Sorry all-after a very long hiatus I am back-I know some members come here for moral support with delays and problems we all seem to encounter on our way to happiness, and I appreciate all of the help and support I have received. This time I was somewhat like a animal who goes away to lick it's wounds and regroup.
Back in November Ping received a blue slip after her interview -We were both very discouraged and somewhat sullen. I myself went from



and then finally

I had been told that our chances were slim to nil, by our lawyer, but I am happy to report shortly before our first Anniversary (with no idea what to get her) we received the best present of all-She has been approved and has sent her passport to Guangzhou to receive her Visa-So in 3 weeks I will be booking her flight for the U.S.

I wanted to thank everyone here....without you this wouldn't have been possible. If anyone would like to contact me please do so.
Forever in your debt. James