Author Topic: Marriage in Hong Kong ... need some advice for thos of you who know  (Read 2086 times)

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Offline Mikael_Shim

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Hey guys! Its been quite a while since i posted anything in here and well, reason is quite simply life has been to busy and enjoyable here in China ;). I cant believe almost 1 1/2 year has soon passed. As you can figure from the topic, i am about to get married ;) and yes with the very same girl i came to China for. So much have happened since i came here and i probably have a ton of stories to share... but maybe later.

Now, for my question. For several reasons which i dont need to go into detail about we want to get married in Hong Kong and not on China mainland. Now does anyone here have any experience marrying a chinese citizen in Hong Kong instead of mainland. She is not from Hong Kong, she is from China mainland. What procedure, documents etc are needed? Because i know the process is not the same as on mainland.

Any help on the matter, greatly appreciated  :)
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"


Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Marriage in Hong Kong ... need some advice for thos of you who know
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2012, 10:28:29 am »
No one seems to know the answer. I know it is not easy for some mainlanders just to get a exit visa from the mainland and an entry visa to Hong Kong.

I  have had a look around some of the Hong Kong ex pat groups and they are mainly concerned with trying to use a HK marriage to try to get into the UK.

They are strict in HK. But I would suggest that you ring the Hong Kong registrar of births deaths and marriages to check the requirements direct. 

As I understand from what I read, in principle it takes two visits by both of you. The first you both have to apply in person for a licence to marry and then you can return in 17 or 18 days to do the ceremony.

So your lady will need a visa with two entries into Hong Kong.  If she was a resident in Guangdong the immigrations  look upon that more favourably.

Any sign of a slightly bulging belly on the lady and they will rerfuse entry for a mainlander in case she is there just to give birth.  My wifes neice was refused entry last year when she was just 6 months pregnant ands wanting to attend a trade stand she had booked at a trade fair.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: Marriage in Hong Kong ... need some advice for thos of you who know
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2012, 06:13:41 pm »
Thanks Willy! , she has the entry visa for Hong Kong already and she have had 3-4 visas for Hong Kong already. I dont know why some mainlanders have severe difficulties in getting one while others seems to be getting it easy. My gf never had a problem to get her HK visa.

From what i have gathered you are right, it needs 2 visits and right now thats kind of cumbersome so we will actually do the legal marriage on mainland next month. We will have 2 big ceremonial weddings later, one in Sweden next summer and one more here in China :)

Anyways, i will go to Hong Kong today for 5 days so any of you guys staying there wanna grab a beer just let me know ;)
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"
