) 8 replies = 8 credits.
Now, This is where things went wrong and it will go wrong for you too if you don't watch out!!!
When I initially showed interest with one Chinese lady. I just sent her a very short note ( saying little
about me ) when that lady

replied and I had to use a credit to open her mail.
I got the biggest shock of my life. A lady I knew nothing about and she knew nothing about me.
Wrote in her mail. How lovely I was, How much she loved me and how wonderful life she will
have with me and so on... Well, the truth is. The lady is not the one who wrote to me but rather
it is her agency ( assigned by Chnlove ) This agencies must have a full book of compliments and false
words to drag you in and suck blood out of you. To put it simply, You are corresponding with the agency
not the ladies. This could go on and and on and not to mention the cost to you.
As soon as I was smart to figure out this scam. I decided to take my losses of 8 credits and stop.
If I was stuppied enough to continue. You guessed who will be the only winner ( the dating agency ) .
Leason learnt. Use your hard earned money wisley. DO NOT LET THIS AGENT SCAM YOU.