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Offline Robertt S

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Here we go again!
« on: September 19, 2012, 11:12:12 am »
                         France shutters embassies as anti-Islam cartoon spurs fears of new backlash  Published September 19, 2012   
   A French magazine's decision to publish cartoons depicting a naked Prophet Mohammad triggered a new wave of fears at embassies in Europe, even as anger at the west continued to sweep through the Muslim world.
France announced Wednesday it will close 20 embassies in Arab and Muslim nations after the weekly Charlie Hebdo published the controversial cartoons. The images threaten to further inflame Muslim protesters and terror groups, who have demonstrated against the U.S. at embassies around the world since an anti-Islam film went viral last week.
The French Foreign Ministry issued a travel warning Wednesday urging French citizens in the Muslim world to exercise "the greatest vigilance," avoiding public gatherings and "sensitive buildings" such as those representing the West or religious sites. At the same time, the country -- which has western Europe's largest Muslim population -- plunged into new debate over the limits to free speech in a modern democracy.
France's prime minister said freedom of expression is guaranteed, but cautioned that it "should be exercised with responsibility and respect."
Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius warned that Charlie Hebdo could be throwing "oil on the fire," but said it's up to courts to decide whether the magazine went too far.
The cartoons could extend a wave of violence linked to a trailer for an amateurish film called the "Innocence of Muslims," which portrays the prophet as a fraud, a womanizer and a child molester, has killed at least 30 people in seven countries.
The U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans, were also killed in a strike on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi -- though it remains unclear whether the violence was a coordinated attack by terrorists.
On Wednesday, several hundred lawyers protesting the movie forced their way into an area in Pakistan's capital that houses the U.S. Embassy and other foreign missions. The United States temporarily closed its consulate in an Indonesian city because of similar demonstrations, and hundreds protested the film in Sri Lanka's capital and burned effigies of President Obama.
The magazine's crude cartoons played off the film and ridiculed the violent reaction to it. Riot police took up positions outside the offices of the magazine, which was firebombed last year after it released an edition that mocked radical Islam.
Charlie Hebdo's chief editor, who goes by the name of Charb and has been under police protection for a year, defended the cartoons.
"Muhammad isn't sacred to me," he said in an interview at the weekly's offices, on the northeast edge of Paris amid a cluster of housing projects. "I don't blame Muslims for not laughing at our drawings. I live under French law; I don't live under Quranic law."
Government authorities and Muslim leaders urged calm.
"This is a disgraceful and hateful, useless and stupid provocation," Dalil Boubakeur, rector of the Grand Paris Mosque, told The Associated Press. "We are not Pavlov's animals to react at each insult."
A small-circulation weekly, Charlie Hebdo often draws attention for ridiculing sensitivity around the Prophet Muhammad, and an investigation into the firebombing of its offices last year is still open. The magazine posted a statement online saying its website had been hacked.
Abdallah Zekri, president of the Paris-based Anti-Islamophobia Observatory, said his group is considering filing a lawsuit against the magazine.
"People want to create trouble in France," he said. "Charlie Hebdo wants to make money on the backs of Muslims."
Meanwhile, seven Egyptian Coptic Christians living abroad, including Nakoula Bassely Nakoula, who made the "Innocence of Muslims" film, and Florida Pastor Terry Jones, will be tried, presumably in absentia, by a criminal court for insulting Islam over the trailer, Egypt's public prosecutor said Tuesday.
The prosecutor said that convictions could be punishable by the death penalty, and called for the eight individuals to handed over to Egypt.
Fox News' Leland Vittert and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

Offline David E

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Re: Here we go again!
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 06:05:04 pm »
Well, this "China Love" Forum has come a long way since the days not so long ago when it was filled with the experiences of many guys pursuing thei dream of a Chinese Bride, and all the attendant good and bad experiences we all had............and helped through the minefield by all the Bros here.......aaah, those were the good ole days !!!!!!

I echo Shaun's comments..."I sign on daily and read the latest"....... and I see we have settled on 3 major topics nowadays....

