Author Topic: To whom it may concern!  (Read 4903 times)

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Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2012, 11:25:49 pm »
Thanks Vince ;D
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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2012, 03:26:41 am »
I agree.  The points are pointless. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Bee964

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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2012, 10:40:41 am »
As everybody else has said Robert, don't worry about the points. Its just a guideline. You will always get somebody that doesn't like what you have said or maybe take it the wrong way and then feel they have to retaliate.

Dave C
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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2012, 02:08:05 pm »
When we left Facebook, the first Forum had an option to click on your rep points, and you could see who gave you positive or negative rep points.  When Irishman changed it to this current format, that option did not seem to be available.  I have removed all rep points from the forum.  It is no longer possible to give anyone positive or negative reputation.  Maybe, if someone feels the need to give a member a negative rep, a PM might be the way to do it now.  I hope this settles any issues.  I am sorry that it had even become an issue used to attack someone.

Vince G

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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2012, 03:01:46 pm »
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 03:04:05 pm by Vince G »

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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2012, 03:28:31 pm »

I am sorry you found the need to unilaterally discard the whole Rep. Point model based on the single complaint from Robert.

There are some opinions here (mine included) that Rep Points should not be taken too seriously...

BUT they are (were !!) a methodology for Peer Group endorsement for the quality of the advice/information or assistance given by Members to the General Forum ....and I think that most of us were quietly pleased that our efforts were  A) noticed and B) people we regard as significant...the Bros  ;D ;D ;D  even though there was no need to get all hung up on how many points you got and how frequently.

Because the deduction of a Rep point from Robert caused him such angst, you have chucked the baby out with the bath water and I can only say that the "old" method was least you could see who had given you a point (or removed one) . More importantly, if you wanted to remove a point you could not be anonymous, you had to declare who you were and why you did it. This single fact basically eliminated spiteful or malicious actions in this area.

And under the existing system , Robert did not know who or why he had a point removed. If Robert cares nothing about the Point system...why then did this action trigger such a vigorous response ???

I think your decision is flawed, to me it is of the same category of Radar traps and random breathalising......assume everybody is guilty instead of having a system that expose the real guilty parties.

ps..I am not sure where your comment that the system was used to "attack" was anonymous, no reasons were given, no comments were do you know this was an "attack"...maybe somebody just happened to disagree with happens to me all day, every day......that's life, get over it  !!!!!

So far 3 members have signalled their preference to dump the points system.......(on the Public Forum anyway, I dont know about PM's to you)..and on the basis of 3 opinions, you change everything...very Democratic I'm sure
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 03:35:50 pm by David E »

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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2012, 03:56:24 pm »
I appreciate your comments on this David...this has been an ongoing debate for quite some time.  This has caused problems among members almost since day one.  The issue of reputation points has been debated and re-debated, both on the open boards, and between the mods.  I dont find it a very effective tool, when you dont know who or why your rep has gone up or down.  Under the old way, not only did you see who did what, but it showed you which thread they were giving you a + or - on.  Also, under the old way, if someone gave you a negative rep, it didn't affect your positive rating.  In other words, you could have +8 and -2 reputation.  Under this system, you could have a +8, but if I start to give you negative rep, your +8 gets reduced.  It honestly does not make a lot of sense to me anymore.

Offline David E

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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2012, 04:21:25 pm »
OK Martin

I have no disagreement with what you say. It was complex, it was a potential "pressure point" and maybe had some flaws.

But it WAS a mechanism to encourage and in a small way, reward, excellence...and that cant be bad.
What I feel has become the overall outcome is that the issue has been Micro-managed and on the basis of ONE recent issue has been dumped. In my line of work, we call this "analysis paralysis"...where one single fact has become the driver of a whole evaluation/action....not the finest example of Process Management I have seen recently  ;D ;D

There has not been any public concerns expressed about the points system in at least the last 6 months (from my memory) so we can hardly say the situation was chronic, critical,frequent or disruptive.
IMHO, Robert was far too sensitive about the whole issue, aided in this by his frustration in not knowing who or why.

I wonder if this person who gave him a negative has the B**ls to come on the Public Arena and explain ????...I think not.

Meanwhile, I believe we have lost a good tool simply to deal with one recent isolated instance of a Member getting upset by a negative point....

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2012, 04:55:03 pm »
I for one like to see if Ihave been rewarded or deducted rep points, if you read my earlier post when I had a +2 Willy had a bit of fun with me and gave me 2 more points pointing out I couldn't count. Now thats why I like having the system, it is only a bit of fun and as was pointed out in an earlier post by others is helpful to the newbies

Only my 2 pence worth
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Offline Robertt S

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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2012, 05:04:24 pm »
Just a quick note to inform you that I am sorry I angered you! I have thought about this all day after I noticed the rep point subtracted. I personally have never gave or deducted rep points for anybody. I always felt my rep here was based on knowledge and understanding of the immigration process and my willingness to help others here. Any way I have some left, you can have them also. I always thought the rep system was more for the benefit of the newbie's to assist with identifying a more experienced and knowledgeable member, but here the system is used more for a method to instigate by some. Anyway, I will review all of my past content to see if I can determine how I offended you!       Cheers! 8)

I also believe rep points serve a useful purpose here. I think the system assists new members and gives the senior members reason to hang around and share their experience and knowledge. My post was directed specifically to the person that deducted the point. I knew who did it and why it was done, I was rewarding his efforts with my sarcastic post, informing him my world does not revolve around reputation points. I am sorry my post was misunderstood by the majority as that I was angry and upset that the point was taken. I do believe the system is valuable if it is used correctly, I was only attempting to inform this individual that taking my rep points did not matter because I deal in knowledge not points. I agree with David E and many others that the points do encourage active and useful participation on this forum and I think doing away completely with the point system with have a more adverse effect than just simply keeping the rep system and making people accountable for their inputs to the rep system!  I apologize to the other members and hopefully this issue will be resolved in a manner that keeps this forum strong and informative for all members, new and old.     Robert

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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2012, 05:06:54 pm »
OK, I will tell you what...I will add a poll, that will run for a few days.  Like every other vote that the mods run, it will be majority rules.  This will settle the issue once and for all, for all time.  If we vote to return the reputation, PM me with how many rep points you had before, and I should be able to go in to your profile, and put your points back.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 05:12:13 pm by Martin »

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2012, 05:08:02 pm »
nice one martin...and your not the devil in ;D ;D
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill


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Re: To whom it may concern!
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2012, 05:47:13 pm »
My two cents on this .
First of all , I think Martin (including myself) done the right thing off removing the Rep System under the circumstances of either have them removed or loose Robert as a Member . That one is of course easy to choose , which we'll keep .

Second , any Newbee coming here .. I'm sure when he/she has a question to ask .. they will not locate a Member here with the most Points and confront only this Person for an answer . I have seen it done , but maybe only twice in all the time a Member .

Third , I agree with David E. that it does give us a good/better feeling receiving them , but as one see's .. it seems to be a one-way Street . Take away and all breaks loose , especially NOT knowing who it came from .

Anyway , so let's Vote on it and hopefully get it fixed ones and for all .