Author Topic: being able to meet my lady...  (Read 18001 times)

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #45 on: September 25, 2012, 10:42:54 pm »
i dont know if anyone understands how hard it is/would be for me to end my relationship with her even if its only been 5 months. i know im probably making some of you frustrated & i apologize for so. i just like i said i don't want any regrets, i already have enough regrets as it is in my life i dont need another,ok..

Vincent, I for one knows how you must feel. I too, after five month (even less time) was ready to marry that Woman on the other end.. before ever having met face to face. It feels awesome, as you get to know more and more about each-other.. I also think one CAN fall in love through letters/phone calls/webcams. Heck, I know because both I and my now Wife did. It is not common though, for it all go down that easy.. sadly to say. I/were was ready to marry on my first trip and we did. There was just nothing going to stops us. BUT... you have to be "Ready" to go sooner rather then later. I also know, $400 keeps you writing for some time ( either for the good or not so good), but it does not get's you two together and you know it too.
I been here with this Forum ( including Facebook) for some three years now and I see most that have had luck and are with their Wife now, are mostly in the second half of their Life's.. with enough resources to keep this wonderful dream/advanture alive. Let me tell you, for me and many other's.. it is worth every Penny spend.. for the return on gets with these Lady's (have to find the right one first of course). You being 27 and not financially secure yet, will only hold you back and she will slowly put a wall between you the longer it takes. She's 25 and that tell me, she's somewhat more "Westernized" than a Woman in her fortys+.. that is more willing to wait to meet. You've done the first step only (contact), now think of whats next real well.. see if it now reality for "You" or is it only/just a "Dream" that you have?

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Re: being able to meet my lady...
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2012, 01:55:28 am »

also i wanted to ask willy since i guess you still live in china, there was some stuff i wanted to ask you but not on here if that's ok... somewhere more private.
No Problem Vincent. Just send me a PM my forum name is of course Willy the Londonder.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,