Thanks to all for all that sent me greetings.
Yesterday! It was a milestone that I never considered reaching when I was a kid. My target then was to get to the year 2000 as then I would have reached the grand 'old age' of 58. But the new century came and went so I carried on with life much the same as before. That is until China got into my blood.
So my three score years and ten have now past. So what do I go for now, a 3/4 of a century or a full ton? (Not talking of women as I passed that total a long, long way back.
I have played a good innings, had so many good scores, been in the outfield and the gulley. Been stumped a few times and had my middle wicket shattered on several occasions but also had many maiden overs.
I must admit I have been slowing down of late in many things but regrettably in one I have been speeding up.
But whilst that aspect is still working at all then I am thankful for that.
So having reached yet another decade in life you can all genuinely say that I am really a grumpy old git.
Now all I can say is that hopefully it will come to you all in time.
Happy Birthday Philip - you have a way to go until you overtake me.