Author Topic: For experience members who have used Chnluv and met actual ladies in China.....  (Read 8955 times)

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Offline maxx

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I met my wife threw Chnlove.Back in May of 2006.If I had to do it again I probably wouldn't use Chnlove now.It was a totally different company then that operated with a little honesty.And a little fairness.From what I have read over the last  few years.All honesty and fairness has gone out the window.

Offline JohnB

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I'd do it. ChnLov. Think of it as a “tool”. The sheer numbers of available and beautiful women are a given. They exist. They wait. They welcome. There are ways to unlock the hidden treasures if you understand the ChnLov tool. I figured my scheme of ChnLov on the 4th go- around.
1st things 1st. As you realize the EMF's are a main source of income to the local agencies. The agency I dealt with on my 4th go- to, utilizes the “actual” marriage as their main source of income.
I gave myself 2 weeks or so, first re- entering the ChnLov playing field. I narrowed my choices to the very recent entry or the new “raw” or pristine entry. I sent out the maximum 2- a- day cupids, and ignoring the admiration correspondence. So, in the 2 weeks, I had two “chosen” women. I dedicated my heart to these 2, figuring I will ultimately visit the 1.
On this 4th China visit I my Jing. We married this same visit, just 11 days after my arrival. In retrospect, I would not change a thing with my engineered plan. It worked. It was that good.

The preceding 3 visits were a combination of mistakes, shotgun approaches, over exuberance, misadventures, pissing all over myself, lack of whatever on my part, but I was always aware of the tantalizing possibilities that paraded out & about in China. It had to be a well laid plan for me to succeed.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 12:30:29 pm by JohnB »

Offline lfputman3

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Caution, much caution. As stated, you are a professional, so therefore, you are a big target, especially being in LA. You could only be a better target if you lived in NYC, London, or other major city, that is "higher profile" than LA.

If you want an educated, professional woman. You will most likely have better luck with QQ personals. However, it doesn't hurt to try. Just let people on here know which agency you are dealing with. My wife studied in Beijing, however the first woman I met, had a Chinese "middle school" education. She was smart, and a "slick one", she burned me well enough. She did openly tell me after I arrived, when I first started writing, she had no interest in me, but after a couple months, she decided to see where it would go. Down the pipes, was the direction.

It also depends on where you are going. If the things go south in a hurry when you visit, in any large city, just go for a walk. You will meet people, any of us here, can tell you that. If you wander away from the "normal tourist towns" be ready to hear lots of "laowei/weigouren" shouts  ;D

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.