Author Topic: The debate over Proteus  (Read 8083 times)

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Offline China Shark

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2009, 10:33:09 am »
Vince, you know I am a righteous guy so you must understand where the guys that are currently being scammed stand. We are nervous about plunking credits down only to keep going through it over again. You lucky guys have it made so it doesn't really adversly affect you. I have had a bunch of these credits and everytime I start to use I find out it is another ruse to extract money from me. These aren't rumors, everytime I try to start something with a woman on here it turns out to be a fictious profile or the girl wants a penpal. I have at least 6 of these types just in the 7 months I've been on Chnlove. I appreciate your sentiments yet we cannot bury our heads because it is stirring up dust or rocking the boat. If enough complaints are filed, followed through with on the forums they will actually start taking us seriously, they'll have no other choice. I am not a nutjob like Geordie, these are legitimate concerns and I am not attacking anyone's posts. If Proteus feels he was wrongly accused he or she can reply back the same as everybody else here. I suspect ulterior motive here, why is he or she suddenly appearing after all the smoke was starting to clear up about the shennanigans that were going on. Vince there are no coincidences in life. It was a calculated strategic counter move. Yes, I am overly paranoid yet not stupid. Questions need to be legitimately answered before we give the keys to the city away. We really don't know who or what motives are behind Proteus'es posts. Jury is still out until I see something worth giving he or she the shadow of a doubt. Being cynical and paranoid insures that I will not be taken advantage any longer here or anywhere.
China Shark Mike
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Offline Irishman

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2009, 12:40:58 pm »
Shark, while I understand your sentiment I think you are taking out your frustration with chnlove on someone that claims to be here of their own volition and not in a official capacity which seems a little harsh (and i have reasons not to doubt them on that).
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Offline China Shark

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2009, 12:57:42 pm »
Guys Yes I am mad about a lot of crap going on lately but you guys are buying everything he has to say without a shred of authenticity. Let him or her prove thier credibilty before you hand over the keys to the city. I am not attacking a post or individuals just stating some facts you guys seem to be overlooking. You guys can play Sunday quarterback because you've all found your girls. What about the guys still presently being victimized by these predators. I do know thy enemy and I stand behind everything I say on here. Stop being so trusting and naive and start doing something about it other than criticizing people who are trying to take a stand. You are my brothers yet I'm starting to feel like I am being classified the same as Geordie which is highly insulting.
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Offline stuart barlow

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2009, 03:18:57 pm »
I also think its a bit strange, someone shows up after we send a letter to chnlove.he/she hasn't told us anything we don't really know already.And when pushed on any issues he hides behind his job.if he's annonamous(dont know if that's spelt correctly )to us then surely he must be to his bosses,I think we have a Chinese 007 in our camp?( shaken and not stirred )
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 03:22:00 pm by stuart barlow »

Vince G

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2009, 03:56:50 pm »
Sharkman, I know what your saying and I didn't learn all of this by not losing money in EMF's. I did figure what I spent in EMF's and took out for the EMF's to my current lady and I was in the hole (no pun intended) for a grand. That's $1,000.00 and change before I met Song. But there wasn't a brotherhood forum to ask about things.

I went to a hearing because my boss was being sued a few years ago. Because I was the supervisor I had to make a statement. As they (4 lawyers) were preparing to take my statement, I was asked if I was prepped or given answers? I said it then and I say it now. No one puts words in my mouth or tells me what to say. I tell it as it is.

So I think it applies here too. If Chnlove, a agency, a translator thinks they will sway me or us into thinking all is fine? with flowery words? They got the wrong place. I don't care who it is? If I think I'm being lied to? I'll call them out.  

If this happens I will be first on line to beat him down. But it hasn't happen yet.

And nobody is classifying you. If he did something wrong I would be happy to let you loose on him? After me. :P

Offline daghoi

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2009, 05:22:35 pm »
I'm with Shark on this one.

What i have seen from Proteus so far i's just generic chit chat. Could have written it myself. Suggest we just let him/her alone until we get something that we have not heard before or are provided something that prove credibility. From my point of view. This is Chnlove trying to do "damage control".

 I will encourage persons who ask him questions, make sure you get proper and spesific answer to your question's. We are offerd answer in the thread title so way should we settle for less ?

