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Offline kiwisteve

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qq software
« on: April 20, 2012, 03:59:50 am »
Hi all,

I've been using qq for a while now (qq international), and it is great. One of my Chinese friends says she can tell if someone is online, but in stealth mode (invisible). I cannot see how this is possible from the international version, but maybe from other versions - does anyone know for sure?

Also, I have recently got a new Android phone and installed mobile qq2012. A few issues that I haven't been able to figure out:

- it is all in Chinese, so I have slowly been trying to translate the settings and options, but have not been very successful - does anyone have any help here? Is there an English version coming, does anyone know?
- how do you shut it off, so you can carry on a conversation on a desktop pc when you get home?
- how do you get the message history to sync with the desktop version? I have many conversations that are on the mobile that are not on the desktop pc and vice versa. This makes it really hard to review previous messages as the message could be in either place and needs to be matched up by date, which of course is in Chinese on the mobile phone. This will be a nightmare when it comes to documenting evidence of our relationship when it comes time for me to bring her to my country.

It is also kind of embarrassing when I have gone to sleep (4 hours ahead of China), and my partner is getting really jealous thinking I am chatting to other women because my phone is still saying it is online!

Another issue, but more of a relationship issue, is that I have a history of chats with other women on my phone. These women I consider as my sisters - good friends that offer me great advice and support. But my lady is really possessive and jealous, and would go mental if she found out I was still chatting to them. I am visiting her in less than 2 weeks, and I must consider whether to delete the other women off my qq friends list before I go, or somehow conceal my phone history from her. To be very clear, I am not being unfaithful to her, but I am also not ready to burn bridges with these other lovely, kind women now, or ever, as they may become lifelong friends, and a couple of them I might still consider as backups if my visit to my lady does not work out well. What should I do?


Offline Pineau

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Re: qq software
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2012, 05:44:15 am »
If you visit someones blog there is a timestamp with the time of your visit. Maybe that is what she is talking about. Otherwise I do no know of a way to see if sone hiding is online.

QQ for mobile phone has been out for a long time and I have not seen an english version. I dont think there will be an english version anytime soon.

On the phone I never shut it off. When you log in on your desk top it will automatically log you off on your phone.

On the desk top version there are some files named msg2.0 and msg.bak those are archives of your messages. you can import them into your qq from one machine to another. You can also export the messages to a webpage or txt file. I dont know if the mobile version has this capability but it would be easy enough to look for the files on your phone.

As far as deleting conversations.. On the desk top version you open the message manager (it is the icon at the bottom that looks like a speaker) . click on the contact you wish to delete. click the red X and follow the prompt. Again I do not know if this feature is available on the mobile version.
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Offline john1964

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Re: qq software
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2012, 10:29:31 am »
my mobile QQ is still active even when i use my computer and vice-versa, As for the g/friend being too possessive, cant you have female friends ???   john   


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Re: qq software
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2012, 01:36:58 pm »
As for the g/friend being too possessive, cant you have female friends ???   john

John , as you well know.. this is a "Trust" issue with these Dolls. Not being able to really trust Chinese Men ( most of them I say ), this will of course vary among Women.. depending on treatment they received in the past. It also ( like in my case, being married 30 yrs. to one Woman) depends on your history of course. No matter what, one still has to proof ones Trust to the other. Some may take months, while other will never give it up ( jealousy ). My late Wife was a good example of that, being part Latin. Show and act is what will slowly deminish that with time. You know what I mean. It's more "Your" work not her's to let it come to a Comfort level in the Futrue.

Offline john1964

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Re: qq software
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2012, 10:49:18 pm »
Hmmm, Seems i cant have female friends too, MinYing and I were sitting on the bed the other night when my Chinese teacher came on-line (QQ) she asked where my wife was and I told her that she was sitting with me talking to friends on QQ also, My wife was reading what our conversation was about and then my teacher wrote me a message in Chinese, MinYing laid back on the bed and I noticed a tear roll down her cheek, I asked her what was wrong and her reply was, " She loves you, you are my husband and I never want you to talk to her again".
I was a little surprised but I agreed to not talk to her again, When I arrive home from work yesterday I went on QQ and translated the message and it read " You are with your wife and you are happy, I am not happy !!!.
Wow , Where did this come from ???.
Anyway, I reassured my wife that I am her husband and we have spent too much time in making this relationship work for me to love another, I must admit that being single for 2 years has been difficult and I could have found a Chinese bride here but I am devoted to our marriage and will continue to be devoted.
So for now I think I will not use QQ but to only talk to mutual friends and family in Handan and send my lao po daily messages when I am at work, John.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: qq software
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2012, 03:01:51 am »
John , this is where great minds think differently ands depends on where your teacher is , I sometimes get a similar message , but there is no love or thought of love involved just that the other person wishes they were as happy as you are as a couple , I simply asked them if they would like an Australian man friend and all have jumped with a yes straight away and Sujuan and I have matched up a few already , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
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Offline JamesM.Roberts

