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Offline Peter Arnold

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Here I go again
« on: December 13, 2011, 02:57:09 am »
  I finally have some time to write an update on my search for my Chinese Princess. Having been to China twice to visit my first lady, I knew that there was no future for me with this lady as there wasn't the chemistry. We became very good friends, but I knew about two weeks out from my second trip that my heart really wasn't in it.
   So, to cut a long story short, I started my search again when I got back on CLL as I still had some subscription left. I met one lady who I liked, but was being worked to death, and didn't have the time to talk.
  When my subscription ran out, I almost did not renew, but I am so glad that I did.
  Then on the 17Th November, I talked with a 52 year old lady, who I almost let go by. Well, when I first saw her on QQ, having looked at her profile on CLL, I could not believe how gorgeous and vivacious she was compared to her photos. I was smitten from the very start.
  There is so much I like about this woman. Her voice, her smile, her laughter. She is the funniest woman I have ever met. She is retired, and a  yoga teacher. So we had an instant connection as I practice yoga myself.
  I hope you have guessed by now that I am in love with this woman, and we have been only talking for three weeks. Already we are talking of marriage. ;)
  I could not have picked a colder place to visit in winter than where she comes from. She is from Harbin. Yes, where the ice festival is and the temperatures are from -10 to -20! I have booked and paid for my air ticket and will fly from Brisbane on the 16Th February and will stay with her for 3 weeks. She is very disappointed I will not be there sooner, but I chose to go after New years and the Ice festival because of the cheaper flights. I managed to get a very cheap ticket, and premium economy to boot. For an average guy like me, premium economy is like first class!
  So I have been flat out working to pay for my trip to Harbin and then talking almost every night to my friend.
She is now very diligently working at learning English, and we have both been in stitches trying to get each other up to speed. I have never laughed so much as with this woman.
  Her name is Candy. Now I know this is not the best name to carry into the Western world, but she is adamant that she wants to keep it, despite my explanation of its connotations. Her son chose it for her, and her friends all agree that it suits her. I personally do not have a problem with it as it does suit her. She is a very sweet woman. When I type in her name, it comes up as sweet when translated.
  I am very glad that I have persisted in my search for a wife in China. Even though we have not spent time in the flesh, I honestly feel that Candy is the woman for me. We have talked about marriage, and her possibility of moving to Australia. She has a son who will also need to come, as all of her parents and parents in law are deceased.
  She has asked me about the possibility of me moving to Harbin if she does not get approval. I said I would if I could get teaching work. So, as much as she would like to leave Harbin, she genuinely wants to be with me.
  I will post a photo or two so you guys have an idea of who I am keen on.
  I would have given up on my search if I was not inspired by all of the successful guys on this site.
  So, that is my update. February cannot come soon enough, and I know that the hardest part will be having to leave this woman in Harbin when I leave.
    My work situation has steadily improved, so I am feeling positive about the possibility of getting her here if we decide to marry.
  Well that is enough for now. I will check in when the date of departure is closer. I would be interested to know if any Aussies have some information about the best strategy to get her son here. Can I wait 12 months, then get Candy to sponsor him? Would this be the best approach. I know these are early days, but I need to consider all of these things.
  Have a good Christmas guys. Maybe I will get time to get back onto this site and catch up on other peoples progress.
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Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2011, 03:02:36 am »
I want to add another photo of Candy. She is so much more photogenic than me! ;D
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Offline Jason B

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2011, 03:18:19 am »
Mate, so glad to hear from you again and with some very good positive news.  So many people come and go and it can be a bit of a wonder where they are upto in their own search and journey.

You have a good looking woman there, if I was not already married and a little older I would give you a run for your money. ;D ;D ;D

Can I wait 12 months, then get Candy to sponsor him? Would this be the best approach. I know these are early days, but I need to consider all of these things.

I think you will find that you will need to wait about 2 years for her to sponsor someone.  Maybe wrong but this is my understanding of this.  But you will be able to put them onto the one immigration form to come here together.  The way they (immigration) look at it is that you as the citizen are sponsoring everyone on the one form so as many as there are on there is what you are responsible for.  I do not know the dynamics of the family but still may need the fathers approval for the son.  Others may have the necessary info there.

Looking  forward to the updates.  And I am so glad it is you going there into the freezing temps and not me... :P ;D ;D ;D
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Offline shaun

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2011, 03:30:46 am »
Great new Peter and good luck.  Looks like you found yourself a keeper.

Offline Pineau

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2011, 11:04:11 am »
great news Peter.  Looks like you are the winner.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.


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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2011, 11:34:11 am »
Warms my Heart , but my Feet are cold .. just thinking about those Temp's in Feb. living in Southern Calif. .

