Author Topic: Funny Pre-Nuptials  (Read 1582 times)

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Offline Robertt S

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Funny Pre-Nuptials
« on: May 20, 2012, 03:09:00 pm »
Boudreaux & Thibodaux – Cajun Prenup
cajun1 An Ironclad Prenup (Prenuptial Agreement)

Thank my daddy for sending this one!~~~


Boudreaux done got old and his children done parked him at one’a dem old folks’ homes near Breaux Bridge. At Shady Acres, Boo meets him a lovely lady from Texas, and bein’ a fine upstanding Catlick, him didn’t wanna do nuttin’ against his religion. Derefore (Therefore), ol’ Mr. Boudreaux axed (asked) for her hand trew (through) a proper marriage proposal.

Now, Boudreaux and Mabel were in dere (their) 80s. Mabel tells everyone at Shady Acres the good news. Miss Claudine, Mabel’s best friend, tells Mabel since she’s so wealthy, and da person she was about to jump da broom wit (Cajun wedding tradition) isn’t worth a plug nickel, she should git (get) her a prenuptial agreement, yeah.

Mabel’s swingin’ on da porch swing wit Boo, and she tells him she’ll jump da broom wit him if he’ll sign a prenup.

Boudreaux, him say to his lady love and betrothed, “I don’ know what dat is, but I’ll sign anyting you want, ’cause I love you dat much and more!”

Mabel, gets out her pen and paper to get started. She reads out to Boudreaux, “I want to keep my house down in Texas with all the oil wells.”

Boo says, “Dat’s fine wit me. I’ll keep my shack on da bayou.”

“I want to keep my Cadillac, BMW and Lexus.” Mabel holds Boo’s hand in case he’s getting worried or put off.

Boo smiles, squeezes her hand and says, “Dat’s fine wit me. I’ll keep my pick-em-up truck.”

“I want to keep my yacht that’s moored near my summer home in Padre Island…”

“Okay, dat’s fine wit me. I got my pirough.”

“Okay, Mr. Boo, I want to keep all my jewelry too.”

“Dat’s fine wit me. I’ll keep my stuffed deer head.”

“Thank you, honey. Now, one more thing; I wanna have sex six times a week!”

“Hey, Mabel, dat’s fine wit me too, yeah! Put me down for Fridays, sha (cher).”