* Willy vs all things American

* The nasties in the American Political system

* The West vs the Muslims

Of these subjects I have nothing positive to comment about the first 2, Willy is Willy and we are used to his quaint way of stirring the pot
The American Political system is stuffed...but so is the Australian, British, French, Spanish...etc, etc, etc...and there is nothing I or we can do about it, revolutions are out of fashion, never could happen in our "enlightened" World !!!

On the subject of Muslims.........

Years ago, the brutal, senseless MURDER of an accredited AMBASSADOR and his Staff would be rightfully seen as an act of War...the Brits would have sent a gunboat and fixed them right up !!! The Yanks would have just gone in and blasted them all backed by a declaration of War by the Pres. and Congress.

So why dont we stop pussyfooting around, The MURDER of an AMBASSADOR is a deadly serious thing and warrants the most harsh, swift, and terminal response. Just declare War on the Muslims, give it some Legitimacy, and lets have a bloody good sort out, win , lose or draw. Lets stop once and for all the evil influence of this Brutal, Irrelevant, Medieval religion and put them back where they belong.

If every Western Commentator, Comedian or Normal Person was executed for having a poke at Christianity or related matters, then I guess there would be nobody left alive except a few "perfect" Christians (not too many of them though )...the difference being that we can and do have the right to comment and criticise religion, this right is called "civilisation" and we dont have such a stupid reponse as we see over this stupid film. !!!

Now I will go back to sleep and hope somebody wants some advice or wants to talk about peace, happiness and the search for a Chinese Princess.........!!!!!!!!!!!

ps...Robert, your story about Police/firearms is not quite correct...

Should be..."Aussie Policeman...BANG, BANG"...our cops are taught "double tap" when it comes to live firing in a life threatening situation..... ;D ;D
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 06:14:57 pm by David E »

Offline Robertt S

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Re: Here we go again!
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2012, 07:11:35 pm »
David E , that is exactly how many people feel about the current affairs, it has actually got to the point where political correctness is going to be the death of us all. People are worried they will be targeted if they so much as express a personal opinion about anything muslim. There is really no need to be worried about being targeted for that reason, because you will always be targeted as an infidel anyway. These militants will not go away today, tomorrow, or the next 100 years, jihads last 1400 years if done properly so buckle up for a long ride. I worry about the next 5 years because unless some major and decisive actions are taken the west is in for some major problems. These militants have no problem sending homicide bombers to our countries and that is one of the main reasons border security should be paramount in every western country's defense budget. It is a crying shame that we send billions upon billions of dollars to the two-faced governments who shovel it out the back door to personal accounts or terrorist networks. The threat has always been there and always will be there, we just supplied them with money and weapons to advance their own agenda. Sooner or later the problem will have to be dealt with extreme measures, hopefully this will occur before some unstable middle-eastern country supplies a group of AQ homicide bombers with weapons grade radioactive material. It looks like that Arab Spring is biting someone right dead in the @ss right now!

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Here we go again!
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2012, 08:12:49 pm »
Your right David E.  This is a forum for helping those looking for their own Chinese Princess.  But when was the last time someone came on here and asked for advice?  There has not been much of that in the past few months. So if we waited and waited you would not see this page for the cobwebs.  I do give out advice and maybe others do as well but it is not seen on here as it comes and goes by PM.

Maybe this forum should be opened up to everything involving Romance in Asia. I am sure that all the advice that is stored within the brain of current members here will be almost the same info that those involved with Asian Women everywhere.   From what I hear many men are going off the Chinese wife idea and are moving over to Vietnam and Cambodia.  Maybe the new Phillipino site should have been integrated with this instead of it being a new entity. It could be, that the powers that be, have more interest in that part of the world now than China. Or maybe it was set up to keep me away. 8)

From what I hear from agency contacts the number of 'foreigners' coming to China to meet with ladies has not just dropped it has slumped.  Is that because Chinese agencies have got such bad press or because money is tight for the foreign working man?  I am sure that me living in China could not be the reason. ;D

Now most of you never venture to the other the other Chnlove site, I do, as I get bored at times.  As you know I like to try to keep things lively but maybe even I have reached my 'sell by date' now so maybe time to hang up my laptop and concentrate on other things.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline David E

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Re: Here we go again!
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2012, 04:36:15 am »
Nah Willy, you cant go AWOL just yet, you provide too much entertainment when things are quiet on the "Chinese Women" front.

