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Offline Mark_in_Canada

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Beijing Interview
« on: March 15, 2012, 08:29:06 pm »
Hi guys, I need your help. As you know my wife is going for her interview soon. March 27th. The email stated that I need to make my self available for a possible phone interview. Has anyone here actually had this happen, or know someone who did, and what should I expect?
Thanks, in advance!!!

Offline Clayton

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2012, 11:03:17 pm »
My experience Mark was one day out of the blue the consulate rang me and asked if it was convenient for them to interview me, we went ahead and had the interview.

Now this is where you need to be absolutely for sure certain that you have the same answers to the questions asked of your wife in her interview because we did not and it was partially the reason why they knocked my wife back.  I've told the story before so i won't go into it now.
It's the simple things Mark like being able to say her family members names, the date you first met, where she works, how you communicate, what you did when you visited her, when her birthday is, when did you make the decision to marry, why did you chose the date to marry, after you marry is she still working ?if not why, what presents have you exchanged.

These are just a few of the questions they may ask so practice Q+A each time you chat with your wife and after a while you both become more confident .
I'm in your boat at the moment, my wife had a really good interview now I'm walking on egg shells waiting for them to ring me
Hope this helps
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Offline Mark_in_Canada

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 11:20:19 pm »
Thanks for the information Clayton. Was you wife interviewed in Beijing? You said said the interview went well, but she did not recieve the Visa?
It seems that usually the Visa is given the same day if the interview was a success. When was her interview?

Offline john1964

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2012, 11:44:58 pm »
Hi Mark, My wife had her interview in Shanghai where I also accompanied her, My wife was interviewed for around 20-30 minutes and then I was also called in, I was asked if my wife's parents had hinted that they would like to visit their daughter in Australia and also about our QQ chat being mostly in pin yin, I was not asked about any family names or b/days, My wife also told me she was asked minor questions but mainly about our relationship, where/how we met/how many times I have travelled to China, As for the visa being granted the same day,, It took 4 months for them to ask for my wife's passport and around 6-8 weeks for the official letter to say she has been approved, Maybe the Canadian consulate do things different to the Australian consulate ??, The case officer was aware that my wife failed a previous attempt for a visitors visa as she could not remember my email address and not too sure on the correct pronunciation of two of my children's names but this had no affect on the permanent residency visa, Hope I have been some help, John 

Offline Clayton

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2012, 02:34:38 am »
Mark my wife was interviewed in Guangzhou about a month ago, this is the second time through the visa process for us, the first time was about 18 months ago and she said she was treated like a criminal at the interview and this time around is much smoother, there were two interviewers and they made her feel very comfortable and she breezed through it.
I think our process is a bit different to yours because we are waiting for them to ring me for a phone interview witch I had last time, but they just rang at a random time way after my wife's interview so if they want you to be available on the 27th for your phone inter then your laughing, I wish I knew when or indeed if mine was going to be.

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Offline Jason B

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2012, 04:13:54 am »
I did not do a phone interview.  Xia did one and the consulate said that was all the info they required.  I can fully recomend that you write on word or someother computer program possible questions and answers.  ie.  family composition your birthday etc.  you know the type of thing they will ask and email to your wife to study.  Not that your wife would not/may not know them but underpressure from what I understand a little slip up on something is just the openining the sharks are looking for.

Good luck and I trust we will hear some great news of another brother getting his bride to home.
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Offline David E

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2012, 05:59:27 am »
I was the same as Jason...did not have any sort of interview at all !!!!

Ming only had a phone interview and that was it...

We were processed by the Shanghai Consulate who are reportedly the slowest, hardest and meanest of the lot !!

So out of Beijing or Guangzhou you should not have any problems  ;D ;D

I dont think thet the Aussie Consulates give visas on the day of the interview. Ming waited a further 5 months for hers....that was a tough time !!!

Offline Mark_in_Canada

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2012, 08:57:31 am »
Thanks for all the replies!!! It seems the way the Australia government and the Canadian government do things are different. I have read the the Australia government will give your wife over 500 hours of free English training. I wish we had that in Canada!  :)

Offline Neil

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2012, 09:36:47 am » irresistible as chocolate

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2012, 10:10:27 am »

We do.
government and the Canadian government do things are different. I have read the the Australia government will give your wife over 500 hours of free English training. I wish we had that in Canada!  :)

Yes as Neil says - we do and it works out to more than 500 hours. His link is for B.C. but Alberta also has similar benefits. I believe it works out to about 1000 hours here. But even not just the provincial government, but many places offer programs for free. My wife has access in the Chinese community to free classes & the local public library has drop in ESL & free Coffee once a week. My wife also got a free 1 year public library card which we use to take out many DVD movies and watch with English subtitles on to help her understand.
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Offline Martin

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2012, 11:39:51 am »
I dealt with the Beijing embassy, and did not get a phone call, even though I got the same email stating I should be available.  They did ask her where I was at that particular moment, and as it was, I was at work.

Offline Mark_in_Canada

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2012, 12:53:21 am »
Thanks guys, I hope I can find the alberta website for the free ESL.

I have another question for the experienced members. First, I would like to say that this forum is great, and has given me so much insight and help with the things I have come up against.

Now it is only one week to my wife's interview, and things are a little different, and I am not sure what to make of it.  Ever since she got the email about the interview she has not wanted to chat as much and her email's are shorter. I asked her if anything is wrong. She just said that because of the time constraits she is busy. She want to print email, chat logs, text messages, and prepare other things as well.  The strange thing is she hasn''t asked to practice interview questions. I am not sure if this is because her daughter, that lives in Sweden who can speak English has been helping her.
I know she loves me and maybe she is just working hard to prepare to come here. Could it be she is getting cold feet now that the dream could actually become the reality and she is feeling a little scared? I am not even sure how to approach her on this subject? How did your wives act when the time was getting closer to come to your home country? Thanks!

Offline john1964

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2012, 05:54:20 am »
Hi Mark, As time grew closer for my wifes interview, She and I would QQ for many hours practising the answers to the questions that we thought she would be asked, Many times until the early hours of the morning, As for getting cold feet, MinYing had her case almost packed the day after she had her passport returned, She is counting the days until my arrival as I am too, I guess everyone handles things differently and maybe she thinks she knows the answers to the questions, I would bring this subject to her attention very soon, Put your mind at ease too, John .

Offline Martin

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2012, 09:20:41 am »
There is no standard answer to this question.  But my guess would be, she is probably feeling nervous, now that the reality is setting in.  She is about to leave her home, her life, and everything familiar to her.  She is about to embark on the journey of her lifetime, heading to the Great White North.  I would not get too stressed about the whole situation.  This might be just her way of dealing with the changes that are coming.  Of course, as John said, you should talk to her if possible.  Just remember, everyone has their own ways of dealing with things.

Offline Mark_in_Canada

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Re: Beijing Interview
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2012, 09:50:30 am »
Thanks guys for the response, yes , I think you are right. It is probably her way of doing things. It seems when she is focused on something she puts all her energy into it. If I put myself into her shoes, I gues I would be feeling the pressure as well.

As I was writing this I got a QQ message from her daughter, I had asked her about her mom. She said she need a couple more days to prepare all the emails , chats. She she her mom's neck was sore from doing this as well. I guess she wants every thing to be perfect. No need for me to worry.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 10:02:12 am by Mark_in_Canada »