Author Topic: being able to meet my lady...  (Read 18002 times)

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Offline maxx

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2012, 10:21:32 pm »
Way to expensive

Vince G

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2012, 11:00:44 pm »
Vincent, it may not be her making these things up? It may be the translator? And sorry for awakening you but I just had to. You seem like a nice guy trying to make his way through. I/we are just letting you know before you hit the wall. I don't know your situation, education, or where your headed in life but no matter you need to get yourself in a better position then cutting lawns. This should be your 1st priority.

Now her phone bill isn't due to you calling her. Doesn't happen that way no matter what country. If she called you? that's a different story.

You wrote you had 3 choices well here's a 4th. Maybe find a asian woman right here in the states? Beats spending hard earned money for no reason.

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2012, 12:08:02 am »
1. I've found the address is exist. Seems it is four floors rental apartment. According the information from the internet, the rental fee of one room is around $100 per month.

2. Most chinese young people chat online by their cellphones in the big cities. Generally it is free to answer the phone.

3. People can find internet cafes anywhere in the cities in China. The internet cafe opens 24/7 and the charge is very low, around 25 cent (¥1.5) per hour. They do have camera,headset and microphone.

4.Don't send money to someone who you have never met in person.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2012, 02:02:57 am »
why whats wrong with western union????

Its the scammer's preferred method. They can hide who collects what and when. Plus they charge too much.  You can make a direct international transfer to her bank. 

Also listen to Sunny. There is good information there from her.

Send the money and you will be paying the rent for three or four months. On the bleak side she only has to find four like you who will send her small amounts and her rent is paid for a year!

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Philip

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2012, 05:01:24 am »
Vincent. My advice to you is to beg, borrow (not steal, ha ha!) enough money to go to Changsha. You obviously have the China bug. How do I know? I had it too. You think you are talking to a woman. You are talking to a translator (i.e. a very good actress) from the Changsha Love Bridge Agency. How do I know? I did it too.
Now I am happily married to a beautiful woman, living in China, with our first baby due in December.
The only way I could do this is to go to Changsha, get burned, find another agency, find a real woman, spend real time with her, and stick two fingers up at any agency who wants to screw another Westerner.
It's an empty feeling getting burned at home. You feel like giving up before you've ever really experienced anything. But getting burned in China only makes you stronger. Once you pick yourself up off the floor, you realize that, hey, you actually did it, you got on a plane to come all this way. This is an adventure. They didn't beat you.
But, and its a big but, if you can't fly, don't try. Put this idea on hold until you can afford it.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2012, 06:18:33 am »
Vincent , firstly welcome to this forum , having been to Changsha , it is a great city and very well set up Internet lounges are everywhere so there was no need for joining the 2nd site , I would say more than likely she was already a member on there , check out via our search facility on here for " China Love Bridge Agency" if you haven't already, there were also some photos of inside the agency which I have not located , but generally it is a room with about 40 girls at computer desks fleecing gullible men .
 Changsha is a very modern city of world standard with over 10 million people so the girls / ladies are very switched on , remember that a Chinese lady's brain moves at least 3 times faster than yours , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline Pineau

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2012, 08:10:46 am »
Want to play a little game? Make up another ID and a new story about your failed marriage or cheating girlfriend or you just want to come to China for fun and games. They (the translator) will be very quick to console you when she detects a bleeding broken heart. Play with her from the different IDs and see if you can catch her in a lie. I call this my Bull Shit detector. I have done this quite a few times and if the lady is  less than a lady then you will find it out a lot quicker and less money than the twice a day translation fee. 

These tactics are a little less than honorable but if you find a real lady they you are way ahead of the hit and miss approach.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline maxx

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2012, 09:25:36 am »
Vincent I have ben following along for the last few days.The advice the members have ben giving you is right on.I'm afraid your lady is a translator working for a agency.And it looks like they sunk the hook pretty deep.

My advice to you is just get on a plane and go to China.Prove to yourself that we are either right or wrong.If we are right.I'm real sorry to here that.We always hope we are wrong about these things.But we hardly are ever wrong.When you find out we are right.Go stand on a street corner.With a map in your hand.And look a little confused.The woman of your dream will be along in a minute.If not her beautiful friend will be along in a few minutes.And she will introduce you to the woman of your dreams.

I can't count the number of times I've had beautiful Chinese girls just walk up to me on the street and start talking to me.If it works for me it should work for you.We have had other members who have had this happen to them.Where the girl wasn't real or the girl wasn't interested.( 9 out of 10 times.The guy meets another woman.And they run off into the sunset together.

If you really want to do this.Make the effort just go.If you win  or loose.It is a helluva journey.With a steep learning curve.We will be here to help you when times get tough.So no worries buy the plane ticket find out if the girl is real..

