And you think that YOUR Government is crazy

2 years ago I decided to take advantage of a Tax Rule in Aus whereby if I signed up to work until I was 70, and not take the Government Pension at 65 as I am entitled to, I will get a Tax-free "bonus" when I reach 70....(if)

...on top of which I will be a self-funded retiree anyway.
I now find out that I need to fill in a mountainous and complex form explaining exactly why I have opted out of the Government Pension scheme. It reminds me that there are SEVERE penalties for people who knowingly cheat the Government by refusing to take a Pension...and I must explain fully within 30 days or risk a penalty...
It is easier just to give in and take my "hand-out, which I dont need because my Business is thriving and maybe some other poor sucker could use this money instead of me...hey ho, the World has gone mad !!!!!