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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2012, 09:31:47 pm »

An old Aussie??? I thought when transportation was still going on you were still British!!!! ;D  As you say - 'WE' originally deported.......

Remember their lives were saved in many cases.  Deportation or be hanged was the choice - not their choice though!    Many were given the wrong choice and ended up in hell prematurely. (I thinks that's what they called Australia then! ;D ;D

.we originally deported all the really serious criminals to Australia to get them out of "good" society in know the one's, the starving people who stole a loaf of bread, the desperate women who sold their bodies so they could eat, etc etc etc.

Such a mix has lead the Aussies to a different view of the racism issue.

Ask any Aussie and they will tell you calmly...

"I am NOT a racist...I just hate the bastards"

« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 09:34:56 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #31 on: August 30, 2012, 10:06:54 pm »
Most of us who are married have wife's that are younger than us and even look younger then their own age.   So in the west when we walk out together people are looking at us and thinking 'bought wife'.  Do not kid yourself.  They are saying the same in any other western country not just the UK.  (I said the same even before I got to think of China.) Not everyone, but often enough to make ones hackles rise. 

 Unfortunately some men just like the idea of toting a lovely looking young women on their arm. 'look everyone I can still pull young ones'  but it is the phrase bought wife that comes to the mind of the viewer.  OK in the area where you live people get used to seeing you both.  But go further afield and you will get the stares the same as you got in China. 

 My Chinese is not so hot so people may be saying 'look another old foreigner taking the cream of our women' I  do not know enough Chinese so I do not care. I am not a mind reader I do not have some hidden power to decipher the meaning of what they are thinking.  I will be completely deaf by the time I know enough Chinese to understand what they say. So I am happy to listen to what they say without understanding.   A smile from me is all they get.

People ask why I speak out for China all the time.  Well China is my home now.  Most of you on this forum were either immigrants or children of recent immigrants to new countries and your loyalty lies with your new country. The same as me.  I chose China - China did not choose me.



If you buckle under, I lose respect. Maybe you the China beacon, still lit but wavering.
In all probability Jing & I will be living in China sometime whenever. I cannot see the big tado in living in the West. Kind of sedate. Kind of gentrified. Certainly slow in comparison to China. I figure why not the change.
Besides, politically speaking that is, when republicans win elections there is always the correlation of an influx of out- flow migrants, as in ex- pats. Better be prepared!
Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2012, 03:43:32 pm »
People ask why I speak out for China all the time.  Well China is my home now.  Most of you on this forum were either immigrants or children of recent immigrants to new countries and your loyalty lies with your new country. The same as me.  I chose China - China did not choose me.


See above Willy.....maybe looooong time ago I was 100% Pom...but after nearly 50 years I am now 90% Aussie....

Note:..Never can I be 100% Aussie, but my kids are  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2012, 09:20:19 pm »

See above Willy.....maybe looooong time ago I was 100% Pom...but after nearly 50 years I am now 90% Aussie....

Note:..Never can I be 100% Aussie, but my kids are  ;D ;D ;D

Good on yer Mate, swanning down to Oz when you were a nipper Pom.;D ;D

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2012, 09:14:20 am »
I have to point out, the original article that was posted her, by me, was written by a brit, no a yank. As someone who's family tree includes a good number of ethnicities beyond my native blood, which is the dominant ethnography of our family blood, but my children will need to be comfortable with being, as I was taught, a "breed". That is a half-blood, neither one or the other. The way I was taught to deal with racism, I am not a racist, I hate everybody.

However, racism in America, which is ever present, in it's most vicious forms, trace back to four groups and their profound "Colonial" presence in the west. I say four, b/c the Spanish, really, honestly didn't care. As long as you accepted the church anyway. The Portuguese and Dutch (primary European traffickers of humans), if you look in Brazil, a former Portuguese colony, (I have Brazilian friends), you will note, the ghettos are dominated by natives and blacks. The Dutch, also known in some parts of the world as "the Boers". Very much did not care for dark skin, or non-Christians. The French, I'm just say look at Louisiana, Haiti and a few other well known places. Haiti is the best example, they did not allow proper education to the lower class, they also did not permit mixed marriages at all. England, introduced scalping, attempted to "breed" out the Scottish, a trait which was passed to the US when it came to the Native American assimilation program.

It is true, racism is everywhere. Here in China, it is bred by the party. I understand the hatred of Japan. Most intelligent Chinese that I meet, know the US backs Japan for political reasons. As a military veteran, I should point out for Willy, the US military has no desire to engage in warfare with China, especially in areas where China has the advantage. It's a simple matter of knowing the party has lost the ability to make decisions to benefit the people and that it is going to lead China to a very place. Sadly, most of the world doesn't realize this.