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2012, 06:14:39 pm »
I think you summed everything up nicely Maxx.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline vincent

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2012, 06:22:14 pm »
idk, i feel id have to disagree with you Pineau for two reasons first & i thought about doing this but making another profile, how would this make me any better than the "translator"? & two if she isn't a translator i then have to tell my girl iv been dishonest to her which would leave a good chance i would loose her & i did tell my girl no matter what i would be honest with her. i mean isn't that part of a good relationship is to be honest. 
i do want to prove who she is but i know i cant go to china right now, i just want to do this in the least dishonest/painful way for both me & my girl. iv shared A LOT of & about myself with this girl stuff i wouldn't dream of sharing with anyone other than the person i plain to spend the rest of my life with. it would be hard for me to take your advice & go to another girl. how could i trust anyone to move on To anyone else?. it would be something that would stick with me for a long time if not for the rest of my life..

also i wanted to ask willy since i guess you still live in china, there was some stuff i wanted to ask you but not on here if that's ok... somewhere more private.

Offline Martin

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #40 on: September 25, 2012, 08:06:49 pm »
OK, time for me to chime in.  Is it me, or does this all seem unusual?  If you want advice that is solid advice, go back and read every reply that you have received here.  Everyone has given you solid information.  Sunny made some good points, and she is someone who knows China...she is not just guessing.  The others have all given you good advice.

This story is all pointing to the same thing...translators.

Offline Pineau

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2012, 09:04:40 pm »
I can see that you are struggling with the idea that all women are not virtuous and that the evil Chinese agencies are not playing fair.
You also don't want to admit to yourself that maybe you have misjudged this lady.  That's okay. I fell on my face a few times before I began to understand life is not a romantic fairy-tale. . Hold on to your notions but don't be so naive as to think that playing fair will somehow triumph over evil agencies and translators. 
You are in this to win. Your Adversary is also in it to win and has no scruples what so ever.  This is not a free service this is their business. Remember these people are professionals and expert on getting your last dime. This is how they feed their families and they are damned good at it. 

 As far as my idea. If she turns out to be real then just quietly kill off the other ID and forget it existed. A Little white lie could save you a lot of heart ache. It was just an idea. Get creative and think of one that suits your conscience. Just remember fight evil with evil and don't put yourself at a disadvantage. 

You asked for advice and information. From what I see you got 3 full pages of the best information available anywhere.

Vincent, I don't want to be demeaning in an way, although I come across as cynical sometimes. I got into this with exactly the same mindset as you..EXACTLY.  It took me several times at getting burned before I started to get wise to the ways of the "Chinese dating game". You need to listen to the advice you see here or you are going to repeat the mistakes we have made.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #42 on: September 25, 2012, 09:08:49 pm »
i just need that 100% physical proof that she is a scam artist, i don't want to go years down the road thinking WHAT IF. i dont want any regrets in ending it. i was wanting to do this in private just with willy since he lives in china but the heck with it i was wanting to know how close to Changsha,Hunan,China he is, i want him or someone to find her for me & give me that physical proof  that i need. id do it myself but i dont think $400 in my checking account is going to get me there, pff i dont think that would even get me to Florida. i already the same as put the stop to giving her money, at least until i am able to see her in person. i dont know if anyone understands how hard it is/would be for me to end my relationship with her even if its only been 5 months. i know im probably making some of you frustrated & i apologize for so. i just like i said i don't want any regrets, i already have enough regrets as it is in my life i dont need another,ok..

Offline Rhonald

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #43 on: September 25, 2012, 09:35:33 pm »
First of all, Willy lives about 500 miles away.

You don't need 100 proof about if she is or is not a scam artist. The truth as you put it, is that you are right now not ready for this. I understand how easy it is to get hooked and how the stomach gets tied into knots. Life will always be filled with regrets and what ifs. It's how you handle them and learn from them. If this relationship ends, then it should just make you better prepared for the next one. If it continues, then maybe a stepback and just be penpals. If she is scamming, then she will depart. But if she is real, then a partial writing will keep her there. But of course this also depends on her English. Did you guys require the use of a translator or is her English good enough?
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 09:43:19 pm by Rhonald »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances

Offline vincent

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #44 on: September 25, 2012, 10:19:25 pm »
thank you & sorry for being a pain & apologise if i offended anyone. as much as i don't like it ill more than likely take Pineau advice & make another profile, if she is the real deal she will not pay attention to the second profile. i know im not ready to go to china but i do know i am ready for a relationship with a girl & i know i like asian girls more than american girls. its just too bad i cant find any good asian girls here in Topeka Kansas where i live... i shall take my leave now, wish me luck. ty & bye