Author Topic: Birth / Star Signs  (Read 5795 times)

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Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Birth / Star Signs
« on: December 25, 2011, 11:12:21 pm »
reading what Jimmysilk wrote in Vinces thread made me think ???

What wesern and chines star sign are you ? your wife/girlfriend ?

Do you make a good match. according to the stars?

Do you believe in them?

I was born in 56, I am a libra. My chinese is the year of the monkey ;D
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Offline Jason B

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Re: Sirth / Star Signs
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2011, 11:18:36 pm »
I am Sagittarius/Dog (Metal), 1970, Xia is Gemini/Rabbit (Wood), 1975 and we are a perfect match.  Do not know what the stars say about that that is what we say.......Laura will be a Dragon. But the site I looked at said rabbits were compatible with dogs.  When we were in China prior to getting married her aunties all went to some priest or whatever with our starsigns and birth details and when they come back they also said that we were a perfect match.
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Offline maxx

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2011, 12:21:06 am »
I really hate to interupt the flow of the dialogue here.But Jason brought something up that I would like to elaborate on.A few months ago one of are members wife went to the priest.The priest did all the mumble jumbo in his priestly power.And the priest said that they were not a good match.So this relationship goes down the drain.The wife won't return his calls or emails.She drops of the face of the earth.

So I'm reading threw the forum one day.And I noticed that said members aviator isn't right.And his posts are starting to be a real downer.So I contact the member.And ask him what is up.He tells me his tale of sorrow.One of the first things I ask him is did he bribe the priest.He tells me no.He hasn't bribed the priest.And would never think of doing something this foolish.Or low handed.

So I write the member back tell him to go to China.Find his wife.And find the priest.And give the priest a couple of hundred Rmb.And watch how the priest changes his after a couple of days the member thinks about it goes to China finds his wife.And gives the priest some money.Sure enough the priest goes into his mumble jumbo again.And now the member walks on water.And can do no wrong as far as the priest is concerned.

So my point is if you and the lady are getting along just great.Then one day it all goes to hell in a handbasket.Ask yourself did your lady visit the priest a water walker.a sooth Sayer.Or a monk.If so and your lady is acting like you are not fit enough to walk with mortal men.It means you probably forgot to bribe the holly man.

I almost got stuck in the same situation.My wife kept telling me that she needs to go see the fortune teller.After I got done laughing.And she got over being mad at me.I went to see the fortune teller with her.and I gave him a couple of hundred Rmb.Before he even got started in his mumble jumbo.When he did start reading my wife's hand.I'm a good choice for her. And she will have a happy life with many sons.And now I can walk on the water.And do no wrong.

I think this falls under different custom's different culture issues.I have never ben to a fortune teller before this.Or since then.But it was something that was important to the woman I wanted to marry so  I thought I would just go to make her happy.By going and seeing this I found out just how very important this little ritual was to my wife.And to her family.

To answear Rob's question my wife is a Rabbit she was born in 1975.I'm a Sheep I was born in 1967.And yes we are compatible.If we had not ben compatible.We would of never got passed the Emf stage.

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2011, 02:00:46 am »
Maxx thanks for the post..
About compatability...I was wondering more on 'if' the stars said you wee compatible
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Offline Clayton

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2011, 04:00:20 am »
Well Robbie, I just looked up my and my wife's signs, it turns out we are opposites, she is Leo and I am Pisces.  It just said " Opposites you are attracted to " but went on to say that this does not mean our relationship won't work.
I'm actually a firm believer that opposites can work really well together, I think it would be boring if i was married to some one like myself.
On the Chinese side of it, she is a Tiger and I'm an Ox and I am encouraged by what I red about our match
This is the actual quote from the web site.

"The Ox and the Tiger's vastly different approaches to life make this a difficult match. Surprisingly, sometimes their very differences can make these couples spectacular lovers. Their overall compatibility rating is 40%."

I normally don't take any notice of this sort of thing, but it's interesting to learn a bit about us and knowing we are opposites will only make us work harder at our marriage.

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2011, 05:52:33 am »

 My chinese is the year of the monkey ;D

Well that says it all. ::)

  Aliens, nostradamus and astrology all in the same week.  What's for the new year fairies and hobbits?  Please, please get back to writing the book. ;D

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline shaun

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2011, 06:36:56 am »
When I first began this journey I knew that this very subject would be an issue.   Having been brought up in a Christian home, having been a pastor, and being a deeply spiritual person myself this subject is taboo.  I knew it would have to be addressed somewhere along my journey.  So my approach was to study the subject and learn all I could about it.

I will tell you that I do not believe in it but that I do believe that there is some truth to it.  I consider it to be a counterfeit religion.  Like all counterfeits they closely resemble the real item but there are subtleties that make them fake.

One of my father's closest friends when I was growing up shared with me when he began to look for a woman to marry that he built a set of parameters that were qualities he would not negotiate on.  One of those parameters was that she had to come from a rich family.  Then he told me that his job was to go out and find a woman he could love that filled those parameters.  They were the perfect couple.

Back to birth/star sign.  Most of the women in China they believe this is true.  They may tell you they do not but they do.  Peggy was that way and when I went to China guess where we went.  She will tell you to this day that she doesn't believe in it. Hehe.

When I studied this subject I cross referenced my ex-wife and she was the worst choice possible for me.  I concur with that.  The marriage counselor/pastor told me the same thing after the divorce.

