Author Topic: Teacher salary negotiations.  (Read 1674 times)

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Offline David S

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Teacher salary negotiations.
« on: May 13, 2012, 10:57:59 pm »
I won't bore you with the background to much.  The bottom line is that I'm talking to a private school in Anshan about being their native speaker English teacher.

I am asking them many questions.  Not the least is to have them give me information about contacts of past teachers so I can talk to them about their experience.

Now I know that the Chinese culture is big into negotiating for price especially when it comes to retail purchases.  I'm wondering if this passion for negotiation extends into the job market also.  Their opening offer is "4,000 - 6,000 yuen per month depending on work load."  These numbers seem quite low to me.  Any suggestions to the response?  I have some time so I'm not rushing into anything and for those who are seasoned members here I AM keeping in mind the 24hour rule.  :P

Thank you for any input you might have.


Offline Philip

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Re: Teacher salary negotiations.
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2012, 12:19:00 am »
Here are some ballpark figures:-
International schools (you need teaching qualifications, i.e. a degree in education or equivalent)
From 20000 in a 2nd tier city to 50000 for the American School in Guangzhou
Local schools - foreign experts (usually white, unfortunately) - from about 7/8000 in 2nd tier cities to 22000ish in some Shanghai/Beijing 1st tier cities.
Local schools - local teachers - 2000-5000, depending on size of city and experience.
So, you should really be expecting/ holding out for at least 7000 and probably 8000 plus perks as a starting salary. Also it is important to check that you will get a Z visa. Many schools want to avoid paying the new National Insurance charges for foreign experts, so they may try and palm you off with an F visa (not a working visa)
A friend of mine with no teaching qualifications last year got a job in a school in a small city, starting salary 8000, so go for it. Get offers from other schools and play them off against each other.
Good luck