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Re: qq software
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2012, 03:54:18 am »
John , this is where great minds think differently ands depends on where your teacher is , I sometimes get a similar message , but there is no love or thought of love involved just that the other person wishes they were as happy as you are as a couple , I simply asked them if they would like an Australian man friend and all have jumped with a yes straight away and Sujuan and I have matched up a few already , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Robert I have to ask........My LaoPo has asked me a couple of times, if I know of someone for friends of hers-I am always worried that if I introduce someone-they might not be good or treat the woman good. I was with a woman for almost 20 years and in the end.... I found out that I didn't really even know her. does this ever worry you?
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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: qq software
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2012, 04:05:59 am »
James we have a golden rule , Sujuan tells the girls and the guys in no uncertain terms that they are to talk nicely and become friends first and we are never involved further , I guess where we are lucky is that we can always go out as a group or we may take 3 of the girls to our club on a Friday or Saturday night and they may meet someone there , but it does have some of the regular guys and women confused as quite often it is not the same ones if we do take some as Sujuan has about 24 mainly single girls 19 to 35 that she employs and I would say that 75% of them are bloody attractive , and tomorrow we are having a catered and dumpling wingding at the shop after hours for my birthday , I am not sure if I am game to turn up ha ha .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
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Offline JamesM.Roberts

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Re: qq software
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2012, 04:20:05 am »
tomorrow we are having a catered and dumpling wingding at the shop after hours for my birthday , I am not sure if I am game to turn up ha ha .

showing up for work or the party afterwards???? ;D
Anyone can pick up an apple off the ground, but the sweeter ones take a little work to get to!!

Offline john1964

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Re: qq software
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2012, 05:06:42 am »
Happy birthday for tomorrow Robert, Hope the dumplings are good  :P, john.

Offline kiwisteve

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Re: qq software
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2012, 08:44:01 am »
If you visit someones blog there is a timestamp with the time of your visit. Maybe that is what she is talking about. Otherwise I do no know of a way to see if sone hiding is online.

Gerry, that may be it. She claims to have known when her boyfriend in America was online, but hiding, and therefore chatting to other women according to her, and looking at some logs, but I could never get details from her. Some of the screen shots she was showing me were definitely not part of QQ international, so maybe only in the Chinese version.

On the phone I never shut it off. When you log in on your desk top it will automatically log you off on your phone.

Doesn't seem to do that for me. Even when I exit QQ on the phone and move to the computer, the phone still beeps and displays her replies but not my messages out, so I end up with a history of one-sided conversations on my phone. The only 2 ways I have found to kill QQ on the phone is to reboot it, or to go into Settings/Applications/Manage Applications/QQ2012/Force Stop. There are heaps of settings in QQ2012 that I have no idea about because they are all in Chinese. If I posted some screen shots, would anyone be willing to translate them?

On the desk top version there are some files named msg2.0 and msg.bak those are archives of your messages. you can import them into your qq from one machine to another. You can also export the messages to a webpage or txt file. I dont know if the mobile version has this capability but it would be easy enough to look for the files on your phone.

Thanks - I know about that on the desktop version and have been exporting my messages all along, printing them out and creating a file for later. I haven't yet found anything similar for the phone.

Offline Pineau

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Re: qq software
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2012, 08:00:25 pm »
There is another service/social website operated by QQ. It is called I dont fully understand it but it is somehow connected with QQ. many of the post you make on your QQ blog will show up on your pengyou home page and vice versa.  I did notice that there is a little sidebar (actually a chat window like facebook) on my pengyou account that shows the status of my pengyou friends who are also my QQ friends.  Interesting... some people that are invisible on QQ (hiding) show up as online on the pengyou sidebar.  Maybe this is how your girlfriend can tell if you are online although you think you are hiding !!
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