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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2012, 04:06:08 pm »
I don't think many people here will recommend Chnlove anymore.  While you can meet some rough characters on qq, it is only a tool for communication.  If you're naive enough to give a stranger on the internet enough information to hurt you, maybe it's a lesson you need to learn the hard way.  As with any relationship, it's going to take some serious face to face time to create something lasting and worthwhile. 

QQ is no different than Chnlove.  Both and more can be used to meet people.  Both can be abused to prevent real, honest contact, or to deceive and scam people. irresistible as chocolate

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2012, 04:54:39 pm »
in my opinion, Nigel is correct.
if I had to do it again, I will use ChnLove.
but in an entirely different way.
peruse the website, pick & choose the city, the agency, knock on the door.

maybe simplistic, but then again that huge backlog of profiles does exist. there are
the 'hidden' gems. it just takes the time for discovery and an air ticket to travel.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 04:56:46 pm by John »

Offline maxx

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2012, 07:45:37 pm »
John we have in the past suggested.What you posted.And the members who used your suggetion.Had a good time.And more then one member found his wife this way.That was back in the days before we broke off and started are own forum.

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2012, 05:52:51 am »
 I will repeat what I said...... There seems to be a little misunderstanding.
I wholeheartedly recommend QQ to communicate with your lady once a relationship is established, I merely point out that using QQ to FIND a girl is fraught with serious danger.  Trust me, if you found one there you are bloody lucky, and you were playing with serious fire.
Am I paid by Chn Love??, what an ignorant and stupid comment. I think we are all here to receive and give advice, not to demean somebody who posts some advice you do not agree with.
Anyway, there is my advice, based on some very real and equally unfortunate experiences, ignore it at your own peril.

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2012, 02:54:08 am »
Nigel, I asked a simple question, Are you being paid by Chnlove?, Whether you think it is demeaning, ignorant or stupid, It seemed to me that you were dead against anyone to use QQ in the search of a Potential bride, I was lucky enough to find my wonderful wife through Chnlove but many others before me have been "burnt" by Non existent women and the money grabbing agencies, QQ is a wonderful way to meet women from China and I do agree with the identity theft and the weir-does that prowl the site, I have had my identity hacked twice and my QQ friends were asked , By who they thought was me, For money, I have been lucky not to have been ripped off as i am sure there are ways of doing this with our electronic world, Again I repeat, I would never use Chnlove again as for the cost and the potential of being burnt by agencies.
QQ for me is great, No Emails and being to talk to somebody face to face, I know of 5 people personally who have found  a Chinese bride through QQ international and out of those 5 , 3 of them have tried Chnlove and would NEVER use their services again.
Anyway, there is my advice, John.   

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2012, 01:42:44 pm »
One thing you should never do is to tell anyone your real birthday. From that alone a great deal can be found out about you. But sometimes they are more crafty. First they weedle the day and month. The later they casually ask how old you are and soon they are building a profile.    I know I did Heir Hunting for several years and it is surprising how small a bit of inform can result in finding out a great deal about a person.

Before you say - we have your birthday on your profile.  But have you? - I am like the Queen of England wherew every one knows her official birthday and many know her actual birthday but only my wife and my four sisters know mine!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Martin

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2012, 02:29:17 pm »
There are many avenues outside of chnlove that are available for men who specifically want to meet a Chinese woman. Nigel does bring up a good point about QQ. However, lets not forget that scammers lurk everywhere, on all the sites. We have said it many times in the past...go in with your eyes wide open. As for checking out possible scammers, you guys might want to check out the site. I am not saying they list every scammer...but it might be worth checking out.

Personally, if I was going to look to China for a significant other, I likely would not use chnlove. They are too expensive, and there are too many pitfalls with the translator being in the middle.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2012, 12:31:19 am »

Personally, if I was going to look to China for a significant other, I likely would not use chnlove. They are too expensive, and there are too many pitfalls with the translator being in the middle.

The question of money has come up again. What price would you guys be willing to pay?

I know that you guys that have been successful could not put a price on what you now have as I cannot not.  However was there any price capping that you would have placed. 

We know that Chnlove does do a great deal to stop scammers from operating from within the agencies but that is because for every dollar the scammer takes then it is a dollar less for them to take.  But is it the best of a bad bunch?  Although I found my wife without an agency it was only Chnlove that pointed me to the
the place where I now want to be.

My own comment on money matters is that if money is such an issue then do not embarked on this journey in the first place.


Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline toby

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2012, 09:49:55 am »
Thanks again guys for all the comments. I guess it all points up the fact that no matter which avenue you use, it is fraught with dangers and wastes of time. I've been using clm lately, and have met a couple of ladies there who I am in email contact with now. I'm in a very go slow mode right now-not in any hurry. And I've been very upfront on that with the ladies I've talked to there-I figure that will weed out some of the less serious ones, and besides, it is just where I am at right at this moment and there's no use coming on strong and presenting myself as something I'm not.

