Author Topic: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu  (Read 19127 times)

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Offline kiwisteve

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2012, 08:49:25 pm »

Well, some were saying the forum was a bit quiet, so I thought I'd space this out. Nobody likes to read a novel in one sitting anyway.

P.S. No Americans were harmed in the making of this story.

Offline shaun

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2012, 08:55:23 pm »
Good Story so far.  But you'd better watch your back if you take too long.  You know how impatient we Americans are.  ;D

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2012, 10:13:54 pm »
Good Story so far.  But you'd better watch your back if you take too long.  You know how impatient we Americans are.  ;D

I think that you are the exception to that rule Shaun ;D

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline kiwisteve

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2012, 05:24:42 am »
Day 2 - Arrive in Chengdu

There were 2 exits where people were waiting for arrivals - mine was the second, but the baggage carousel was further on, so I had to walk past both exits knowing that they were there somewhere watching me, but I had no hope of picking them out of the crowd. We had previously joked about whether or not we would recognise each other but I knew then she had the advantage. A wait for the baggage to come around and surprisingly it was all there including the wine. I knew eyes were on me as I walked out into the crowd, but a quick scan of all the Chinese faces was hopeless. I strided on through and found a clear space and just waited - a large kiwi surely was easier to find for them than the other way around. Then I spotted this woman smartly dressed all in black with her nose in the air facing away from me to demonstrate the fact that I must have been ignoring her by not recognising her earlier. I was not playing that game so I rushed over and picked her up - just as well I had the right woman.

She had her brother, a nephew and his girlfriend and a couple of friends who came just to check me out then left in another car and I didn't see them again.

We went straight to a restaurant, but I tried to explain I wasn't really hungry - this was before midday and I had already had 2 meals (another on the plane). They weren't taking no for an answer, so straight into the deep end with Sichuan food - all sorts of unknown "meat" as they call it (I wouldn't), vegetables I had never seen before and the thick smells of garlic, chilli, coriander, sesame oil and all sorts of things I had no idea about. None of them drank but they bought me beer which was light, warm and tasteless, but it helped wash away whatever the hell I was eating.

Anna was exactly the woman I knew from QQ except her skin was quite a bit darker - the webcam washes out the skin tones a bit. For a Chinese woman she is really very outgoing - the centre of attention, and clearly the boss of the whole family, but not in a bossy way - she is just tremendous fun. From the moment we hugged at the airport we were never apart the whole trip for more than a few minutes. In fact the longest was about half an hour when she insisted on going out one morning and getting KFC for me when she figured I had had enough of the local cuisine. This is one piece of advice from the bros I was happy to ignore - we did not need any time to ourselves - I did not need a day to play golf or anything - we were just so comfortable together the whole time.

We checked into my hotel which she had arranged for me, and everything became clear once I saw that she had a bag packed and was staying with me. All the talk previously about not staying together before marriage was clearly to save face with her friends and neighbours, and when it came to me and in front of her immediate family there was no question.

That afternoon we wandered around an archaeological site and museum where they had found ancient relics, tools, gold artifacts etc from b.c. I found this really interesting, coming from a young country with a history of only a couple of hundred years.

Then out to another restaurant for dinner - more exiting and unusual smells and tastes, then we all went to KTV which was a first for me as well. The nephew and his girlfriend clearly do this all the time - their singing was terrific. I had to have a go in the end but I'm afraid the party just wasn't the same after that!

Day 3 - Chengdu sights

Her brother and his 11 year old son picked us up the next morning and we spent the day around various sights - old historic buildings and markets - all sorts of crazy market stalls selling weird food. In the middle of that we found a stall selling NZ ice cream.
The boy was learning English at school so he acted as our translator for the day. Before that we managed with gestures and the occasional use of the Besta or phone.

That night we had a big family meal at a restaurant - it was Anna's birthday the day before. I met her father, her other brother, wives, nieces, nephews, girlfriends. Her father had hand painted a Chinese fan as a gift for me. Luckily I had brought loads of gifts from NZ so they all got something from me as well.

During these 2 days I had no idea of what we were doing each day - I just went with the flow, and it was fantastic.

