Author Topic: Question ..How to get solve this problem .  (Read 6103 times)

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Re: Question ..How to get solve this problem .
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2012, 09:55:53 pm »
No Gerry.  I have never wanted to have the responsibilty of kids, definately not wanted grand kids.  I decided long again that I wanted my line to die out with me.   I did not want to be responsible for bringing anyone into the world as it now is.   I still have rose tinted glasses as to how things were when I was a kid.  Born during WW2, now that was real austerity. Could leave your homes unlocked, not until 1960's did you have to be sure to lock up. Could walk the streets of any city in the night without fear of being attacked or robbed,

One of the attractions to my wife was the fact that she was no longer capable of having more children.  I now share with her her three adult children and that is as close I want to get with children.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,