Author Topic: Another Chnluv Question for those members who have GF or wives from Chnluv.  (Read 6459 times)

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Offline joss888

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This is about the original cupid letter to a few profiles that interests me..Who reads them ? Do the girls ever see them ?Are they just a pre formed letter from the translators or do the girls actually hear about them and have impute in the responses.? The reason for this question is that of the 15 that I have sent ...I usually get just one response from each  Cupid letter sent . But for three of the profiles I had written to in an Cupid letter for free I have received an additional three follow up letters with un- touched photos telling me more of themselves and asking for a reply . What are the chances do you think  these are initiated by the ladies in the profile or are they just from the translators... again just your thoughts from your experiences and direct knowledge after conversation with the person that you met after writing them.

Just read Hans story over at the "Love Story "forum ...sounds like a sound plan the way Hans managed it ....take your time ..don't " fall in love " with pictures and profiles and keep an open mind and clear head until you meet ...and make it with in 4 months ...thanks guys and ladies for all of the knowledge here. Met someone on CLL and a few on CL ....!
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 12:23:09 am by joss888 »

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Translator making a few extra dollars.  A problem with Chnlove is that they send out those fishing admire letters and when you respond they can send you as many responses as they think they can get away with. Un-touched photos?? Really? the technicians in Liaoning are real artists. You cant tell that a photo has been altered  unless you can see the real lady in person.

The ladies that I was writing to knew about me but damned little. They were told when they got a letter and what I had said and what the translator said t me. That was the extent of their involvement. Theri job was to bait me, flirt with me and occasionally send me a new photo and when I was ready they hand me over to the lady that had paid them the fee.

I am not being clinical but you should question EVERYTHING you get from Chnlove. I dont trust the any further than I can throw them.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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When I arrived here in 2009 the agency in Zhuihai were arranging meetings for me every other night.  9Probably they did not think I could cope with nightly ones at my age.)  Anyway it was not until several weeks later that I found that the woman I was meeting were being charged introduction fees by the agency.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Robertt S

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    I think the agency you are dealing with has a lot to do with the quality and trustworthiness of the responses you receive. Some of the agencies are more trustworthy than other agencies, so you might mention what agencies you are dealing with or read some of the past topics we have concerning agencies that members here have used before. I personally think you should not put all your faith and trust into any agency! I went to China with all intents of purposes of meeting and proposing to the girl I had been writing for 4 months, but after 2 meetings consisting of a total of 1.5 hours, her 8 year son decided HE could not accept a foreign father and the agency graciously wrote and handed me a Dear John letter my second day in China( Free of Charge though ). I strongly recommend having a plan B in case plan A goes south, that will allow you at least salvage some of your trip to enjoy and possibly meet someone else. That is what happened to me and I have no regrets since I am now married to a beautiful Chinese lady I met on the same trip. Take your time and do not become totally committed to anyone emotionally until after you have met them in person. If your lady is a client of an agency, then almost all communication is regulated by the agency, the playboys are usually weeded out by the agency because playboy's rarely marry thus no marriage fees per the ladies contract.You will find that these ladies most of the time trust the agency alot more than they trust someone they just met on the internet, so you already have a trust issue to overcome before you even get started. So take your time and look with logical eyes, not your lustful eyes ;) . Enjoy your search and be carefully logical!  Robertt

Offline joeswuhandream

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chnlove life is life
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2012, 03:20:39 pm »
why do so many members give such a bad review of chinlove ?
it unbelievable this attitude
so some guys have had  a bad experience  so what ?
as far as the costing is concerned  it is down to you how much you spend  right ?  NOT CHN LOVES  FAULT ?
put it this way when you signed up to chnlove you know what the costings are so STOP BELLY ACHING
i have nothing but 100% admiration for the service they offer
it is the stupid people that are gullable in the search for there dream?
when i met my wife we exchanged emails one a week until i visited her 6 moths later  very cheap indeed i would say ?
so stop this nonsense ,so is chnlove expensive i  know it is not  you have a choice

dont blame  chnlove blame your self

Offline Irishman

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I'm with you Joe, I like them so much I married one of their translators on an affiliated agency!! . Just kidding, my wife did work as a translator for one of their agencies but i didn't meet her though chnlove directly - i went to meet someone on chnlove that didn't work out and her friend (who was on chnlove too and using a different translator -wife ,my ) introduced me to her.
Without taking the chance to write to someone on chnlove and follow though and go there, I would never have met my wife and have our wonderful baby boy ((three months old now!!) together.
Yes you need to keep your wits open to the scammers like anything else in life, but you can find you life partner there too.
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Offline Neil

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Re: chnlove life is life
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2012, 05:23:40 pm »
why do so many members give such a bad review of chinlove ?
it unbelievable this attitude
so some guys have had  a bad experience  so what ?
as far as the costing is concerned  it is down to you how much you spend  right ?  NOT CHN LOVES  FAULT ?

I know it's a rhetorical question, but I wanted to respond.

Chnlove's system is bent in such a way that it is easy for bad translators or agencies to deceive innocent people (both men and women).  They deceive men by writing fake letters and charging $5 each way for translation - I understand the cost of doing business, but the deception is still wrong.  They deceive women by charging fees to introduce them to men that have passed their screening.  The screening is not a real screen but more of a gut-check (this guy writes letters once a week so he's paid his dues.  He's willing to travel to China).

If it was just about the money, I think we would all agree that it's an investment in finding the right woman. 

The men that have been deceived have every right to be concerned.  We are generally a caring, kind, eager bunch, looking for nothing more than that special someone to spend the rest of our lives with.  That's what we signed up for.  But that's not what Chnlove gives us. 

Yes, I will admit, Chnlove has worked out great for some people.  There are some very good, very upstanding agencies involved with Chnlove, that genuinely want to help the ladies and men get together.  It is unfortunate that they are in the minority, but that's what the promise of big money causes. irresistible as chocolate

Vince G

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Before a debate breaks out there is one thing that is being overlooked, Chnlove isn't Chnlove anymore. About 2 years ago they were bought out by Qpid. They use the Chnlove name but the rules have changed. At least before you had some kind of chance of communication with a real lady, but now? the odds have changed. They moved away from getting people together to just making money. What was good once is no longer.

Offline Robertt S

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Re: chnlove life is life
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2012, 06:07:55 pm »
why do so many members give such a bad review of chinlove ?
it unbelievable this attitude
so some guys have had  a bad experience  so what ?
as far as the costing is concerned  it is down to you how much you spend  right ?  NOT CHN LOVES  FAULT ?
put it this way when you signed up to chnlove you know what the costings are so STOP BELLY ACHING
i have nothing but 100% admiration for the service they offer
it is the stupid people that are gullable in the search for there dream?
when i met my wife we exchanged emails one a week until i visited her 6 moths later  very cheap indeed i would say ?
so stop this nonsense ,so is chnlove expensive i  know it is not  you have a choice

dont blame  chnlove blame your self

You were not so gracious about your review of agencies last year, what happened you just see a chance to call someone an idiot or are you a paid spokesperson for them now?,3056.msg52182.html#msg52182
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 06:14:01 pm by robertt snellgrove »


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Before a debate breaks out there is one thing that is being overlooked, Chnlove isn't Chnlove anymore. About 2 years ago they were bought out by Qpid. They use the Chnlove name but the rules have changed. At least before you had some kind of chance of communication with a real lady, but now? the odds have changed. They moved away from getting people together to just making money. What was good once is no longer.

That is exactly correct Vince.

My success with Chnlove and Qing was due to the way Qing approached the situation from the very start.. signing up with Chnlove. Herself and her Brother investigated all over China for the "Best" agency with the most successful record and price had nothing to do with. Being from Shanghai and signing up with a Guangzhou agengy was very strange to me at first, because I knew of two in Shanghai. Second, this pick from her was also my luck of course. I had to deal with an "honest" Translator from the get-go. This was like Vince said, back in the day.. where now it has to be almost.. go visit first and then start writing if all is on an open sheet/table about the Lady.
So things have changed so much, us old timer's experience is almost useless to newbee's.. with the exception of "After" married life begins and paperwork of course. Crooks in any field always try to stay one step ahead of the knowledge of members and their friends.. Chnlove is/was no exception.
Too many bad/greedy/bloodsucking Agenies ruinned it for all good ones as time shows. Having had nothing but good happening for us through Chnlove, I can not really bad-mouth them in any way.. but.. I would NOT like to having to do it over now. 

Offline Willy The Londoner

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We do have to remember that those who have been successful did so before the change of ownership and the new restrictions on the  passing of alternative contact details.  This is what has killed chnlove. 

Chnlove was able to build up its network of local agencies by offering them something else, Foreign opportunities, but we I see it soon closing as the agencies are getting less income and paying higher fees to belong to it.  That leaves it open to misuse by individuals and agencies within it.

Less men are joining Chnlove and even less are now paying any advance fees for emfs.

Cnlove itself made its real money from the agencies that joined it, the running cost were obtained from its part of each emf fee.

Cnlove was a good idea when it started but as with all things it is possibly past its sell by date now.  Just think how the internet has changed since it started just few years ago.  People know that through the internet there are so many ways of making contact  these days that they just will not put up with chnlove as it is. So that is why I will say it will close in its present form.

For the short period I was running an agency here we had contacts from local agencies that were willing to pay good money just to put their ladies on our website and who were willing to settle for introduction fees and men not paying for emfs or any other form of contact.

That is an option that others should think of.


Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Jason B

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I can totally understand all the aguments put forward by all.  I met my wonderful wife through Chinalove.  This is the older style Chinalove that has been mentioned before it became a dash for cash, but I do not know any of that as I stopped using them about a month before I travelled to China to meet Xia.  The fact that she also lived with the translator that did our letters may have been a bonus.  But she also could read, write and speak English already but she still had to go throught the agency as they were responsible for her success and therefore try to recoup a success fee.  It did not happen as apparently the agency changed hands by the time we were married and all we did was buy the new owners lunch and that was it.

But with all the anger flowing about Chinalove ripping people off, this maybe true or is it the individual agency/gold digging woman and I will make no comment as I only ever wrote to Xia, but think of this if it hadn't been for their website would you have discovered or searched for ALL the other Chinese Introduction websites out there? Were they the stepping stone that got you interested in taking the journey and meeting that special someone?  If you answered yes or maybe then that is one thing that they should be congratulated for.

AND NO I DO NOT NOR HAVE I EVER WORKED FOR THEM, this is just my opinion on the debate and my 2c worth.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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I heartedly agree Jason as many have said finding the Chnlove website brought many people to find love in China.

As the internet grows and it is only in its early stages at the moment, (remember that Google was operating out of a garage 15 years or so ago and 10 years ago there was no facebook as such.) there is so much more information out there now that so many know that they do not have to pay for each messages sent or received. 

The individual agencies have to make money, as i understand it some are paying chnlove 100,000 dollars a year to be on the site.  Some are more ethical than others and with dwindling numbers paying for emfs they have to take advantage of any opportunity.  As I said before chnlove as we know it is unlikely to be around in a few years times.  There is so much free choice around.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Cupid Letters.

I think Connie Francis had the right approach ' Stupid Cupid stop picking on me'

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline lfputman3

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I belive I have made enough comments, from initially thinking that the agency was doing good, to the updated version of ChinaLove (aka qpid). All I can say without getting myself in more trouble locally, as advised above, keep your wits, be careful and be ready for the potential letdown. I was told by email that the "success fee" is enough to cover the wages of two employees for a month. They are a business, and no sane person goes into business to lose money. However, as we have seen in major headlines over the last few years. Corruption is common in business. I intially thought they were doing good by me. In the end, they were looking for more money and are denying the blackmail attempts.

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.