Author Topic: Translating on the go  (Read 1687 times)

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Offline Peter Arnold

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Translating on the go
« on: December 26, 2011, 11:17:04 pm »
Hey guys, just wondering what others would recommend in terms of portable translators. I had a BBK but it has packed it in. My new lady said she would feel uncomfortable wandering around Harbin with a translation device. I was thinking of buying a new phone with android on it so I could download a translation application. I said to Candy I would buy her a new mobile in China so she could do the same. What would others recommend. Initially she sent me a picture of an Apple Iphone, but I told her there had to be a cheaper way. I did consider an Apple Ipod, because I can download the application, but I would also need a phone.
Any thoughts? I am okay with technology, but only after I have run it past my er dzur (son)
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Vince G

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Re: Translating on the go
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2011, 12:04:30 am »
So far translator wise besides my computer I have an Android phone. On it I have ready everything needed for china, 2 translators (google is one) both can be spoken or typed in and it will answer in both written (pinyin & Simp chn) and vocal. Pretty cool actually. Also have the money exchange (real time) and unit conversion. It's a Motorola ATRIX 4G, duel processor and all the other goodies. $99. usd

I have thought of having a Besta as well? When I have the time I'll check out what they have.