Author Topic: Re: How many others is she talking to  (Read 11868 times)

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Offline China Shark

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RE: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2009, 01:45:26 am »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='2639' dateline='1242102201'

Hey Michael , love your choice of word's   " Hoodwinked "  where did you pick that up ? Never heared of that , but love it .

Michael , how is it going with your young Lady , are you still seeing each other ? Or are you still giving Mei a chance in back of your Mind ?

Still like to meet you when I am in Guangzhou with Qing , July or August .


I'm the English teacher so I need all kinds of American idioms I can find. It fits though. When you travel to Guangzhou I will make it a point to meeting Qing and you. Things are going real well now. Batting the idea of staying back and forth in my mind yet know what the eventual outcome will be. I feel like she wants me just to have a sense of security and nothing more. Three more days and I'll be in my own place once and for all. Starting to pick up new teaching jobs very easy as of late. Whatever the outcome I know I'll end up on top because I am living my dream following my heart. I have so little here yet feel so contented in my simple ordinary life. Sometimes less is truly more. Damm I should use these for class. So many of us in life take for granted the important things, I was just as guilty 6 months ago yet my eyes have been opened. Guys try to be cautious yet don't let negative things rule your decisions or you'll end up thinking like that guy Geordie that was tossed off here. If it doesn't feel right walk away with your pride and dignity. They are real and are seeking western guys yet if there is money to be made a certain level of dishonesty will always be present. Arnold as soon as you get an exact time on when you are coming back let me know so I can arrange to have someone take some of my classes so I can hang out with you and your Shanghai Flower. It's all good guys life is short so just do it like Nike says.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!


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RE: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2009, 02:16:55 am »
Michael , how right you are about , how we take little things for granted , including our Health . How did we all fail , here in the western world ? When the simple Life , is well ... so much simpler and happier . I know , the Chinese are not all perfect in their Life-style , but it is as close as possible ... that I want to be part of it . Qing will be a great Teacher , not only with the her language , but also with , how to live ... with just being happy from Love of a loving Wife and a Family of equal value .

You bet , I let you know when the big day comes . I don't know , who's more nervous about the interview , me or her ? I'm just looking forward to be with her again , ASAP .

It's going to feel so good , to have your own place finally , so you can reflect of all that happened so far , to make a decision what to do next , without any pressure from the outside and start living the Life , you came to find . I know it's there and you know it's there , so go find it for yourself , with my best wishes as alway's . Remember , only Teach them the English language , not our western way's .
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 02:18:22 am by Arnold »

Offline Danny

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RE: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2009, 06:06:34 am »
Quote from: 'China Shark' pid='2600' dateline='1242053727'

Guys I think you are asking for trouble by wanting to know this in the early stages. It is like asking your physical girlfriend how many guys she's been with, no matter what the answer you'll not like it yet you put yourself through heartache for stupid pride.

Yes I agree with the shark. The point is not to be the first, it's to be the last.

If your woman wants to tell you about it, she will. But that's unlikely.

I think it's best just to think about it as water under the bridge.

If you're the one, the others just fall away without any trouble at all.

Offline Jadams79

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RE: How many others is she talking to
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2009, 03:11:01 pm »
My lady came out and told me that there were a couple of guys she was speaking to that she was unsure of and it was why she was still looking.  Like in arnolds case some of these girls  spend years according to Apple (my translator) just like in real life only I like to think of it as Nintendo dating haha.  But I hopefully leave soon on the 28th to China, stupid pig flu.  I just hope they get the infared temperature scanners installed at the the airports, imagine using a thermometer, mmm this dont taste right oh sorry that was a rectal type! AHHHHHHHH hahahaha ^_-
Can't fix stupid.