Some photos of these first 2 days:


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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2012, 05:48:18 am »
Guess I'm the first to read Part 2.. because I'm crazy! Up at 3:00 in the morning to watch my LaoPo's Flight.

Oh boy... What if you picked up the "Wrong" woman at the Airport? :o

Nice/exciting story Steve and wonderful Photo's. You have a lovely Lady there as well!
Funny, the last Photo reminded me right away of "Fist of Fury" a Bruce Lee Film (the first here in the US).

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2012, 06:44:17 am »
And I am in 2nd Arnold , Nigel , Sujuan and I are happily reading of your great journey to the middle kingdom , and await the next installment, regards Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline kiwisteve

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2012, 09:41:38 am »
Sorry, got side-tracked with work and visa documents and ex-wife issues....

Day 4 Leshan and the giant Buddha

Anna was hurrying me along to get ready because her other elder brother (no names) was coming to pick us up today and take us to see a stone Buddha. Ho hum, I thought, but I didn't really care what we were doing, I was happy that I was being organised to do things. Lots of phone calls (her phone is a permanent decoration on the side of her head) that I didn't understand. Then it turns out this brother didn't know we were at a hotel and was waiting outside her apartment across town. Eventually we were on our way in a tiny hatchback, me and Anna in the back and her brother driving and her friend along for the ride as an interpreter. I had no idea where we were going but it was several hours, lots of wrong turns over bridges and rivers even though he had a GPS, then we arrived in Leshan for lunch. All the row of restaurants had family outside insisting that we park outside their particular establishments, and there were arguments between all the locals as to which restaurant we were parked in front of and which one we were going to patronise.

The night before during a meal I had commented about the fish, not that I particularly enjoyed it but at least it was ingredients that were recognisable even if they were so plastered with chilli and oil there was no other taste. Well this lunch then had to be all fish, just to please me, even though I would rather have had something else. The fish was tasteless, a bit muddy, and full of bones which everyone just spits out on the table or the floor. Later her brother told me it was local fish caught from the river, and after seeing the colour of that water, I was not so sure it was safe. Also I had need to use the toilet at this "restaurant" and it was the most disgusting I have ever been in. A single room with a squat toilet with cracked and dirty tiles, just off the kitchen. Discarded on the floor were all sorts of unmentionables including used lady things. The hand basin had floor mops soaking in it, and who knows what they had just been mopping up, so lucky I had some hand sanitiser with me. Don't get me wrong - here I am a Scout Leader and used to all sorts of rough camping and boating situations, but this place was a definite health hazard. I just had to walk away and accept that if nobody dies, it would be fortunate, and maybe just one of those differences in standards between cultures.

Anyway, with that behind us, we had a great walk up and around the stone cliffs with ancient carvings, temples, and loads of photos. Then a really long wait in a queue (more than an hour) to get onto the steep track down the steps of the cliff by the river to view the giant Buddha - the biggest in the world apparently. Then another long walk back, and it was quite hot so we were grateful for the ice creams back at the top.

Another long drive back to Chengdu in the back of this tiny car (and I'm rather large), and I was keen on getting back to the hotel, showering and having a cold beer, but instead we were meeting more family and going to a huge buffet restaurant. This place was amazing. It had every kind of food imaginable, and they kept going to different parts of the place and bringing back more dishes for me to try. My favourite was the duck, and the pork ribs, and some of the seafood, although they really have no idea of what seafood should taste like in inland China. When Anna comes to NZ I'll show her what fresh seafood should be like, and it is not plastered in chilli oil.

She knows I like wine, and bought me a glass of "red wine" with ice cubes in it! Well it was cold and wet and marginally better than the beer, so I was happy.

One thing I noticed with their food - it doesn't seem to matter what they eat at what time of the day, and in what order. When at the buffet they were all interchanging between sweet desserts and chocolate, and spicy savoury dishes. They insisted on feeding me a chocolate cake with cream just as I was swallowing a piece of Peking duck. I really don't get that. Anyway it was all good fun and I was having a great time.

I ended up with cramp in my legs that stayed for about a week and was really painful. I had to get up in the night and take more painkillers just to get back to sleep. I'm pretty sure it was the long car ride in the back seat. Anna found some special oil which helped, so I wasn't complaining.


« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 07:59:18 pm by kiwisteve »

Offline kiwisteve

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2012, 10:07:27 am »
A few photos of the big Buddha, and some of the giant stone statue as well - haha.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #38 on: May 26, 2012, 11:00:22 pm »
That was funny Nigel , your last day 3 did not show up as new on my board so until now I had missed reading it , but a great read and photos , now we will await the continuing story , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2012, 07:03:42 pm »
She knows I like wine, and bought me a glass of "red wine" with ice cubes in it! hahaha.. they don't like Ice in Water/Tea.. but in Red Wine... that my friend is "Funny"!

Great Story telling Steve ( why is Rob calling you Nigel ) and very nice Pictures too.

Offline kiwisteve

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #40 on: May 29, 2012, 07:44:06 pm »
Thanks for all the comments. I've been extra busy lately, but will try and update the story soon.

Actually saying non-committal words like "soon" is typical of me, being a software engineer and wary of making promises that end up becoming impossible to keep for various reasons, and it reminds me of an ongoing joke between Anna and me:

When we talk about things we want in the future I often tease her by saying "I hope so". In English this is perfectly reasonable and means I really want this to happen, perhaps tempered with the knowledge that there might be stumbling blocks along the way to making it happen. In Chinese it must translate to something more negative as she always send me back the angry icons or hitting-the-head smiley. She takes it as a non-committed response or unenthusiastic or something. She knows I'm kidding though.


Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #41 on: May 30, 2012, 02:39:54 am »
That is a good question Arnold , my apoligies to Steve , regards Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
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Offline kiwisteve

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2012, 08:20:59 pm »
Well, it is such a nice day here today - too good to be working, so I decided to go through all my trip photos and continue the story. I have around 1200 photos from this trip so it is not easy picking just a few out.

Day 5 - A Rest Day

This was a much needed rest day, just to ourselves. We decided around midday that there was no point in me spending a day in Guangzhou on the way home and I should delay my flight there by a day to spend more time with Anna. After a few calls to the airline I figured out I had to send a photo of my passport to authorise the flight change. So I went to the lobby so I could use the hotel wi-fi. It was playing up, and really slow, and Anna came looking for me. It seemed the photo was too large for their wifi connection, so I either had to go back to the room and take another photo or resize this one. While Anna was running around trying to get the hotel's help, I tried a few things and eventually downloaded an app that resized photos, and resent the email. All good, so I thought, and we went back to the room. After phoning the airline several times over the next hour it seemed they didn't receive the email, so I went downstairs and sent another one. Still they hadn't received it (or at least could not locate the attached photo). Anna tried speaking to them, then she phoned her English teacher for help with translations, but the whole thing was getting out of hand and I was getting really frustrated by this time as we had wasted nearly 5 hours trying to change a flight. The whole point of changing the flight was to spend more time together, so I cut my losses and said we'd forget about it.

She then wanted to take me out for her favourite meal which was hot pot. The hotel restaurant didn't do it, so we walked the streets until we found a place. I wasn't so keen on the cleanliness of this place but Anna was in charge, and we did have a nice meal - see photo below.

Even with the frustrations of dealing with the airline red tape and bad translations, it was great just to spend time alone with Anna.

Offline kiwisteve

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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #43 on: May 31, 2012, 08:37:52 pm »
Day 6 - Another Rest Day.

She took me to get beef noodles first - she didn't have any, she just wanted me to try it and make sure I was eating enough.

Well we went exploring the local shops which was fascinating, especially the supermarkets and all the different foods. There seemed to be an endless array of cabinets full of unidentifiable foods. Rabbit heads, some sorts of grubs or insects, entrails from unknown origins, and of course whole quails with the heads on, chicken and ducks feet.

We bought some beer and wine, some fish and squid for the next day as well as vegetables, because her brother was going to cook for us.


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Re: 1st trip to China - Guangzhou and Chengdu
« Reply #44 on: June 01, 2012, 12:52:09 am »
Ahhhhh... a good thing I ate already  :-\ . Sometimes I do wonder what all I endured in the Food department  :o ?

Again, great read Steve and Anna is a beautiful Woman.. thanks for the Pic's.