Author Topic: A cautionary tale......... sad story  (Read 3591 times)

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Offline Nigel

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A cautionary tale......... sad story
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:32:25 am »
been down to Melbourne for the weekend, and had dinner Saturday night with an old workmate, who gives a sad tale about his past 8 months on Chn Love. Rather ironic in many ways, given he was the one that recommended this site to me, with glowing praise.

   he met a girl on that site about 8 months ago, and has been to China seven times to see her since. All going well, and I had been receiving updates on his perfect new love. I always had a little suspicion  that all was not enitrely well, to be fair, because in all his visits over this 8 month period, the relationship had not progressed to the "physical" side of things. He spent those months showing her a fantastic time, taking her all over, Hong Kong, Kunming, GZ, god knows where else, and of course, many thousands of dollars in gifts. And knowing him, I would say MANY thousands!!!!
   anyway, arrives to see her this Easter, all going perfectly, and is greeted with the big hug at the airport. Off to the hotel, checks in, and goes to his room. Got the rock in the bag for Saturday night, sits down in the room, and unpacking, pulls out the papers for the fiancee visa. Well, as he put it it, it was like there had been a death in the room. All of a sudden, she has to go to the sick father's house, and pretty well departs the scene after a short dinner. God hearing this tale really hammered home to me what  A CHANCE WE ALL TAKE
   He sends her a text wondering what the hell is going on, next thing, she basically shuts up shop and stops all communication. After all that time, all those visits and all that money, he is left high and dry.
  Well, it gets worse. Nothing for a week, then a letter from Chn saying that the lady "wishes him well"
   wow!!!! he sends her a million texts, tries to call, nothing.
  Then, at that week, posts his experience on another forum, not mentioning names, but simply saying the lady was from JiNan. hell, he gets an answer on Friday from a Kanuk saying she has done exactly the same to him.... her name is Seven Wang, it seems she is just about the only girl from JiNan on ChnLOve, and sure enough, they are talking about the same woman!!!! She has been on the site four years, I have seen plenty of pictures, and how she is still single should be suspicion enough,Same thing with the Kanuk three years ago , about one year together, thousands of dollars in gifts, then the "sick father" routine!!!!!! who knows how many other suckers. Must be good at her trade though, my mate is no fool.
   Almost impossible to believe, that anyone could be so miserable, so callous. The Canadian guy also reckons the agency is well in the know, although my friend did not know himself. Poor guy, I have asked my lady if she knows anyhting about her (my girl is a model in the same region, although she comes from Qingdao) but she has turned up nothing yet....... but is very confident of getting to the bottom. So, I have been a supporter of Chn because I have been lucky, but I feel sick to my stomach after hearing this!!!
  A very sad story indeed
, shame on Chnlove for allowing scammers hang around for four years!!!!!!!!


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Re: A cautionary tale......... sad story
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 05:41:09 pm »
Time is the "Teller" of all Truth's ( funny that this sentence came from a Scamer/Cheat himself )! Unfortunetly, it doesn't come with a "Set" price or "Time-frame"!
It's always easy after the Fact , to say.. well you should have done this..or that at such and such time.. so now it's too late.. for some advice. Your Friend learned the hard way, because he was a Gentleman and nice Guy.. that did not want to rush the Physical part upon "Her". I bet he feels like laying it on her now, without a second thought.. if ever face to face again.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: A cautionary tale......... sad story
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2012, 04:03:30 am »
Nigel , sorry to read about your friend , do not know your friends age , but I thought all Melbourne ites were clever guys who could see a scam in 1 visit let a lone 7 tell him to have a look on QQ there are pleny of lovely ladies in Melb , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
For electronics and books etc , check out ,

Offline Nigel

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Re: A cautionary tale......... sad story
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2012, 04:49:36 am »
Haha,yes he is clever, he went to school in Sydney!!!

The GF sent me an e-mail today, found out all about this Seven Wang, actually have used the same company for work!! There you go, and there are a billion in China!!

Anyway, I think he will be relieved, yep, she is a genuine nasty piece of work, looks like she has been an errr, " professional" for a while too. Again, I should have thought of that.... he told me she is a pretty heavy smoker and has tattoos .
I remember reading somewhere, on some forum, that men should be very very wary of women from the country who smoke and have tattoos... Usually means they have been "professional" at some stage.
So I guess being a gentleman and not getting physical with her has saved him from something far more serious than a temporary  broken heart. Although.... I sent him a copy of the email today, it didn't seem to cheer him up much.
Strange thing, he is mid forties, movie star looks, plenty of cash and has millions chasing him in his home town, but gets his heart broken by some skank hooker in China!!! Go figure

Anyway, told him to read all the forums floating around, especially this one (and not ChnLove forum, a joke) and be more circumspect next time.
Not sure about QQ, that is dicing with trouble, at least there is, or at least should be, some sort of screening, done by the agencies. In this case, however, the implication that the agency knew all about it is a serious worry!!

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Re: A cautionary tale......... sad story
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2012, 07:16:18 am »
   Tell your friend he can have a free membership at my site! There is quite a few women on my site that are from Qingdao or the Shandong Province! Here is the link if he is interested.       or just click the XingFu button in my signature!  Regards, Robert

Offline Nigel

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Re: A cautionary tale......... sad story
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2012, 07:29:11 pm »
Thanks Robert, I will pass it on, although by now he should be checking out this forum himself. Then again, not sure he will be doing too much more Internet chasing haha, poor guy, I would hate to have to trudge back to the jewellery store with the ring, tail between legs!!

The more I think about all the crap that happened, the more I realize how fraught with danger overseas women-chasing is!!  I would have no doubt he has spent well over 50k on this adventure, no matter how much cash you got, that has gotta hurt. Mate, if you end up reading this, would love you give us more input.

He has told me a fair bit more than I have written here, but I will leave all that for him to bring to this table if he so wishes......
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 07:34:24 pm by Nigel »

Offline Nigel

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Re: A cautionary tale......... sad story
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2012, 02:27:19 am »
Haha, thought I would update this. And here I was worrying bout my mate lol

Firstly, the woman has supposedly been chucked off the site, one less scammer to sift thru.

Secondly, sneaky boy is now seeing Amy Yu, yep, haha, the fitness first model. Seems he has repaired his heart in record time!!! ;) ;D ::)
Hmmmm, actually wonder why he ever went searching OS in the first place.

Well, I guess all is well that ends well!