as a kid, I grew up in a mostly "white" community, we had one black family, but one of our doctors was Chinese. In the military and while studying in college/university, I had and now have asian friends, and yes, another Chinese doctor, whose wife is actually of Japanese heritage. Her grandmother returned to Japan a couple years ago, but she herself is Canadian.
In Korea, I had a Korean gf, and I remember the two biggest issues we had, #1, she told me we could never have kids, because she was a "pure blood" Korean and I was of "dirty blood". This would disgrace her family...

#2, she could outdrink everybody in my unit. This ability would have upset my family (the whole baptist factor).
Being of mixed ancestry and being told my father and my grandfather, "you are, but you are not, therefore, you must treat everyone equally. Don't trust them until they prove themselves."
As for being around Asians, I think the hardest thing for wife, being that Lansing is mixed bag of nuts, adjusting to having ethnic Japanese and ethinic Indians around. She's ok with Koreans, but like many here in China, she has a very negative view of Japan. She is also unsure of how she will react to "black people", this could pose a problem, I know it will take a little time and my doctor and his wife have said they will help her adjust, by helping her meet the other asians and learn that there is good and bad in each ethinic group. Most of the ethnic Japanese in America and Canada, if I'm not mistaken, were in the Americas prior to what Japan did in China. Their families anyway...

In short, yes, I like asians, asian food, I know a few of the "good" restaraunts in town and I definately know the best asian grocery in town. I have forewarned my wife, that there are older Chinese who will "shun" her because she married a "round eye". She said she thinks she understands.
In the meantime, Shaun, next time you cook for your wife, I found the Chinese like Jambalaya and bread pudding. just remember to keep the "la" as a side condiment. my wife likes hot, mama don't...