Author Topic: Romance With Chinese Characteristics  (Read 2301 times)

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Offline JohnB

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Romance With Chinese Characteristics
« on: September 03, 2012, 02:13:43 pm »
“I’d rather cry in a BMW than laugh on the back seat of a bicycle.” (In the reality TV dating program “If You Are The One,” a 22-year-old model infamously claimed) 
BEIJING — Dating is hard at the best of times. In China the stakes are high from the outset: the expectation is that it should lead to marriage; never mind love for love’s sake.
A friend recently went on a blind date in Beijing. Arriving at the coffee shop, he found not only the girl but her mother, too. Within minutes she bombarded him with questions: What does he earn? Where did he study? Does he own a house?
Romance in China is often sacrificed to practicality; dating has largely become a commercial transaction. In Beijing parents gather in parks to introduce their children to one another. Singles’ clubs set people up according to requirements — height, income, property. And tens of thousands descend on matchmaking events  in cities like Shanghai looking for the perfect mate.
Everything China kinda grabs attention if you are fortunate in having a Chinese woman in your life. Looking at this article, China relationships are "cut & dried" and seemingly easy as compared to our Western ways. Jing & myself had 11 days together before the "we do". My ex- wife, it was over 4 years of cohabitation. I mean she never cut 1 fart the 4 years. Yet 1st wife stunk things up pretty bad after the "we do". 
I understand this article is Chinese man/ Chinese woman. But I thought it of interest for our purposes here on the forum. You can extract any information you think is pertinent to your own personal situation.
So far, so good for Jing & myself. I think maybe this is, we have to try harder because of the differences in language & cultural barriers. There are a lot of members here and I am thinking my situation is probably similar to most here. A longer romance the 1st go. Failure. A short & intense 2nd go. Happiness.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 02:41:23 pm by JohnB »