In our city here, Handan. My wife's mother is from a Shandong family, her father is from a Liaoning family. Anyone who knows a little about Chinese history, in particular, the no longer discussed Cultural "Revolution" and the fact that families were relocated by the government. So she is not "Handanren". She is Dongbeiren. We associate with mostly other Dongbei, the Handanren we know, don't care, much, that she married a laowei. If someone is looking for an argument, my wife simply interrupts the discussion, and informs them that I don't understand. She further takes any questions they have and asks me in English, so no offense is taken. At least for me, she knows that I come from an actual "filial" family. Very much evidenced when a "smart, young man" decided to invoke a popular Chinese insult, toward my grandfather. 'We' have not seen him since and most of her friends shunned him, for being 'so smart'.

In the military, I remember being in Korea, dating a Korean and when the subject of marriage came up, she politely told me, she would be happy to be my wife, but we could never have children, b/c they would not be "pure". Therefore, they would be 'abominations'. I also think of my older sister, my father adopted her in Vietnam, found her in the ruins of a razed village while on a convoy mission, the only way they would give her medical care, was if she was someone's family. Her mother finally appeared in Saigon, shortly before dad was to return to the States. She tried convincing dad to marry her, problem, dad was already married. My mom was disappointed she wouldn't have a daughter. However, my sister had an American name, so shortly after, she and her mother were permitted to immigrate to the US. She's now a Doctor, sends dad a father's day card and every couple years a birthday card as well.

I know in parts of South America, if you have blue eyes, someone will try to kill you, because you are the devil. In Africa, you are a white, you are an imperialist seeking to exploit them. In Asia, enough said.

Racism is rampant in all countries, I don't remember hearing any of my friends, or reading anything that said they were lynching blacks in the streets in London. Maybe they did, who knows, but I know in the county where I grew up. They had pictures on the front page of the paper, when a black man was lynched. Many of the 'old timers' are still happy to talk about when the last of the "injuns" got removed from the county. As well, I know where the Klan is still the local authority in my home state. I don't need to go to Kentucky or Georgia.

Am I worried that my wife may have trouble adapting to life in America? Yes, even though there is an Asian population in Lansing, even though we can run over to Chicago, or into Canada, if she gets homesick. Granted, being Dongbei, in Handan, she openly told me, she does not consider Handan, "home". Even though she studied music at the conservatory in Beijing, she is a "second fiddle" in Handan. She is terrified of blacks. We went and played pool one night with friends and there were three African students in the pool hall. Also, at our favorite 'hot-spring' park, she freaked when she saw their 'theme dancers', the men were all extremely dark for Asians. However, they were Asian/Pacific Islander. I can not from where, because I've never seen an "Asian" that dark skinned.

Would I live in China? If I thought we could have a fair shake, with my being a laowei, yes. However, despite the families acceptance of me and my willingness to relocate, they have all (both grandmas, all the aunts and uncles along with cousins) said we should live in America. As one of the uncles is on the city committee, I take that to heart.

Willy, I want you to understand, I love China. However, China is going to have to change, before all hell breaks lose, both at home and regionally in Asia. Yes, the PLA is large enough to wipe everyone but India off the map. That doesn't mean that the continent wouldn't be totally destroyed. You can say all the wicked little pokes you want about America, I don't care.

JohnB, I was screwed by the unions, after my family helped to build them. A 'liberal bias' is not an 'informed opinion', it is a leftist lean. I sit the fence politically speaking. I would happily see both parties lose, so the US can get back to being the US, not a media circus. However, I should inform you, I know plenty of people who have been on both sides of the fence that are 'ex-pats' and should your buddy (going by your opinion) win again in November, I'm considering taking a long extended teaching vacation. I would rather deal with a corrupt communist who admits to what they are. Then live with some lying bastard who would happily shaft my fellow veteran, and piss on the constitution. Until he has destroyed what the founders tried to create.

I know we say to keep politics out, so please, keep politics out. Before studying accounting, I studied Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy. I know the theories, I also know the "Democrats" have rewritten the definition of "Liberal" to something that the founders would not agree with. An educated person knows that when the US was born, when the Constitution was written, by Madison, Jay and Hamilton, the definition of Liberal ideology was "The rights and freedoms of the individual, as protected by the government". Why, because they were smart enough to know, there is no such thing as "social-equality" without screwing over everyone but those at the top. Just look at the system in China. If that's not enough, go to South Korea and ask a defector from the North, what happens if you don't "worship" the Kim family and their "government".
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2012, 11:05:54 pm »
Hey willy. Have you heard the sirens this morning.
They have been blaring a few times in the last half hour.  In the USA those sirens are reserved for imminent danger like a tornado or  nuclear attack. This is the first time I have heard them here.

