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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2009, 11:13:46 pm »
Gautam I wasn't the first man my wife talked to.I was just the one who did what he said he was going to do.It doesn't work out the first time for everyone.You just have to stay at it untill you find the lady for you.She is out there waiting for you.Now go find her before somebody else does

Offline Neil

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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2009, 11:52:54 pm »
I probably sound like a broken record but I truly believe with all my heart that you just have to have faith and trust and believe.  Be honest with yourself and know what you want in life and it will come to you. irresistible as chocolate


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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2009, 12:21:41 am »
Quote from: "Gautam"
You guys are so lucky - you find beautiful ladies who only correspond with you. I think chaps it is time to share your snake oil with the losers like me who only find the gold diggers and butterflies.

Gautam...When i was looking at the ladies, i saw many beautiful women.  But I kept looking at pictures and profiles, until I ended up at this one profile.  As soon as I saw the lady, my heart jumped.  I knew I had to write to her.  Even after i sent her a cupid note, I could not get her image from my head.  So I went with my heart, when it came to finding a lady...I did not just randomly send notes to every beautiful girl I saw.

Oh...and that girl...we got married last month.  She is now my wife, and I could only be happier if I was with her.

The point to my snake oil required...follow your heart.

Quote from: "Neil"
I probably sound like a broken record but I truly believe with all my heart that you just have to have faith and trust and believe.  Be honest with yourself and know what you want in life and it will come to you.

The chocolate guy is also right!

Offline cHi

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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2009, 09:27:40 pm »
Hi Gautam

I too am curious about the kind of lady you are looking for.  I know a few beautiful, real, and available ladies that are looking for a good man.  I am still on good terms with them and write every now and again, they range in age from 25-36, and at least two of them are currently taking english classes.  If you these ladies sound like what you are looking for I will message you with the profile information and write them to give them a heads up to look for a message from you.


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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2009, 12:03:33 am »
See Gautam , you are well taken care of here . We even bring the nice Lady's to you . So at least you know these are no scam only charming .

Offline Carl

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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2009, 06:20:17 pm »
Martin and Chong, you guys crack me up.  :lol:  ROFLMAO

Offline Gautam

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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2009, 12:12:53 pm »
Guys I am genuinely touched by this show of camaraderie and compassion and I am lost for words. It is a good thing I am writing this because I can compose myself and try to answer the questions and issues raised.
I will be 46 this weekend actually on Vesak Day ? Buddha?s birthday; something about all great people!! So I guess my ideal partner would be over 30 and maybe even well over that age. But it is not the age that matters but the compatibility and here I have a slight issue.
As I live in Asia and have a profile here ? low but still a profile; my partner will also be my companion and she will have to be presentable and be sophisticated enough to make social chit chat, be presentable at parties, reception etc. Language is not an issue but English helps. Adaptability is a must.
There is an acceptance at large in Asia of people from different countries and now everyone has an opinion on each other ? my partner would be open to scrutiny and I guess some gossip given a mixed marriage and people from China who would have an opinion.
I think one can summarize the background to be normal or some innocuous profession like teacher etc.
I don?t think I have many requirements for physical beauty but as I am tall some elevation on her part would be good. But obviously there has to be some attraction but in truth personality is likely to be more important.
I travel to Beijing, Shanghai and Shenyang in that order of frequency and also Hong Kong very often.
There you are chaps ? a simple man will few requirements,
I would also like to say that your acts of generosity is appreciated and if there is something I can help with you only have to ask


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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2009, 11:30:12 pm »
Gautam , we appreciate your Kind word's , just as well . But no need to mention it . What Vince has to offer , sound's great and it could lead to something .
Good luck to you , and may you make the right choice with one of our Lady's , that we keep up our sleeve's .

Offline Gautam

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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2009, 10:14:04 am »
Here;s a short bio and will put the photo up after Sat
 Age 46
Size: 92kg and in training to lose 10kg - 6 months
Heighr 6' 1"
Color : Indian (not red) dark
kids- 2 in uni in the UK and 1 in last year at school
Residence: current Singapore
nationality: brit/Aussie
profression - Banker
eduction - Masters

Interets- the usual + adventure+ learning chinese
unfulfilled ambition- travel the silk route

Is this enough to be getting on with Vince??

Offline Gautam

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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2009, 10:43:30 am »
There are plenty of us tall Indians and I am average size from where I come from which is from the North East. Its the milk which makes us taller.....

I think you are used to seeing Indian more from the west so a slight diffrence, Actually no, I was born and went to school in India and then more education in the UK hence the documentations and also lived for sometime in Oz and it is a good place to have a passport from,

Oh hair - yea plenty and greying.

when I look in the mirror I see Shahruk Khan but when others look at me they see an old fart!!!! pic comming


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Re: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2009, 11:36:14 pm »
Haha ...  Gautam ,
the chinese Lady's might call you " FAT " but never an Old Fart . At 46 , grey Hair ... is very distinguished in their Eyes . So nothing to worry here . It was alway's my Dream , to visit Singapore some day and hop over to Kuala Lumpur and try all the great Foods from that area . Well maybe someday , my Wife and I can go over Singapore to Shanghai . Vince will take good care of you , from our Florida Office . Would you like a Sightseeing Tour with your Visit ? Sorry , no Car rental's .

Offline Gautam

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RE: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2009, 10:41:23 pm »
If any of you guys are comming through Singapore please let me know. Yes the food is great


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RE: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2009, 10:51:23 pm »
I myself would love to look you up , but this might be some time . But it could be done on our first Trip back to see her Family again . I will keep that in mind . Thanks Gautam .

Offline China Shark

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RE: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2009, 10:55:27 am »
Guys I think you are asking for trouble by wanting to know this in the early stages. It is like asking your physical girlfriend how many guys she's been with, no matter what the answer you'll not like it yet you put yourself through heartache for stupid pride. There are a lot of gamers here, hell met a few on Chnlove. Bottom line is that you should wait some time prior to openinng up this can of worms. If the feeling is right she will stop contact with other guys I'm sure. Even with all the precautions there is know way of knowing for sure with the exception of the lady profile list. If you don't trust her feelings or the agency maybe she isn't the one for you. Just keep eyes opened for red flags and tread carefully because there are snakes in the grass so to speak. This thing of ours is a relatively new thing so there aren't a lot of precedents yet. As long as we keep each other informed I think our chances are greatly increased that we won't get hoodwinked. Don't let paranoia rule your life and dissaude you from finding your dream lady.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!


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RE: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2009, 12:23:21 am »
Hey Michael , love your choice of word's   " Hoodwinked "  where did you pick that up ? Never heared of that , but love it .

Michael , how is it going with your young Lady , are you still seeing each other ? Or are you still giving Mei a chance in back of your Mind ?

Still like to meet you when I am in Guangzhou with Qing , July or August .