Author Topic: Something disturbing I have noticed in Chinese movies  (Read 1710 times)

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Offline JamesM.Roberts

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Something disturbing I have noticed in Chinese movies
« on: April 21, 2012, 03:34:26 am »
Chinese Movies-Okay I concede they are much better than the crap coming out of Hollywood these days. Hollywood must have fired all their writers, because they only do remakes now-a-days. They remake old movies-old t.v. series-old and new comic books(I myself am waiting for the remake movie of Capt. Crunch cereal )
But the disturbing fact that I have noticed about Chinese movies are their 3 main ingredients.

1. Kung-fu fight scenes........(okay not really a problem- in fact I find this way cool -although I'm too old and stiff to do the moves I see)
2. Love interest.........( there is always a love interest within the movies-okay this isn't disturbing either- I believe in love)
3. Tragedy  ......( This is the disturbing part -In 99% of the movies I have watched, one if not both of the love interests will die by the end of the movie)

I understand the whole Romeo and Juliet thing but c'mon  :o Ping will be joining me soon. How do I convince her it's okay if we grow old together. That she doesn't have to accidentally shoot or stab me for our love to be eternal.
Need your help if you have watched any good Chinese movies lately please post them here (ones with happy endings would be nice)

Anyone can pick up an apple off the ground, but the sweeter ones take a little work to get to!!

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Something disturbing I have noticed in Chinese movies
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2012, 10:25:43 pm »
I find those films where someone is able to leap 50 feet across others fighting and plant two feet into a mans chest the ones that turn me off most. Even more so when the man struck is able to get to his feet as soon as his strikes the ground.   

Or in a massive forest with no footpaths the bad guys, dressed like Ninja's always know exactly which trees to hide in that the innocents one will pass under.

The other set piece is that there is always another scheming woman in almost every film who eventually gets her come uppence but only after doing so many dastardly deeds.

Why do some many scheming women also have the need to speak their thoughts out loud. 

There are many miracles at foot - dead people being returned to life with the 1000 year old potion!  People suddenly blinded in an accident have their sight returmed following another accident.  Riches to rags is now common place.

The other one is one of the heo's or heroines is just about to be executed with a bloody great chopping device when they are miraculously saved.

And in modern dramas why is there only one car in a street and that happens to be a taxi being hailed.    Then another person following waves down the only other car which has been unseen but also is a taxi.

But the Chinese versus Japs are great - plenty of action there but how can the hero stand in the open shooting jap after jap through the head when dozens are shooting at him and missing.

And the love scenes are getting more revealing - I actually saw a guy removing the beauties top to reveal a pair of shoulders!!!


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Kevin T.

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Re: Something disturbing I have noticed in Chinese movies
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2012, 11:28:01 pm »
I just watched "The Eye 3" last week. It's a horror flick, but the most terrifying scenes are broken up by comedy. It had the potential to be the scariest thing I've ever seen, except there's these moments of hilarity. I had to read subtitles, but it still felt immersive.  I realize western and eastern definitions of horror are different. Still, it was awesome.

Offline Robertt S

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Re: Something disturbing I have noticed in Chinese movies
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2012, 12:02:10 am »
I want one of those 6000 round magazines they use! I saw one heroine take out a battalion with 1 clip! 8)