I would have thought all you married men would have been on to say 'whatever I spent was worth every penny"
Hmm! What can we make of that?
I do not berudge the 19 dollars 32 cents it cost me 
Jeez Willy.........you're at it again...

I was not going to "bite" at your trick question, because it a similar question to the old Psycho trick..."When did you stop beating your wife"...there is no answer to your question about the cost/value for money when you speak of the quest for a Chinese wife.
...any answer brings an automatic condemmneation....its a zero sum game !!!!
But I just had to respond.......
The question of what we would be prepared to spend, is unanswerable IN HINDSIGHT. If you ask the question BEFORE the quest begins, it has a little (just a little) more relevance.
After all, money has many different relevances to all of us, some guys would spend all they have to find a good wife....and this might be hundreds, thousands or hundreds of thousand dollars. Others could say that any investment they make (however large or small) must have at least a chance of success, or it becomes simply a waste of precious resources (however they define "precious")
Very few men would think that a Chinese wife would come at no cost....our various Immigration Departments insist on at least one personal meeting before we can even consider bringing a fiance/bride to our country....and that costs at least an airfare and hotel etc.
Some guys genuinely cant afford multiple trips and all the asociated costs to go to and fro to China on "prospecting" expeditions, are these guys any less genuine than those who can afford to go as many times as they want

Whatever we spend, if we find the right woman...it is worth it. If we dont find her, it was not worth it.....but what price do you put on the total experience of going to this wonderful Country to find out ??
If you want to define anybody's experience of finding love as a dollar and cents equation...then you are a bigger cynic than even I thought

If it costs $1000 dollars to find your life partner, or $100,000 .....it is of no relevance if you are a pauper or a millionaire....you both have an entirely different perspective.
Now Willy, if you want to ask the RIGHT question it is :
"How big a percentage of your nett wealth would you invest in the search for a Chinese Bride".........and you cant ask this question of married Men....whatever their individual circumstances, they already answered.