Author Topic: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh  (Read 5533 times)

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Offline Scottish_Robbie

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DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« on: December 19, 2011, 12:07:09 am »
Ok you wonderful people, except willy of course (hehe)

I got chatting to my youngest son tonight and he mentioned about doomsday and the Nostradamus effect...I did not realise he was that clever to know about such things :-\  Anyway I got reading up on that and have come to the conclusion that nostradamus was either a time traveller or was bloody good at guessing.  He has got absolutely nearly everything he predicted right.

his latest prediction is that the world will be hit by a flaning ball of fire in 2012.  For those guys who have NOT been to china to sample their delights, and I'm not just talking about the females :o I suggest you go before May, I think this is the deadline for this catrastophic event.  If you can get as far away from the shoreline as possible, go high up into the hills making sure you keep away from anywhere that can landslide.  Good luck brothers and sisters   ;D ;D ;D

I most admit i am not one for shouting anything like this out, but thought I would remind people about it
« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 12:09:00 am by Scottish_Robbie »
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2011, 12:13:44 am »
Nice one Robbie.  I know you are committed to China but I can think of another place you should be committed to. With a straightjacket preferably.  ;D ;D

Does my wife know what she is in for when you make that visit to us.  :'(

And as for the flaming ball of fire that is the Olympic torch being lit in London next year.

If he was that clever why has he never give me the lottery numbers the day before the draw?

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline David E

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2011, 12:51:40 am »
Ok you wonderful people, except willy of course (hehe)

I got chatting to my youngest son tonight and he mentioned about doomsday and the Nostradamus effect...I did not realise he was that clever to know about such things :-\  Anyway I got reading up on that and have come to the conclusion that nostradamus was either a time traveller or was bloody good at guessing.  He has got absolutely nearly everything he predicted right.

his latest prediction is that the world will be hit by a flaning ball of fire in 2012.  For those guys who have NOT been to china to sample their delights, and I'm not just talking about the females :o I suggest you go before May, I think this is the deadline for this catrastophic event.  If you can get as far away from the shoreline as possible, go high up into the hills making sure you keep away from anywhere that can landslide.  Good luck brothers and sisters   ;D ;D ;D

I most admit i am not one for shouting anything like this out, but thought I would remind people about it

NEARLY everything right Robbie ..... :o we might NEARLY get hit by this flaming thingami....but what if it hits us (nearly) on a hill top...what do we do then...head for the Ocean  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2011, 04:32:29 am »
Maybe it will just go for Barrow!

Well your home town is called Barrow in Furness Robbie so we can always change it to Barrow in Furnace. :P

The Hottest Place on Earth!  But then I always had it on equal par with Hell. ;D

Poetic Justice I say.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 04:34:03 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Vince G

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2011, 08:16:41 am »
The word "predicted" is correct. Nostradamus didn't see or travel to the future. Contrary to his legend, he wrote his predictions in three languages, being afraid of a witch hunt situation. In the decoding of it they "interpreted" such things. I think he knew human nature very well and came up with his writings from that? Now I do not know if he gave the year 2012? His dates on everything else were off or not even close.

Some are reading into some things like the Mayan Calendar to much. It was made till the year 2012 BUT then is to start over at the beginning. For any reason why they failed to mention this? It's a freakin Mayan Calendar? Why would I put my faith into it? Dave E, I thought you would have ran with this one but I see your getting soft?  :)

The lady I will be meeting in 2012 had mentioned about the end of the world in 2012 and if I heard? I just told her it would just be a new world for us, not to worry.

What I really think is that I will get to China and the world will STOP. As there will be amazement, unbelief and shock, all setting in that I am there.  :o ;D


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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2011, 12:15:53 pm »
I have used this Mayan Calendar with Qing on any situation regarding next year . Remember Sweetheart it will all end in 2012 ! :-\
We are planning to go back to Shanghai at the end of next year , as her Mom will turn 70 yrs. old and her Brother 48 yrs. in 2013 ( year of the Snake ) . I will turn 60 yrs. also a Snake . This will be many reasons to Celebrate . If the World still is in one piece by then ? One good feeling I have about all this Fireball going to hit the Earth , is .. I think it will hit the US right in the middle , as most of the Middle East pray for that to happen .
Anyway , I will NOT load up all my Credit Card's like some People most likely will . haha

Offline David E

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2011, 03:16:41 pm »
Of course I'm going soft Vince....I am a contented and happily married Man no time or inclination left for bad thoughts, hostility or dumb folks  ;D ;D ;D

What I will say that nobody, never, anywhere, anytime has ever produced the slightest shred of testable, scientific proof of any ability whatsoever to see into the future with any level of predictable accuracy.

If you read up on much of the latest science on the studies done on Time itself from a perspective of Quantum Physics, we can see that Time is a 2 way arrow that points both backward and forward, thus everything in the future (within the limits of the Heinsenburgh uncertainty Principle) is, if you break an egg today, Quantum Physics suggests that sometime, somewhere in the future there is a Certainty that that egg will reconstitute itself.  This may be 20 seconds into the future, or 200 million years...nobody knows the Math to properly predict when. If you take the Novel "War and Peace" and unbind it into separate pages, then chuck the whole lot into the air, there is a probability that the falling pages will reconstitute the book exactly as it was before !!...but you maybe need to chuck it about 10 X 10 to the 100th power !!! times...but nevertheless, statistically it WILL happen that day.