I used, the Birth/Star Signs as Rob calls it, as one of the criteria to selecting my perfect Chinese bride to be.  Peggy and I are perfectly matched and I have found the perfect woman for me.  We have our issues but at the end of the day we are generally on the same page or at least she lets me thing that for a while.

Do I believe in it?   --  No but it isn't a bad idea to used for selecting a perfect match.

Is this necessary to find the perfect woman for you?  --  Absolutely not; just not a bad idea another tool in the bag.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 06:43:22 am by shaun »

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2011, 08:21:40 am »
Thanks guys

I knew there would be some who don't believe in it and possibly not take part. I am not offneded by this Everyone to their own, thats what I say.

My exz wife and I wereLeo & Libra 'a good match' and like others the marriage bit the dust.  I am Not a full believer in it myself, some things that are said aere corerct
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill

Vince G

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2011, 08:28:35 am »
Mike lighten up, it doesn't threaten your beliefs unless you let it. Do I believe in any of it? NO, it's a sort of entertainment. In the zodiac definitions there all the same crap written to each sign. Things you want to hear. Again, based on human nature.

For those not knowing the state of Florida here in the US, Fortune-tellers/Palm readers are all over the place here. There is one in the group of stores that I can walk to, maybe 300 feet away? Many of the stores around them have gone under but they remain? So they must be doing some business?

There was one "Psychic" that even had a TV show, Edwards I think his name was back in NY, born and raised. He was fun to watch. Didn't believe anything he said but I had a good time analyzing his methodically.

Nostradamus did not say the world would end in 2012? He wrote it would be 3797. Supposedly a comet will hit earth in dec 2012 and disrupt the way of life according to him. But he did not write the end of the world. There that took 10 minutes to find out.

For horoscopes to be accurate you need the time of your birth and that's compared to the star and planet line up. It's just their opinion.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 08:56:50 am by Vince G »

Offline shaun

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2011, 08:50:51 am »
There was another on TV Vince that has been gone for billions and billions of years.

Vince G

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2011, 09:11:27 am »
There were 3 Psychics on TV. Edwards had his own show, another guy (who can't keep his story straight) was the main structure for the writing of the show Medium, the other is a woman another total fake that sits with ? can't think of his name? anyway total fake. Just that they pull at peoples heart stings. Oh yes! there was a Psychic on TV (here) that you had to call the 900 number to get your fortune told? She had this deep Jamaican accent. In reality she was born in California and an actress. I think she just got out of jail for fraud.


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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2011, 11:40:29 am »
     我看到大家对星座谈论。我不得不在这说。这是中国迷信宗教。当中国老式传统步骤的传递。只是从部分地理区域人来说。并不是所有---他,她---相信属相。星座会给他们婚姻带来好的生活景色。其实只是给自己刚开始婚姻具备心理爱抚。难道中国婚姻家庭分歧的都是星座属性不符合。而离婚? 错!!!每个人当她,他在找到伴侣时期---有要生活---好的希望---延长到老---同时步入天堂。但是婚姻路是漫长。它需要夫妻双方相互理解。包容。责任。使生活过的有趣。对中国的那些所谓迷信算命的仆人,他。她只是给别人有书本上理论概述,来获取酬金演讲给他人。朋友--命运掌握在自己手中!婚姻是夫妻相互信任,包容。责任的坚持延续。劝告那些大海彼岸恋人,相信自己,不要信仰迷信。导致痛苦的时光。

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2011, 01:38:39 pm »
Forgot about the others, Robert. The Psychic Network... 

That is Miss Cleo the actress (1st video), John Edward, Sylvia Browne, are two others I mentioned and the one I couldn't remember the name is….

James Van Praagh, the spiritual and psychic author and CO-executive of the television show The Ghost Whisperer was born in Bayside, New York, in the United States of America. he appeared on many popular television shows such as, The Oprah Winfrey show, Larry King Live, Maury Povich, 20/20, and 48 Hours.

Funny enough James and John (both from LI NY) are about 15 minute ride from each other.

Offline David E

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2011, 06:06:41 pm »

The reverence for Sun, Moon and stars that has origins as old as mankind itself, is considered a "counterfeit" religion........ :( :(

How come that in 30,000 years of human history that had the sole religion of reverence to Nature and Natural things, has been ignored and declared counterfeit to this new fashion of Monotheism that is just 2000 years old, and was forced on the World by Emperor Constantine to protect the dwindling might of the Roman Empire from the ravages of the "heathen" Gothic hordes ???

The Sun is the giver of all Sun, no life.....seems pretty important to me in the grand scheme of things.... ;D ;D

ps..If "God" made the come he waited 7 billion years to tell us about it ???

ps...maybe it would be a good idea to put this thread in the Religious section, then people with views like mine would not need to rise to a public defence of an alternative viewpoint.....
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 06:12:41 pm by David E »

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Re: Birth / Star Signs
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2011, 06:21:02 pm »
Also...let me rant on for one moment...

My beautiful relationship was derailed at one point by the Religion monster...something about "unequally yoked" as I recall being said here.

My ,then, fiance was devastated by this concept and wanted to call the whole thing off (she being a Devoted Buddhist). Her Priest gave her the same story...wont work...

It was only after I made a dash to China, spoke to her Priest...paid him a large lump of folding money, that he changed his tune and sudenly decided we were a perfect match.

After 6 months now...none of this rubbish has even remotely affected our life together and our happiness together.

So I am very, very sensitive about all this...been burned !!!!