As for QQ, as I said I've used it, and I am hesitant to use it as a means of meeting someone-it is a great tool for communication once you've met someone, but I've randomly met a lot of scammers there, including one lady boy who tried to convince me he was a she and it was ok to cyber sex with him! Fortunately something told me there was something amiss, so I insisted she/he go first, and he finally admitted what he was.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2012, 10:20:43 am »

Personally, if I was going to look to China for a significant other, I likely would not use chnlove. They are too expensive, and there are too many pitfalls with the translator being in the middle.

The question of money has come up again. What price would you guys be willing to pay?

My own comment on money matters is that if money is such an issue then do not embarked on this journey in the first place.


It is not just money but also the major investment in time. When money take a higher precedence over time, then I think the decision on looking for a wife moves more towards it being a business transaction. Make no doubt about it, looking abroad for a new broad becomes a major lifestyle change. The money invested might not give you a good rate of return, but the time you spend travelling to distant shores can give vast knowledge that is a wealth of experience.

I too would not use Chnlove or any other agency again, but then I am speaking from a postion of experience that I acquired because of my investment in not only money but 4 years in time.

This will be the 1st year that I am not too sure what I will do for summer holidays. The last three years I used up my vocation time making trips to China. The Hunt for my Red October Shoes has concluded with her pair here at last in there is no place like home.  ;)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 10:32:57 am by Rhonald »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2012, 04:46:21 am »
I would have thought all you married men would have been on to say 'whatever I spent was worth every penny"

Hmm! What can we make of that?


I do not berudge the 19 dollars 32 cents it cost me 8)
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline David E

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2012, 06:10:05 pm »
I would have thought all you married men would have been on to say 'whatever I spent was worth every penny"

Hmm! What can we make of that?


I do not berudge the 19 dollars 32 cents it cost me 8)

Jeez're at it again... ;D ;D ;D

I was not going to "bite" at your trick question, because it a similar question to the old Psycho trick..."When did you stop beating your wife"...there is no answer to your question about the cost/value for money when you speak of the quest for a Chinese wife.

...any answer brings an automatic condemmneation....its a zero sum game !!!!

But I just had to respond.......

The question of what we would be prepared to spend, is unanswerable IN HINDSIGHT. If you ask the question BEFORE the quest begins, it has a little (just a little) more relevance.

After all, money has many different relevances to all of us, some guys would spend all they have to find a good wife....and this might be hundreds, thousands or hundreds of thousand dollars. Others could say that any investment they make (however large or small) must have at least a chance of success, or it becomes simply a waste of precious resources (however they define "precious")

Very few men would think that a Chinese wife would come at no cost....our various Immigration Departments insist on at least one personal meeting before we can even consider bringing a fiance/bride to our country....and that costs at least an airfare and hotel etc.

Some guys genuinely cant afford multiple trips and all the asociated costs to go to and fro to China on "prospecting" expeditions, are these guys any less genuine than those who can afford to go as many times as they want ???

Whatever we spend, if we find the right is worth it. If we dont find her, it was not worth it.....but what price do you put on the total experience of going to this wonderful Country to find out ??

If you want to define anybody's experience of finding love as a dollar and cents equation...then you are a bigger cynic than even I thought  ;D ;D ;D

If it costs $1000 dollars to find your life partner, or $100,000 is of no relevance if you are a pauper or a both have an entirely different perspective.

Now Willy, if you want to ask the RIGHT question it is :

"How big a percentage of your nett wealth would you invest in the search for a Chinese Bride".........and you cant ask this question of married Men....whatever their individual circumstances, they already answered.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 06:14:39 pm by David E »

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2012, 07:28:38 pm »
David E well said.

Offline David E

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2012, 07:38:04 pm »

I am happy to see that you are going down the "shoe fetish" track...been there. done that !!!

As I look around my home now, there are 3 pairs of Ming's shoes just inside the front door...

There are 2 pairs (different) shoes in the lounge, another 2 pairs in the TV room, more outside the laundry, more outside the bedroom, and 3 pairs just outside the courtyard door which leads to "the outside" !!!...this is of course, the place where lurks billions of unspeakable diseases that will fatally infect any naked foot that is placed upon the "outside ground"   ;D ;D ;D

I was speechless to find that she needed a pair of special shoes...TO ENTER THE SWIMMING POOL !!...she tells me that swimming pools in China are instant death and full of disease !!!

I have given up trying to persuade my Dear Wife that here in Australia, it is safe to put your feet on the ground, you wont die, it is a very clean place and our home is always spotless.

I am constantly looked at in a worrying way when I walk around bare-footed....always I find the odd pair of my shoes parked somewhere strategic so I get the hint and change into them as I move around...she's too polite to insist, but its like a slow drip...I dunno who is going to crack first...but I suspect it is me !!!

At the moment, Ming has just left for a visit to China for the Quing Ming Wah........I could not go with her this time due to other Business committments...but during her absence I might JUST dispose of all these shoes...but then again.......I probably should obey the 24 hr rule, because its no big deal really...just peculiar/humerous !!!

Offline maxx

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Re: Hi guys....back!
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2012, 11:30:37 pm »
My wife has about 4 pairs of shoes.She can only find the mate to one pair.The boys took the other shoes and threw them my wife is always walking around the house in mismatched slippers.I find it kind of funny.

David I will be more then happy to rent the boys to you.It should only take a couple of days for my boys to misplace your wife's shoes.