Doomsday in 2012?
well, man has just one year remaning, so?
I don't really think that Nostradamus is right, but well... what about if he would had been right?
From what I've read here and there on Internet, the "beginning of the end" would happen because of earthquakes and volcanos between France and Italy. There is an important area that is said to be very dangerous, and that would be as a "falling dominoes" effect. One volcano would awake, then another one, then another one and so on (usw, as man says in Germany

Ok, let's all scare and do many things man wouldn't have been thinking about before?
I don't really think it would happen next year, but well, if it would, I don't really want to change many many things.
My life is quite good, I did what I wanted and I got what I wished about "family", "love", "friends".
Now, about travelling, the deal is the money... what about playing together to a big lottery and win the amazing million $ ?

Ok, if Nostra' was right, even with 1 000 000 $ won, man could not spend all the money for anything... but well, that could be enough anyway to go in China and somewhere else before everything ends, right? Plus, maybe all the brotherhood could meet somewhere and have a big dinner with dumplings?