Cant find anything on the news either.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2012, 07:16:17 pm »
Hey willy. Have you heard the sirens this morning.
They have been blaring a few times in the last half hour.  In the USA those sirens are reserved for imminent danger like a tornado or  nuclear attack. This is the first time I have heard them here.

Cant find anything on the news either.
I have heard nothing like that. Only thing is last two days I heard the unusual sound of a helicopter flying over. Have heard nothing on the news either.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #37 on: September 15, 2012, 07:19:10 pm »
Hey willy. Have you heard the sirens this morning.
They have been blaring a few times in the last half hour.  In the USA those sirens are reserved for imminent danger like a tornado or  nuclear attack. This is the first time I have heard them here.

Cant find anything on the news either.
I have heard nothing like that. Only thing is last two days I heard the unusual sound of a helicopter flying over. Have heard nothing on the news either.

Then on reflection could it be it is because I am leaving China for two weeks in just over a weeks time. :'(
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #38 on: September 15, 2012, 07:45:08 pm »
Most likely law enforcement trying to keep a lid on the protesters. Seems like they Chinese students are not crazy about Japan purchasing the disputed islands. I posted an article from Foxnews, but it may be blocked in China. They have ransacked some Japanese owned businesses and stores. Protests have been held from Shanghai to Qingdao. 

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2012, 08:05:29 pm »
All quiet this morning. I never did find out what it was all about.  The sirens went off three times yesterday and stopped. hmmm. maybe it was just a test.
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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #40 on: September 15, 2012, 09:11:13 pm »
Ok, here is what I got from the friend of a friend who is a policeman. It was a test for the alert system They are afraid that the Japanese are going to try something. Like an air raid .  hahahahahaha
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #41 on: September 15, 2012, 09:11:39 pm »
JohnB, I was screwed by the unions, after my family helped to build them. A 'liberal bias' is not an 'informed opinion', it is a leftist lean. I sit the fence politically speaking. I would happily see both parties lose, so the US can get back to being the US, not a media circus. However, I should inform you, I know plenty of people who have been on both sides of the fence that are 'ex-pats' and should your buddy (going by your opinion) win again in November, I'm considering taking a long extended teaching vacation. I would rather deal with a corrupt communist who admits to what they are. Then live with some lying bastard who would happily shaft my fellow veteran, and piss on the constitution. Until he has destroyed what the founders tried to create.

I know we say to keep politics out, so please, keep politics out. Before studying accounting, I studied Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy. I know the theories, I also know the "Democrats" have rewritten the definition of "Liberal" to something that the founders would not agree with. An educated person knows that when the US was born, when the Constitution was written, by Madison, Jay and Hamilton, the definition of Liberal ideology was "The rights and freedoms of the individual, as protected by the government". Why, because they were smart enough to know, there is no such thing as "social-equality" without screwing over everyone but those at the top. Just look at the system in China. If that's not enough, go to South Korea and ask a defector from the North, what happens if you don't "worship" the Kim family and their "government".

with all due respect....

I am a bit older, maybe more politically seasoned. After all, I am a product of the S. side of Chicago. I am retired from Boeing in Seattle. Now I reside in Coeur d Alene, Idaho. Nice place to live. Very scenic. But....
Northern Idaho is a magnet for militant religions...just witness the wack job followers of Rev Butler in Hayden, Idaho. Idaho is cool but lets face it, Idaho is like 89% white according to Wikipedia. People do not just come to Idaho to be in Idaho. They come because they flee from somewhere less kind. So, that is the nature of the Idaho beast. Yes, Idaho is a so- called “Red” state. Idaho is also a so- called “right- to- work” state, but that is an oxymoron, classical as it is. Idaho is politically, republican. The pay scale sucks as in poverty wages. The Idaho middle class is stessed.
Now, my Chinese wife is here. So far, so good. I do not tolerate any crap from anyone, because I am committed to my wife. There is no point in educating the ignorant. Who ever I put my penis in, as in MY wife, is MY business. I have no tolerance for the intolerant. MY life is my business.
That being said, as I said, I am political from long ago. If Idaho is an example of what is to be in the future (America), all things concerned, as in politics & religion, then screw it. I am out of here.
I will not live under the knuckle of bullshit extremism...the fundamentalist churches, the authors of the fuc8king idiot 'patriot act'. I do not kowtow to anyone, anywhere in America.  My father was republican but he always realized the importance of unions as he was a tool & dye maker from his get- go; also, by the way, he was always in management. He did not forget the importance of unions in the making of the American middle class.
And, the republicans & gwb did not protect their constituents from the scum bag bankers. Where were these bastards hiding? All honorable Americans! What a joke. Maybe the  Right Wing Repubs are the new American Taliban.

