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Offline maxx

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Re: Difficult situation
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2012, 11:54:31 pm »
Rhonald I'm begining to think Canada immigration is tougher then U.S immigration.After watching you and your wife struggle with it.And now watching Neil and his wife struggle with it.It just doesn't make any sense to me.Unless Canada wants to watch you and your wife together.I'm hoping that's what Canada has planed for Niel at the next interview.Then him and his wife can get threw this.And they can be together.

I'm thinking the reason Chong and Martin got threw it so fast.Was because Martin and Chong are both really ugly.And Candian immigration felt sorry for them.Either that or they both did some serious brown nosing.Like washing immigrations cars.Or cutting the grass.Or pet setting.Of course you know Chong couldn't watch the immigration officials cats..But we  won't go into that hear. ;D

Good luck Niel.Don't let the bastards break you.

Offline T Town Hombre

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Re: Difficult situation
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2012, 06:10:26 pm »
I agree with telling immigration as little as possible however my wife disagrees with me and as you well know Maxx we have no to help control what happens during the interview.  My wife is telling me that she will say something like this. 

"When I go to America to live with my husband I plan to spend the first year or two staying at home taking care of the household and my husband.  Then after that I do plan to find a  job and work to help save money."

After my heart stopped a couple of times and I gathered my breath a little I tried to explain the idea of telling them as little as possible.  I know the Chinese are masters at that but my wife thinks it is the wrong move with all she has read about getting a visa.

I'm stumped about this issue.

Neil sorry for taking over a little and talking about my issues.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Difficult situation
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2012, 11:25:21 pm »
I cannot understand why Canada takes this stand on immigration.  On one hand they say they need more than 150,00 plus immigrants a year to be earning and paying taxes and on the other hand  it does not appear to include Chinese!

Canada must be the biggest country in the World with the smallest population per square mile!

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline lfputman3

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Re: Difficult situation
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2012, 02:02:15 am »
I myself am not too concerned when it comes to her interview. Except for her knowing family names... As for any other issues, we've had enough talks, that I know it could be considered beneficial to someone's 'personal views' that they not long remain in 'a potentially hostile' political environment.

In short, when we are both stateside, I may elaborate. However, I can say, my wife and her mama, like many in China, are not overly fond of what they are fed daily...

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Difficult situation
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2012, 06:55:56 am »
But it keeps the street safe, Lloyd.  I can wander around her after dark. Cannot do that in London now or any other city in the UK.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 06:57:51 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline lfputman3

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Re: Difficult situation
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2012, 06:05:19 am »
Willy, I seem to remember that every year, North Korea is named the safest country in the world. With less than a .001% crime rate. Never mind, that if you don't do what they say, when they say, you and your whole family goes to a work camp, never to be seen or heard from again.

As a former cop friend of mine back home says, crime is innevitable. Some people do bad things, because they like to do bad things. Look at the incidents of random stabbings in China. Obviously mental patients, but not diagnosed, because they are "functional" therefore, not mental. Until they run around stabbing people. No matter how you regulate the people, eventually, someone is gonna start shooting/stabbing people. Be it for legitimate or perverse reasons. The two strongest forces in human nature are greed (personal self interest) and laziness. So if it's easier to steal Bob's car, than to get a decent job and a person's morals are in favor of the lazy option. They will choose the lazy option, unless they see that it's not wise to steal the car.

Oh, and there are plenty of con-artists in China to go around. As in any country, just look at the people running the country. Then look to the streets of that same city and you will usually find a high crime rate.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 06:07:26 am by lfputman3 »
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Difficult situation
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2012, 10:14:38 pm »
I have chosen the place that I want to spend the rest of my days.  I have long finished chasing the bad guys.  I stayed at the Wiltshire Hotel in, wiltshire boulevard in Los Angeles once. Just down from McArthur Park  By day you see themovie makers  filming cops chasing the bad guys and at night you see the cops doing it for real. 

I have been in the back streets of Bombay and worst still I have been in cars parked up in the dark back streets of Lagos where I have to hide my face so that no one passing could see a white face in it. 

You want to see corruption spend a few months in Nigeria.  Pulled up at night the cops see a white face and they are onto you for money. I always carried a special pass from the Government Chief of Police to get through these money making checkpoints.   On a trip from Lagos to Imbaden a distance of about 40 miles it was not unusual to go through at least a dozen or more such checkpoints whose sole reason was not to protect the citizens but to extract money from passing motorist.

So China and its politics hold no fears for me.  The politics are of no concern and I doubt if they ever will be in the time I have left.  I cannot see the small city I live in becoming like Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and others.  My days of traveling about for pleasure are finished. I have seen everything I want to see in the 40 or so countries I have visited.

So lets keep the Status Quo here as it si. It suits me fine.  I am happy, I am content and I am Loved. What more do I need.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline maxx

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Re: Difficult situation
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2012, 12:44:53 am »
Willy I'm happy to hear that you have found your Shangralia,Valhalla,Your paradise.Or whatever you want to call it.I have ben to Jongshan many times.It is a nice place with friendly people and a low crime rate.I know if I was in your situation.It would be hard for me to leave.I think it is time to leave.Move to Singapore,Guam,Siapan.Any place wear the country is not going to fall down around your ears.

I read another article today.On the enternet that said basically the same thing I told you a couple of weeks ago.When we were discusing what China would be like in five to ten years.China is coming apart at the seams.And the government lackey's don't care as long.As they get there piece of the pie.The article I read said that.All the companies that make products to export.Have warehouses fool of there products.Because there is no country to export them to.The article went on to say.That because the companies have made so much of there products.That there is no way that the Chinese people can consome the products.Or afford the products because the factories are starting to lay there employees off.

The Chinese have got so efficient at building cars,trucks buses.That they have made to many.The Chinese government has stepped in and told the automakers to slow production.Because the auto plants kept pushing and pushing more cars on to there dealers.Until there is a huge stockpile.And nobody to buy the vehicles.Because the buyers have lost there jobs at.The factories.And the shipping ports.

It is the same with the construction companies.They have started laying people off.Because there isn't any buyers on the housing that they have already built.There is miles and miles of vacant houses in China.That nobody can afford to buy.And the government stepped in and put a cap on the number of houses you can buy.And how much the construction company can charge for a new house.

I wouldn't be to concerned if I didn't know a little about supply and demand.I used to work for a company that made hand tools.I made 3 different kinds of pliers.I made about 2,400 pair of pliers a day.This company that I worked for Ran 24 hours a day five days a week.So that comes out to be 7,200 a day.36,000 a week.144,000 a month.I worked for this company for five years.So you can see I made allot of pliers.

At the time I worked for the company.There was 1,100 employees.Working on the floor making tools.This number doe's not include.The office staff.There was probably 100 working in the front offices.Now 20 years latter. they have 350 employees.Working 5 days a week.With only 1 eight hour shift.The reason they only run one shift.Is because that is all the demand there is for hand tools.

It is the same situation in China.To much stuff with  no ware to sell it.So you have rising unemployment.A dissatisfied middle class because they can't afford to do anything but put food on the table.There is no unemployment checks in China.So what happens when you can't find another job.And there is no money coming in.And the government isn't sending you any money.You lash out against the government.You lash out against your neighbor.Because he has more then you.

Willy I like China.I have friends that live there.My wife is from there.So I have become attached to the country.I seriously hope that I'm wrong.And nothing bad happens to China.But If something doesn't change.I don't see anyway for China to dig there self out of this.Way to many people with not enough jobs to go around.I cant see all these people lifting themselves up out of the farms and villages.Just to go back to the farms and villages.