So you could say that by stating the fact that an egg WILL reconstitute itself and War and Peace will fall in EXACTLY the right order, you are looking into the future....the only part you cant answer is...WHEN

So Nostradamus (and thousands of others like him) could well be said to be able to predict the can I...I will predict with total certainty that the World will come to an end...only problem is...I cant predict when !!!!

Nuff said..I have a headache now, need to get a remedial massage from my Princess  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2011, 10:01:21 pm »

Nuff said..I have a headache now,  ;D ;D ;D

You got a headache NOW. I got that before I finished the first paragraph of explanation.   ??? ??? ???

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Sylvain D

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2011, 06:20:33 am »
Doomsday in 2012?
well, man has just one year remaning, so?

I don't really think that Nostradamus is right, but well... what about if he would had been right?
From what I've read here and there on Internet, the "beginning of the end" would happen because of earthquakes and volcanos between France and Italy. There is an important area that is said to be very dangerous, and that would be as a "falling dominoes" effect. One volcano would awake, then another one, then another one and so on (usw, as man says in Germany :D)

Ok, let's all scare and do many things man wouldn't have been thinking about before?
I don't really think it would happen next year, but well, if it would, I don't really want to change many many things.
My life is quite good, I did what I wanted and I got what I wished about "family", "love", "friends".

Now, about travelling, the deal is the money... what about playing together to a big lottery and win the amazing million $ ? :)
Ok, if Nostra' was right, even with 1 000 000 $ won, man could not spend all the money for anything... but well, that could be enough anyway to go in China and somewhere else before everything ends, right? Plus, maybe all the brotherhood could meet somewhere and have a big dinner with dumplings? :)

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Offline shaun

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2011, 07:40:10 am »
If I knew for sure I would liquidate everything and go spend the remaining days with my lovely in China.

People have been trying to predict the end of this world since the beginning of this world.   It is the proverbial dog chasing its tale.   

No one knows when not even  Maxx or David E.

But gents there will be an end.  Uh oh he is getting spiritual!  Not really.  Every living thing has a beginning and an end.   The earth is life.  It had a beginning and it will have an end.  When will that be?  No one knows.   Personally I think mankind will end long before the earth does and I think that the earth will die because of mankind.

So what does all of this mean?  It mean that you should live your life like it means something. 

Offline David E

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2011, 03:46:43 pm »
I am very fascinated by the whole concept of the life cycle of the Universe....purely for far as the Physics go, I am an idiot savant...all a bit beyond me.

But like most people, "why are we here" where are we going", "what's it all about" holds my attention...but not to obsessive levels.

I just finished a book..."The Fabric of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene". It looked like a good read.

If I ever needed further proof that my brain can never get to grips with the Cosmological thing, I will quote ONE paragraph so you can see what I mean...

"The recession speed of a Supernova depends on the difference between the gravitational pull of ordinary matter vs the gravitational push of "dark energy" supplied by the Cosmological Constant. Taking the amount of matter, both visible and dark, to be about 30% of the critical density, the Supernova researchers concluded that the accellerated expansion they had observed required an outward push of a Cosmological Constant whose dark energy contributed about 70% of the critical density. "

I have absolutely no idea what this means...way beyond my capacity to understand.
Maybe we weren't meant to understand it anyway.

I am hoping Maxx or Willy can translate this paragraph for me... ;D ;D ;D

Offline Jason B

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2011, 04:59:40 pm »
Simple Dave 30% is you and how you get your way with La Po the 70% is her and if you do not do what she wants you will be 100% in the dog house.

But the earth will not be here one day is a fact.  One day in the very distant future the sun will change into a different type of star and swallow the whole solar system as it slowly dies.  We all will be a bit of cosmic dust by then so do not worry one bit and enjoy your life every day and most importantly tell your wife you love her everyday.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2011, 05:31:41 pm »

But the earth will not be here one day is a fact.  One day in the very distant future the sun will change into a different type of star and swallow the whole solar system as it slowly dies.  We all will be a bit of cosmic dust by then so do not worry one bit and enjoy your life every day and most importantly tell your wife you love her everyday.

This is why I should buy myself a good size Telescope and check on those Earth-like Object's they always talking about .. if I see any PROPERTY FOR SALE sign up there ?

Offline maxx

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2011, 06:50:11 pm »
David all it says is that since you have to opposing powers.That the universe is constantly expanding and contracting.

Vince G

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Re: DOOMSDAY The end is Nigh
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2011, 06:51:55 pm »
Well Dave I won't make believe I am a scholar of physics but I do know what that book is about. The darkness in space is a matter charged with "strings"* of energy (a gravity) in which helped form the universe. This energy adds to the activities of black holes, supernovas and anything else progressing up there.

*one theory is string type, another theory are a erratic circle. There are many disagreements between the two? human nature.

How I know about this... it's on tonight (PBS)

Episode: The Fabric of the Cosmos: The Illusion of Time
(First Aired: Nov. 09, 2011)
A time-traveling adventure moves 50 years into the future, then travels back to the past.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 07:24:21 pm by Vince G »