Offline Norb Smith

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2009, 05:32:06 pm »
So with all this controvery over how legit Proteus is, and we all know Mike is there in Shenzhen, dont you all think that since Mike is very much in the brotherhood that they meet in person. I understand the Shark being a little bitter, but then again so am I with things at present, but at least we can find out if this Proteus is real, it doesnt mean that he has to give out which agency he is from or anything that could cause him to lose face but at least it gives some of us more confidence in his approach to our questions that we ask and he responds to, and does also help "or destroy" his creditibility
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Offline UK Mark

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2009, 05:36:48 pm »
Its a open discussion board , which is good so we all have an opinion Proteus is either a PR man or a guy who really wants to help , my own point of view here is to lean towards the Sharks opinion ,

As i see it there are basically two lines of thought

1.. PR , well the reason to post is obvious then , to improve relations , increase trust , mainly for business reasons

2.. 'Good Guy wanting to help' .. well im trying to think deeper into this , if Proteous is genuine and talking to us off the record that would be quite a thing as of course there is the chance of him losing his job if found out (pretty unlikely i expect, but still the chance is there) , to bother to take any risk at all its logical to think then he would really care about the issues and talk really open and in depth about the ladies attitudes , translations , scams by ladies and agency ..

so guys do you feel you have been talking to someone who is just ' talking positive ' or someone talking passionately about a subject they really care about ..??

Whatever you think lets not attack him , as with all members lsiten , consider , question , input .. thats what makes this site so good
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Vince G

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2009, 06:14:54 pm »
Quote from: 'UK Mark' pid='4667' dateline='1243978608'
Whatever you think, lets not attack him as with all members listen, consider, question, input.

That's all I'm saying.

Offline Rhonald

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2009, 06:43:30 pm »
Many people have stated that a meeting with Proteus would confirm evidence of his sincerity. I think this is a false premise. Unless we were to tag along and follow him through the course of his daily work, we would never know for sure that he is what he says he is or an impersonator. Heck he could even not be working for an agency or Chnlove - just an intellegent sham out for kicks. I have found value in the information he has given and even if he is just a PR person, it then shows that Chnlove has shown interest in our concerns.

I hear coments about our brotherhood affecting the bottom line of Chnlove. I have no idea how many possible clients have come here to this site and have been swayed away from using Chnlove services. I would like to think we have had a great impact, but since we only have about 150 members, lets not talk grandiose power. I am gratefull of what the brotherhood has accomplished. We have come together in the dark and shed light to help guide others that follow in our path.

Right now the power I see us having is in helping those who have stumbled upon this site. Our crusade is to help the brethren, not to audit Chnlove. So far the posts from Proteus have been encouraging. If he is legit - he can not on his own stop all the scams. So why put so much of the possiblities on him. Listen to his words and take that which is usefull.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 06:48:51 pm by Rhonald »
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Offline MLM

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2009, 08:31:48 pm »
Hi all, WTF?, I go away for a week and all hell hits the fan, maybe I should try to find these posts frrom Proteus, but I'm to tired, so please some one tell me whats going on.:huh:

Paul Todd

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2009, 08:33:09 pm »
As a information sharing and support group I believe there is none finer anywhere. The members here are a good caring bunch of guy's with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. Just one of our strengths.  Between us we have a wealth of information unrivaled on this subject, and it's growing by the day.

But as a pressure group were rubbish. It's like herding cats. As Rhonald so rightly said "I would like to think we have had a great impact, but since we only have about 150 members, lets not talk grandiose power" If our friend Proteus is a plant from head office,well I take it as a compliment.To think they care about what we in our little backwater say, its reassuring. Maybe just maybe voicing our concerns "might" help clean up there act.

To be honest what we "say" is not going to hit there bottom line, how many male members worldwide do they have! Put agency scams into google,pages of rants about this stuff. Does it hit there bottom line,or does it come with the territory.I'm not saying don't give it a go, just get a little perspective.

We shouldn't get too hung up about this and stick to what we do best,gathering and sharing information and experiences for the benefit of us all. If Proteus has good information lets use it. If it's all misinformation,fluff and nonsense we will all know soon enough. As Karl Marks said "Give him enough Rope"[:D first time I've seen that name in this forum]
[attachment=173] Cool off!
Lets treat him with the respect we all give each other here and give him a fair shout. With a guard dog like Vince at the gate, were all safe enough in here! :D
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 08:34:34 pm by Paul Todd »

Offline Ed W

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2009, 09:53:02 pm »
I spotted this post and had to give it some serious thought before I put in my two cents.

I think this person might be able to shed some light on issues that we may not begin to understand so here's my idea.

1. Allow him/her to remain but we need to be able to verify the authenticity of him/her and their position as translator in a real and active agency.

2. Require him/her to post the name of their agency and position in their signature, or some acceptable comprimise.

Having a voice from the other side I think could have great value and can give us better balance on some issues.
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Vince G

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2009, 12:01:37 am »
Quote from: 'Spruik' pid='4673' dateline='1243983629'
We'll see about that.
I will be contacting a TV station here today, see if they want to have a story.

?? What do you intend to do? Have us all interviewed? they better have some $$ for my pockets.

Offline MLM

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RE: The debate over Proteus
« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2009, 01:08:41 am »
Never mind, I found the thread, interesting to say the least, I think I will wait to pass judgement. :dodgy: