Author Topic: China - Next Ten Years?  (Read 15076 times)

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2012, 10:28:42 pm »

I agree with you that they have become more open, and hopefully all nations will learn that with technology where it is today, that muscle flexing should only be done at the beach, or at the Olympics.
Well I have mellowed over night having just seen the London Olympic opening ceremony.  Going to watch it through again as I cannot believe what I have just seen.   See you all in 4 hours.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2012, 11:03:59 pm »
Willy are you drinking Chinese moonshine again?.Have you lived in your little world for to long.And  cannot see past the front door.Read a history book.Read what your own Winston Churchill worte.If it hadn't ben for the lend lease act.And for the Americans.You would be speaking German or Russian by now.And probably still stumbeling along under a communist goverment.Oh yeah combat pay for a American GI was like 50.00 a month. Thats pretty cheap for putting your life on the line.For a bunch of people who don't appreciate it.31.4 billion dollars.In aid and materials is what the U.S sent to  England durring WW 2.Over 120,000 U.S service personell were killed.Fighting in Europe.

I don't know why I bother trying to teach the uneducated.How the world really you think that London rebuilt its self after the war.Do you not think that a country.That had over a thousand years of history.Wouldn't be pissed off when some Army invaded it.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 11:40:18 pm by maxx »

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2012, 11:11:11 pm »
I turned 18 underway on this boat on my second deterrent patrol during the Cold War. I can sympathize with David E's father because we had a similar situation happen to us concerning a delayed stand-down order during battle stations. I went on to receive my dolphins at the age of 18.5 and completed a total of 7 deterrent patrols before transferring to a sub-tender and making a cruise around the world.

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #33 on: July 28, 2012, 02:29:00 am »
Maxx I never get involved in anything like this type of subject but your coming over as an a...hole THE LEND LEASE ACT you say was the reason USA CAME IN TO 'help' us BRITS. if it had not been for the Jap attack at Pearl Harbour your lot would have continued to sit back and do nothing like you did for the first few years

I'm sure your president wanted to come in earlier.. and the lend lease act was just an excuse to help pave the way. 
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 06:01:01 am by Scottish_Robbie »
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #34 on: July 28, 2012, 02:31:30 am »

Maxx. You are too easy to wind up. Its no fun anymore.   ::) 

I do not have to read one sided accounts as I lived the war years. :'(


Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #35 on: July 28, 2012, 10:28:01 am »
Rob read a book learn a little history.The lend lease act started a year before the Japanese attacked pearl harbor.The reason the lend lease act was put into effect.Was because the Brits.Were the only nation left standing against Germany.And they were only going to last another couple of months.Winston Churchill.Came to Roosevelt.And said hey we need some help.Roosevelt said hey no problem.And started the lend lease act.Roosevelt also sent aid to Canada,Free France,And the Soviet union.

Rob if I come over as a asshole.It is probably because I'm tired of you ingrates.Always blaming all your problems on the Americans.You all need to take responsibility for your own actions.And stop blaming the Americans.We are a great bunch of people when you get to know us.

Willy one sided war accounts?I got most of this from Winston Churchill himself.So I don't know where you are coming from.willy if you were born in or before the war years.That make you Somewhere in your early eighties.Or your late 70.Not even close to what your profile says.So whats up with that?

P.S did you Brits know that the Great Winston Churchill was Half American.His mother was American.And he was Educated in Dublin Ireland.He lived in the states for a few years before he joined English politics.So I guess that dispels the notion of great English tenacity

Offline Rhonald

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #36 on: July 28, 2012, 10:43:32 am »
if it had not been for the Jap attack at Harbour your lot would have continued to sit back and do nothing like you did for the first few years

I'm sure your president wanted to come in earlier.. and the lend lease act was just an excuse to help pave the way.

The problem of being the Alpha Male country is that when you take immediate action others say you are too aggressive ,when the Alpha Male stays neutral you get comments like "sit back and do nothing". The USA foreign policy is to do with its own self interest, but somehow others expect a morale perfection from the USA that other Historical super powers never seemed to be graded upon.

Weather the entry of the USA into WW2 led to the win, I do not know as maybe the war would have been won but with more years of misery and toil. Once the USA entered, the war was just about guaranteed to turn out as it did.

Yes the USA helped out big time, but without the other nations also involved, I am sure the USA could not have done it alone. It was a team effort on all fronts.

This topic is about China's future in the next ten years, not the USA foreign policy. Now we can all see that Willy has grown found of his adopted country and refuses to see trends in China's foreign policy and defends by redirecting our focus upon the USA's sometimes miss guided policy, but we have also seen China stumble here too. Since China has become a world power with vested interest in world affairs, world opinion could sway their own foreign policy if major economies decide to become protective and turn inwards.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 11:10:37 am by Rhonald »
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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #37 on: July 28, 2012, 10:57:40 am »
Rhonald is correct. The main reason the US didn't jump into the war early is they didn't have the equipment or the manpower. All the military equipment was WW1 issued and they were sending that over to England.

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #38 on: July 28, 2012, 11:03:56 am »
What Vince was replying to was what I had just edited out of my prior post, since I was quoting two other articles.

The United States demobilized their armed forces after WW1.
 When Germany attacked Poland in Sept. 1939, the U.S. armed forces was very small, by June of 1940, Germany had already occupied all of Europe. The only thing the U.S. could do in 1940 was to send over supplies, equipment, and a few volunteers to England, which they did do.

America is best thought of as the Empire of Liberty. Keeping that in mind, the elected government and the president etc., must therefore pay close attention to what the people want and are saying.
At the outbreak of WW2 in 1939 - the vast majority of Americans wanted nothing what-so-ever to do with a war in Europe - Fortress America was the watch-word of the day and to Hell with anyone else.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 11:07:44 am by Rhonald »
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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #39 on: July 28, 2012, 11:16:58 am »
Re: China - Next Ten Years?

All I have seen today is an America bashing, British pissing contest. 
 I have been getting a world history lesson of the two world wars and American foreign policy.

I thought I would be treated to an essay on the future of China for the next ten years as it pertains to economic and military power and national policies.

 Max was on the right track a few days ago.  Give me something good to read.
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Offline Rhonald

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #40 on: July 28, 2012, 11:31:41 am »
The below is in part from this link:

Geoffrey Murphay's China: The Next Superpower (2008) argued that while the potential for China is high, this is fairly perceived only by looking at the risks and obstacles China faces in managing its population and resources. The political situation in China may become too fragile to survive into superpower status according to Susan Shirk in China: Fragile Superpower (2008).[32] Other factors that could constrain China's ability to become a superpower in the future include: limited supplies of energy and raw materials, questions over its innovation capability, inequality and corruption, and risks to social stability and the environment. Minxin Pei argued in 2010 that China is not a superpower and it will not be one anytime soon and argued that China faces daunting political and economic challenges.[33] In 2012 she argued that China, despite using economic power to influence some nations, has few real friends or allies and is surrounded by potentially hostile nations. This situation could improve if regional territorial disputes would be resolved and China would participate in an effective regional defense system that would reduce the fears of its neighbors. Alternatively, a democratization of China would dramatically improve foreign relations with many nations.[34] Amy Chua stated in 2007 that whether a country has enough pull to bring immigrants is an important quality for a superpower. She also wrote that China lacks the pull to bring scientists, thinkers, and innovators from other countries as immigrants. However, she believed that China made up for this with its own diaspora, and said that size and resources for them are unparalleled.[35]
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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #41 on: July 28, 2012, 11:50:53 am »
There are no winners in this war exercise. Since many quote WW2 I did the Wikipedia “thing”
It does appear the Poles suffered the most (%) being sandwiched between Germany & Russia. 
For the eh of it, check out non-  combatants.
When you really think about it, there are no actual winners when hostilities have ceased. There are always the causal circumstances that lead up and if you explore that precedent it might give you a better idea why shit happens.

The current fiasco is the S. China Sea. It makes sense America's involvement with the surrounding China's surrounding neighbors. Think of it this way, what near neighbor sides with China? I do not think there is even one. What would happen if the U.S. did the “que sera sera” in the Western Pacific theater?
I, for one, like things the way they go. The Chinese own our financial strength to the tune of over 3trillion$.
The “West” owns the China's neighbors “good will” and the enforcement of the shipping corridors in international waters (all mercantile counties). This enforcement must be kept in abeyance until the Chinese fully recognize the legitimate sovereignty of it's neighbors, especially in the S. China Sea, in regards to all “territorial”,  “archipelagic”, “exclusive economic zones (most important)”. 
The only logical approach is compromise, of which, China is so hesitantly resistant to.   

Still the spectre of U.S. politics fucks things up
...the “heavy hand” of fat assed monkey wrenchers on the so- called “right side” of the aisle, always the proponents of “something for nothing” because we can. Sort of like China's claim to the whole of the S. China seabed.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 12:23:19 pm by JohnB »

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #42 on: July 28, 2012, 12:14:10 pm »
Rob read a book learn a little history.

Rob if I come over as a asshole.It is probably because I'm tired of you ingrates.Always blaming all your problems on the Americans.You all need to take responsibility for your own actions.And stop blaming the Americans.We are a great bunch of people when you get to know us.

Maxx for your information my DEGREE IS IN HISTORY....

To me you came over just like your answer to me like your answer .where do you get off calling anyone an ingrate, Most American come over exactly like you Maxx too big for their boots and the great 'WE ARE.'

'America is best thought of as the Empire of Liberty. Keeping that in mind, the elected government and the president etc., must therefore pay close attention to what the people want and are saying.
At the outbreak of WW2 in 1939 - the vast majority of Americans wanted nothing what-so-ever to do with a war in Europe - Fortress America was the watch-word of the day and to Hell with anyone else.

So from an outsiders point of view it would seem you only came in because of Pearl Harbour


« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 12:18:30 pm by Scottish_Robbie »
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Offline maxx

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #43 on: July 28, 2012, 12:44:35 pm »
So Robbie what your telling me Is that you are not and at any point in time ben involved in Bashing Americans.After all they done for you.And the rest of Europe.Threw 2 WW.Interesting.So what doe's that make you?If not a ingrate.Maybe a hypocrite.

Rhonald I do apologise.I never meant to make lite of Canada,Free France.Russia.Or any other country contribution to the war effort.Without the help of are Allies.The U.S. and England.Would of had a much longer war.With a much higher casualty rate.

David E I know you are reading this and laughing your head off.Watching the Americans and the Brits go at it.My only excuse is it is something to do on a slow weekend.I have not forgot the Sacrifices the Aussie made.Or the New Zealanders.If it hadn"t ben for the Australions.Slowing the Japanese down.And paying the price with there lives.The Japanese would have probably landed troops In Hawaii.And cost allot more lives then it did.

History lesson again at the end of WW 2. 2 out of 3 Australian men were either killed or wounded.You could go to Australia after WW 2 and have your pick of the girls.which is what allot of Americans did.I used to have a pen pal in Australia.Her dad was a American.Her grandfather was a American Marine.On leave in Australia.He liked Australia so much he went back to the states.Picked up his wife and kid.And moved the whole family to Australia.The last time I talked to her.They were living in Queensland.And she considered herself fool blooded Aussie

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Re: China - Next Ten Years?
« Reply #44 on: July 28, 2012, 02:39:38 pm »
No Maxx...I am not laughing my head off....I see a lot of words from a lot of people that are full of hot air !!! This makes me puke, not laugh.

On one hand we have the Brits....been around as a Nation for something like 1000 years, although we must not forget that the Romans did much to turn this nation of mud-painted savages into civilised people, without the Roman conquest of Britain and Europe, it is difficult to envisage how they could have progressed.

The British Empire was up there with the best (!!!!) and biggest, certainly it was up there with the cruelist....gorging itself on the wealth of conquered nations and subjugating and in fact eliminating native populations numbered in countless millions.

Most "ancient" European Nations went through this phase...French, Dutch, Portugese, Germans and so on. But they all had their day and as all evil Empires do, they eventually crashed and burned. But they cant forget that once they were great, and want the rest of the World to remember this, but dont have the wherewithall to make it stick any more.

Us recent "colonial" States (Aus, NZ, USA, Canada  etc etc) and many emerging economies (China, India, Some South American States and maybe some other asian States) are never let forget that we have only been around for a coupla hundred years and thus cannot have a seat at the table of ancient , bankrupt, finished Empires.

In the final crunch, America HAD to go to war in 1940...Pearl Harbour was a Nartional insult of the most dastardly nature and Japan NEEDED to be stopped. The rest of the World was in no shape to stop them...they were not really able to stop Hitler and he was close to getting the V3 in  production, and would carry the first German nuke into England, ( the uranium being made from the Heavy Water processed in Norway by the German Scientists) and later as an intercontinental capable missile, he would have had a go at America.

Any way...enough of that, back to Willy !!!!....he is a mischevious bugger, loves yank peoples chain and see how they react, I am not sure if I believe 10% of his postulations...... :o :o

He reminds me of an ancient drag queen, lording it over everyone from the perspective of a faded past life, having bolted from the awful reality of it...but then again, many of us (including MOST Americans and Most Aussies and Canadians ) bolted from somewhere into a new life sometime ago;

So...people in glass houses should not throw stones !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!