It really is something , those who have almost given up ( me included ) .. are the ones who suddenly find "THEE" one . Well , certainly hope that is the case with you Peter .

Offline David E

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2011, 03:36:32 pm »
Hi Peter

Congratulations...hope all goes to plan when you visit Harbin (you are a very brave Man to venture into that sort of cold weather in Feb !....what we do for love  ;D ;D ;D)

You dont say how old is her son. If he is under 18 you can include him in your application for Candy. If he is older than this, you can get him here on an Education visa (for Uni) or a Student visa (for High School)

If he is a mature adult (18+) than you will have to get him sponsored for work on a 457 visa (a bit tricky unless he is in a work category that qualifies...Doctor, Dentist, Linesman, Welder etc etc)

Other than that, you will need to wait for Candy to get P/R...(about 2 years) and then she can sponsor him on a family reunion visa. If he is over 18, you wont need his Father's approval for him to emigrate.

Cheers and good hunting !!!...David

Offline daghoi

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2011, 05:36:07 pm »

Congrats Peter. hope it works out for you, be patient, February will come :)

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2011, 06:55:13 pm »
Peter , We know that it is early days , but have a great time in Harbin , go down to an army surplus store in Brisy and get 2 sets of thermal underwear along with gloves and when you arrive in Harbin you need to be wearing at least 1 pair Because unless you have been to Antartica lately you have no idea just how cold it may be and how quickly you can get sick , but as it is a lovely area enjoy yourself , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline john1964

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2011, 07:47:20 pm »
Good read Peter, I hope candy is the right one for you, Take Roberts advice about the thermal underwear, You don't want to end up with pneumonia like i did when i went to Handan last year, All the best mate, John .

Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2011, 08:59:25 pm »
Just an update on our journey. I feel like I have been living with this woman for the past 3 weeks. When I am not working, I am talking with her. She even wants me to leave QQ on when I cook dinner. I am about 49 days from leaving, and we both are eager to be together. This woman seems to totally get me, as in understand me, and I get her. She has a wonderful sense of humor. I have been to see an immigration lawyer and he has been extremely helpful. He is Chinese and has helped many people into the country. I do not want to stuff up my chances of getting this lady into my life and here with me. Seems that many women defect to Australia from her province of Heilongjiang. So it is important to do it right as they are very tough on the ladies. Her son will be a problem. He is 21 and not a dependent. This will be a tough call if we cannot get him here on her application. I have asked the lawyer to talk with Candy directly on the phone when I get back from China and engage him. She can understand what we are up against then. It will $3,500 well spent if we are successful.
She finds it hard to retain the English I teach her. She said that she has had a fall sometime, and it has affected her memory. Her husband was violent to her as he had alcohol issues which eventually killed him. She showed me a scar on her nose where he fractured her nose.
Anyway, we are pressing on with her English. I am waiting for her to finish 'dzow fahn', breakfast.
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Offline john1964

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2011, 03:13:04 am »
Good update Peter, My wife is the same, She asks me to leave QQ on when i go cook or go drop my daughter off at work (40 minute round trip), You sound just like me with counting down the days until you go to China, I have a calender where i mark the days off, My children ask me every day "dad have you crossed today off the calender?", Keep trying with the English mate, It will be worth it in the end, John.

Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2012, 05:07:20 pm »
  Well gentlemen, here I go again. I fly out of Brisbane tomorrow for Harbin. It is still very cold there. -10 to -20 still. They had some snow yesterday. I will fly for 9 hours to Guangzhou. I am pretty familiar with that airport now having spent a total of over 14 hours there in the past. But this time I get to stay overnight, then have a 4 hour trip to Harbin the next day to arrive at a civilized hour of 12.20 in the afternoon. I have got my long Johns ready to put on at Harbin Airport before I leave the airport. When I meet Candy, we will probably go shopping for some warm clothes and suitable shoes.
  I am hoping the chemistry between us is good and that we both still have a genuine desire to be together. It seems such a long time since we first met and I made travel plans. I would have been over there earlier if it weren't for Chinese New Year  celebrations and the Ice Festival. But I am glad it will be a bit quieter now. Chinese have to do the rounds of visiting their relatives every year at Chinese New Year.
  So wish me luck guys, and when I get a chance I will post a report on our progress.
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Offline Clayton

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2012, 05:32:30 pm »
Have a good trip Peter, I just googled Harbin to see where it is and bloody hell i bet it's cold up there.

Of course the good thing about that is the fun you have keeping each other warm haha, and her English will come all in good time, you sound like a patient man to me so i don;t think you will have any problems there.

I wish you all the best and i hope you have the time of your life.

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Offline shaun

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Re: Here I go again
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2012, 05:51:47 pm »
Have a great time.