Last time i looked the Agency Rating had little to do with how the agency itself performed. It seemed to merely be an indication of the proficeny of the translation.. A far far cry from an Agency report...
Well Mag00,
I think you should write ChnLove again and recommend they change the word "Visits" to the word "translations" and change the criteria for "A" to men who actually use the agency translator and change "B" to people who strictly use other translations methods. The feedback report is used to judge the agency's performance in providing services and assisting with other arrangements if needed. It is also a somewhat crude tool to judge an agency's credibility concerning scams( bait and switch, high translation charges, charges for services not required,etc.) It is also used to judge the quality of the women that are members of an agency hence the option "B". The feedback report basically is designed to keep the client ( that is you) from having to read and sort through thousands of testimonial letters for each agency. I personally do not use EMF's anymore, but when I did there was a box at the bottom where you could send the agency owner or translator a brief message to complain or compliment, there was also a rating system for grading your translation I believe that was attached to each EMF. . Please note the high-lighted area in the attachment, you will notice the word " visit" the word translation is not mentioned because most of the agency translations leave a lot to be desired comprehension wise and many agencies would score poorly in that format alone! To be perfectly honest ChnLove controls all information that is displayed on that page so you will only see and post what they will allow anyway, that is why I believe it is used to keep the agencies in step with ChnLove's policies and business practices also. Regards, Robert