Author Topic: Agencies that have a great record  (Read 17684 times)

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Offline daghoi

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2009, 05:38:58 pm »
Great to see that people have good experiences with some agencies. Like the idea of the thread, need some positive stories around here.

Just one thought, with the danger of being called the party spoiler etc. Is the title a litle ambitious ? Thinking that "we" are kind of vouching for all the translater's working in these agencies.

It's is nothing i'd like to start a debate over, just be open minded and give it a though. (Just to be clear, i do not want to stop the thread, just a suggestion to think about a new name).

Offline Peter

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2009, 11:19:48 am »
Alex.. If the ladies are at P218 I guess that you will have a webcam quite soon.. I think I got my first after 1 month.. Our translator helped me with this..
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Offline UK Mark

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2009, 06:33:48 pm »
Nice to have a positive thread with people talking about good agencies

I was just thinking about rating agencies and started thinking about ebay and how people rate their experience of dealing with a supplier / customer (excuse the terms used)

for example for those not familiar with ebay system .. a typical profile is...

blacksmithproducts ( 12727)  
Positive Feedback (last 12 months): 99.9%

Recent Feedback Ratings (last 12 months)  

                   1 month    6 months      12 months  

 Positive        1433         7270             10598
 Neutral         5              11                 17
 Negative       2              7                   8

I wonder if this would be constructive ???
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Vince G

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2009, 11:27:26 pm »
Constructive here? There isn't enough traffic on one agency to make a rating. Maybe a "Strikes against"
But that's taking it to another list and whether the strike is true or not or an opinion and it's a whole other problem. I don't see a reason to keep track.

Offline hellerjk

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2009, 09:20:01 pm »
I need some opinions on the following.

I am talking with a lovely lady from the Zhongshan TianMimi Information and Consultation Co. Ltd.  Agency ID: P788

This is my first time using any of these systems, but the girl I am talking to is quite nice.

How here is the thing.  After 4 EMF's  2 other girls have send "Admirer" emails and they are from the same agency.

I have not received many admirer notes yet (I mean only 1 week on the site).  But out of the 10 I did receive 2 are from this agency. I sent a CUPID note the the girl I am talking to from this agency.

This had me thinking that the agency is pushing me to other ladies from their agency.

Paranoid New Yorker in me thinks (maybe they are seeing if I am honorable and will only talk to 1 lady not multiple)

or 2... they are pushing their service

What do you think?


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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2009, 09:33:31 pm »
Hellerjk , it does not matter , how many you receive at the beginning . It's total up to you to choose one that is to your best interest and then , hide your Profile . So no more are coming in to confuse you . Hiding your Profile , will let the Lady you want to write to , know  that you are only interested in Her . Now if you are planning to write more then one , which is up to you of course , but make sure they are not from the same Agency , because they might know each other . Not good . Good Luck !

Offline Neil

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2009, 09:43:40 pm »
I'd agree with Arnold, 2 from the same agency isn't a good idea at all.  Chances are good they are friends or know each other.  Like you say, it may be a test.  They could be pushing their service too but I wouldn't take the chance. irresistible as chocolate

Offline hellerjk

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2009, 09:49:53 pm »
I totally agree with you there.  I always look at the agency.  I declined the admirer note nicely when I noticed the same agency.  I really like the girl I just met so ne reason to mess that up.  I was concerned that maybe this agency was not totally legit.

I followed other advice.  For example after the 3rd EMF from the lady I like, I pointed out that her professional photos were wonderful, and would it be possible to see an everyday photo of her (like the one I sent.)  The very next email was a simple photo from the girl in her home taken by herself (like cell phone or something).  It was very obvious that it was taken by herself (given the angle). And sure enough, she was a lovely (if not prettier) unposed in this regular photo than the professional one.  This gave me great comfort that she is genuine and sincere.  The agency translation is a little mediocre, but the spirit of the communication has been really nice.

I was just a little surprised that the agency has 2 other girls contact me.


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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2009, 09:57:15 pm »
hellerjk , you are one of the lucky ones here , believe me . For getting a everyday Photo of your Girl sooo soon into your writing . That shows something special in this Lady . But remember not to push all things to fast , until she is comfortable with it first . So far you have a great start , keep it going .
« Last Edit: June 07, 2009, 09:58:05 pm by Arnold »

Offline hellerjk

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2009, 10:06:04 pm »
All very sound advice. Thanks guys.  I have made my profile Hidden, and am waiting for a response to my last EMF (sent yesterday).  I hope to receive a response soon.

Do you kow if agencies are open on Sunday's to translate for the lady's?  I noticed my last EMF (Saturday) was translated that same day (which surprised me).

Offline Ed W

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2009, 10:07:12 pm »
that's what i got. She was wonderful and i aksed for an everyday pic of her at work. it wasn't the studio pic but el natural...I couldnt have asked for more.

it sounds like you have been picked by a lady that resembles my now wife. Give her the trust and passion and leave the insecurities behind.

when i was dating my wife, she valued my honesty and forthrightness but also my ability to refrain from talking about issues that embarrased her since our translator reads all our letters.

if it goes really well and if she beings talking about marriage, dont fear it. You can avoid talking/responding about it for a while but if your like me, you will eventualy surccum to her desires. hehe.

Point is, don't fight her. she's likely a very passionate person with a heart larger than you can imagine and you may find yourself trying to learn the extent of it.
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Vince G

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2009, 10:11:18 pm »
Hellerjk your off to a good start. You're right the agencies will push more on you. I hid my profile soon after I started so I choose. Where in NY are you from?

Offline hellerjk

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2009, 10:16:26 pm »
Thanks Vince.  

I grew up in Long Island, went to undergrad & grad at NYU & now work in downtown Manhattan.  I'm in the process of getting divorced (which I was upfront with the lady right away with).  See was pleased about the honesty (letter 2...) I think the honested prompted the photo.  I'm hoping in a few weeks (not to rush her) to request direct contact.  We'll see.  I told her I want to move slowly in terms of romance, but wanted to know about her (which takes time).  She was also pleased.  She was upfront with me & said her english is poor, but goes to school Sunday's to learn english better.  Very impressive (which I told her).

I was not expecting things to click so quickly... but I suspect the translator is helping with this.  We'll see.  I like this kind of adventure.

Vince G

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2009, 10:53:41 pm »
Nooooo where on the Island? I'm from Merrick (Nassau south shore)

Offline hellerjk

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RE: Agencies that have a great record
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2009, 11:37:33 pm »