Ming tells me the same story, that the number of men from the West prospecting/visiting Chine for all things matrimonial has fallen to almost nothing. Her Sister keeps in touch with these sort of things and she blames the Agencies for Killing the Business of Chinese brides for Western Men. I think also that the curent economic situation in the West has forced many Men to abandon this dream because of costs involved being prohibitive in the current situation.

Ming also keeps in touch with many of the Women on the Chinese website dedicated to Chinese Women looking for Australian husbands and she notes a huge increase in rejections by Aus Immig ration...maybe they are tightening up as well ??

For my part, I feel a bit like a Bachelor again...!!! Ming goes to English School from 8 am to midday 5 days a week, teaches private students from 5.30 to 10 pm on 5 days a week and on weekends she teaches Chinese language and writing at our local Chung Wah Association School.

She is making a ton of money...about the only thing I dont need...I would rather have her at home...but you know how stubborn these gals are when it comes to all things Money !!...she is adamant that she needs to make a lot of money to secure her future...cant seem to get through to her that she will be very well-off if I pop my clogs anytime is the Chinese Women insecurity China she would be forced to be self-sufficient if she divorced or her Hubby croaked...she wont believe the Aussie Family Law provisions and even dont believe my legal Will which leaves it all to her...Hey Ho...I just gotta live with it I guess...maybe get an au-pair girl from the Philipines or something !!!!

Robert...I know here in Aus, we daren't criticise Muslims, not because we are scared of THEM, but the Race Relations Police will come and take us away if we dare to publically speak against them, but you can see how they can get away with mayhem in our streets over this bloody stupid film and no-one dares to say a word.......its bloody anarchy.

I had a need to go to our local Centrelink Offices last week (Centrelink is the Govt Departmrnt that administers the dole, and all other "Social Security" free hand outs to Muslims.) I was convinced that I was in Baghdad...truly I was the only European in the place...evrybody there was Muslim and they were all clutching sheaves of documents from which to claim all the possible hand-outs from our idiot Government..paid for out of my Taxes.......made my blood boil I can tell you.

That's why most of us here just want a real, seious showdown...lets bring it on...this cannot go on much longer, it is going to globally explode and somehow, somewhere , some Government has to draw the line and say "It stops right here".....but can you see that happening...neither can I


David E

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Re: Here we go again!
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2012, 07:56:10 am »
Ming also keeps in touch with many of the Women on the Chinese website dedicated to Chinese Women looking for Australian husbands and she notes a huge increase in rejections by Aus Immig ration...maybe they are tightening up as well ??

Hi david E , yes I also believe the Quotas have been reduced , also I have noticed a lot of locally hired paper shufflers in China and indeed in India are not Australian citizens and this probably is similar in both the American and Canadian embassies , my thought are what right have Chinese citizens to say who can emigrate , just a little thing that is getting right up my nose , maybe this is why there is such a large rejection rate for many countries , most are to nervous to ask , but what a question to ask of the person interviewing , " are you a citizen of the country that I wish to emigrate to ? " I only began to notice this when I dropped some papers into Melb office and a towel head was busy serving a number of his fellow countrymen while I waited , this is my stir for the month , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Here we go again!
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2012, 08:12:23 am »
I saw an interesting piece on TV about Asians in Aus.  They now represent about 30% of new births registered in the Country or something similar.

I can remember the days, and not doubt you can when Aus, Was a white only immigrants place. But now i think it is going too far the other way. 

I know what you mean about bachelor days.  But mine does not deal with money. She is off to the next block every morning at 7.30 comes back for an hour about 2 then off again until 5pm we have dinner and she has has gone again until 9pm.

She is doing something that she missed out on with previous marriage and that is looking after her nieces children.I cannot complain as she is so happy to get the chance to bring up kids. Her ex husband took hers from her when he found a new woman many years ago. But I can see what joy that she gets and that makes me happy.

Still next week we are off to the UK when we will spend two weeks together 24/7.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,