A lot of people here take Willy to task, but as odd as it may seem Willy is the “freest of the free”! He is enjoying his life the way he chooses to. If anything, Willy should be the poster boy on this forum. He has earned it. I hope some of you are pissed. Probably a few are. If you think the U.S. is free, you are disillusioned. It has become a borderline police state/ the only thing protecting Americans is the Constitution & that is always under threat by those we elect, as in republicans. If you think the forfeiture of basic rights guarantee be pre- empted by the paper promise of security, as is the 'patriot act', you are disillusioned. I am disillusioned in you. F8ck congress for f8cking their constituents. We voted for these clowns? 

Oh, by the way, I am a VietNam vet, flying around in “Loaches” in '67 & '68 in TayNinh province. My 2 years with Uncle Sam was intense to say the least. I do not wear my service on my sleeve (usually) and I do not question the loyalties from any veteran, especially VietNam vets. 
I have more respect for HoChiMinh (& he tried his best to kill me) then I do with a lot of wishy washy politicians..mainly republican.
So, by all means if Obama wins, you stay in China. If your guy wins, come home. I go to China, most happily so.
When the idiot gwb won, the ex- pat movement became the all time high. I venture to say, if Romney & his clown prince v.p nominee win, that 2013 will become a new record.

FYI- our fore fathers were radicals. ALL. They embarked on a bold political model unseen anywhere, at anytime before. Anyone can pick & choose so&so individual, one day history lesson, what political philosophies they enjoyed, but putting the b.s. aside, ALL THE FOUNDING FATHERS were  ALL radicals.
Bill Clinton was absolute (as in resolute) truth in his speech in the democrats convention. I just wish his fellow democrats had their sh8t together & realize the importance of NOW.
I do think republicans are pissed because Obama is black. Obama does not piss on the Constitution. That is a dumb statement to say. Obama does not shaft the “veteran”. The guy was dealt a sh8tty hand by his incompetent predecessor.  Now, that is a certainty if there was ever one.

Kind of odd...maybe my words read harsh. My apologies. The thing is, we on this forum are all not that much different.
We married a China gal. We all have it in our minds to do the best we can. Continue our success.
Maybe weird, but I do not understand some of the China bashing that goes on here. We marry, most happily the China woman, but "oh sh8t..what a crappy place to stay". I suggest reading a bit of Jim Kunstler, the protagonist of the CLUSTERFUCK NATION. Maybe most Americans are just a pack of lemmings after all.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:31:00 pm by JohnB »

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2012, 04:09:53 am »
Most likely law enforcement trying to keep a lid on the protesters. Seems like they Chinese students are not crazy about Japan purchasing the disputed islands. I posted an article from Foxnews, but it may be blocked in China. They have ransacked some Japanese owned businesses and stores. Protests have been held from Shanghai to Qingdao.

One thing they do not do here is keep the lid on protests against Japan.  That takes the heat off other things.  Although the not officially condone the protests the fact that they are openly reported on TV means that someone is giving them the nod. 

John B.
Your right I have always walked my own path.  The path of the free.  Free Willy was me until that bloody great sea creature took that accolade.

Now poster boy! - is that with or without clothes? 

There are only two things wrong with the USA.  The first is they have abandoned Habeus Corpus as they lock people up for years without trial or even being charged with anything. But the second is more important and that is they are no longer government by the English.

As I have promised not to compromise either party in the forthcoming election I make no comment on Obama  :-X or romney  :'(

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2012, 07:35:23 pm »
I've been around a few years and am well seasoned when it comes to politics.  I can honestly say that you are both right and both wrong.  But what has been displayed on this thread is the condition of our country.

We have become a polarized nation where one side says your wrong, stupid and criminal and the other side says the same thing about the other.  What IS stupid is that people allow the politicians and the new media feed the American people crap and we take it hook, line, and sinker.

In reality we need to boot out all of the politicians and fire the news media and start over. But that will never happen.  Instead we run around screaming at the top of out lungs the sky is falling and everyone else are idiots and the beat goes on.  We lose more freedom...  We sell our country to other nations... We stick our heads in the sand!!!

It is high time we start over and do it right this time and no Willy we don't allow the Britts to take control.  They've got their own problems to take care of.

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #44 on: September 17, 2012, 07:38:23 pm »
Boy this ought to get you thinking!!!!!

This was sent to me today.

General Motors is becoming China Motors

And no I am not anti China or Chinese people.