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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2012, 03:24:55 am »
The topic of this thread is right on. The old timers (with a couple of exceptions) have made it to China and captured a woman. I find myself visiting  (or contributing) less and less as time goes by. I suppose when I am home in Colorado my life starts over for the 4th time (yes this is wife number 4). I find as I get older I am less and less tolerant of bitchy lazy women. That is why the last two are Chinese. 

Rhonald, I too think that I would be just as happy living a life of solitude but I am afraid to find out. I know I am getting older and I fear being alone and lonely with no one to share life's little experiences.  If I could get over that fear I would be just as well off. 

As for the bumper cars, I couldn't agree more. Marriage to a Chinese woman with a son is as close to hell as I ever want to get. I raised him and tried my best to be that same father to him as I was to my own kids but it was impossible to discipline him or teach him anything about life's values.  Jing would not permit it. He was her only child and prince. he could do nothing wrong that was not immediately forgiven. (by her) I still don't forgive the little shit for stealing my car and totaling it and my neighbors truck as a bonus. And the numerous arrests for drugs violations or threatening to kill me. And the ruined carpet in his room and the oil tracked from the garage all over the house and the holes in the walls and my power tools the disappeared. It was not a relief when he graduated and became legal age. It just gave him and excuse to park his lazy ass at home and sleep all day and stay out all night.  He is a sociopath and pure evil. Last I heard he is still sponging off his mom. Divorce was somewhat of a relief. I felt like I was divorcing him too. No way in hell would I marry another lady with a son. I could write a novel about the last 5 years. 

The point I am trying to make is the same one that you started to in your last post. We are finished with this forum and don't need it near as much as we did in the beginning. We have settled into family life and most of us will just fade away over time.  But who takes over from here. Who is going to keep things interesting and exciting. We need new members willing to lead and share their knowledge and experience.  We need a membership drive. As for the forum itself ...the information is here but not well organized and handy to the new user. It needs a makeover.
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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #31 on: October 14, 2012, 10:11:29 am »
We need new members willing to lead and share their knowledge and experience.  We need a membership drive.

That will be a tough sell, because most of us found this site because of using Chnlove or its equivalent. We persevered when early on there was not good information out there. Now most of us caution about the many pit falls that lurk in this adventure to the end of the world. Maybe some possible new members as guests read topics and get scarred from reading about our horror stories and decide to go else where.

I know back in 2008 I had heard about the troubles of looking over seas to places like Russia or Latin America, but I naively thought China would be different. But from experience, as the world opens more, the bad practices seem to expand as well.

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« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 10:20:19 am by Rhonald »
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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #32 on: October 14, 2012, 09:46:58 pm »
I think, on balance of probability, that first-timers looking here would rather read about the tips, tricks, trials and tribulations of the search for a partner in China.

Possibly they are not yet interested in the ongoing issues experienced AFTER you get your Bride home, AFTER the monumental hurdles to be overcome with paperwork, Government Departments (who seem determined to put you off).

That is why I dont say so much about my life now, here in Aus with Ming. All of the details we gathered along the way of our journey to be together I have posted so many others before me.
The sum of knowlege residing here about the "search" process is vast, mabe too much to take in. I agree that somehow a more simplified way to get some info would make it easier for newbies, rather than wade through mountains of info. (and you must agree that lots of our topices drifted far away from the original questions and a lot of threads are filled with peripheral stuff that hides the real "meat").

Like so many of the "old-timers" I am always happy to assist anybody who wants it, but it is not easy to know what newbies want, especially when they seem to just look and then depart (witness the large amount of visitors we have compared to members)...did they look and find the answers they needed ?...did they look and felt that the Forum was not useful ?.......or was it too complex to find the answer they were looking for ?....I dunno, maybe someone can tell us.

And if anybody wants a blow-by-blow account (no pun intended  :P :P) of my life after I got my wife to my home Country, then I will be happy to oblige....but I felt that this is not really the function of the Forum, maybe I am wrong ??

But having the "pleasure" of a 3 week visit by Mings 16 year old Son, I can echo the comments from Rhonald and way could I ever see this little jumped up, self opinionated, spoiled little sh###t ever being happy in an environment where he was NOT treated like a King, and where I would take every opportunity to bounce him when he got out of line (as he did on a continual basis)...I was aghast to find that Ming as a Mother to this monster was a totally different person I know and love as a Wife !!!

It was as if nobody else in the World existed or mattered...that Boy got 120% of her attention, he was waited on hand and foot and indulged at every opportunity, no criticism of him was allowed, and never did she back me against him...quite the contrary. He treated his Mum like a slave, with total contempt...yet she kept coming back for more and allowed him to get away with it. In fact, had he stayed with us for another week or so, I am very sure that I would have packed them BOTH off on the next plane to was that bad.

So "prospectors" beware...If she has a Son, you could well be in for a rocky ride...make no mistake, you will never be number one in her acts, thoughts and deeds whilst a Son is in the same house !!!!!!

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2012, 11:39:35 pm »
The difference between Chinese Men and Westerners is that we really appreciate the attention we receive from our Chinese wife whereas the Chinese man, because of tradition, expects it.   That is instilled in them from the day they are born.

That is something none of us are ever going to see changed in our lifetime and many years afters if ever.   Look how many centuries it took us to change attitudes on slavery!

As others say if you tie up with a woman with a son then be prepared for the problems that may or will more likely arise.   
My wife has a son and two daughters.  The daughters are a blessing, the son,well he keeps away, not just from us but the whole extended family. 

This is something he actually took my advice,after his one visit to us when  I held him up against the wall, after his verbal abuse reigned on my wife and for the first and only time I saw her cry.  He speaks good English and he clearly understood my words.    Luckily I was able to control my fist from punctuating my remarks.  At the time he was 21.  But lesson learned by us both.

So it looks like most who have taken up with women with teenage plus sons have had this problem so it would be interesting to hear from those who took up such a relationship and it is successful for all parties.

But at present it does give out another warning sign.


Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2012, 12:02:20 pm »
Looks like Rhonald and I are somewhat in the same boat here....

But there is tension at home because of her relationship with her 18 year old boy. He is not a bad kid, but he is disrespectful towards her. He also is a loner and after school mainly sits in his room on the computer. If his English was better (only Level 1 ESL - English second language) I could communicate better. If my Chinese was better, then I could get a heads up that an argument is brewing and for what reason.

This, not being able to discipline Qing's 11 yr. old Son myself and having to put it all on my Wife.. is frustrating as hell. The only good thing out of it, is she does not treat him like a King.. actually it's almost the opposite. He is.. or I should say, trying hard to "Run" the house sometimes.. which I take not a liking to. It went as far (after he was told) not to go on or play on my CP, he made himself the Administrator and I could not get to my Stuff one night. I stormed into his room (while he was sleeping) and yelled at him to get up NOW and change that back and for good measure's I slammed the door behind him.. to show him "I was Mad"! Qing stood aside without one word, as she knew.. he had it coming.
Later, she told me.. that I really scared him! Well, that is exactly what I wanted to show him.. I'm the "King" of this house and not he. This was worked wonders in both our favors and still does.

Last weekend, we went to San Diego to the Airshow.. which he really enjoyed. That all changed the next morning, going to La Jolla. It was back to being a Brat, because.. beauty of the Ocean and Birds/Seals sunning themselves was of no interest to him. So.... there we walked along this wonderful path on Sunday with Sunshine/People relaxing, here is Qing yelling at him the whole way.. trying to straighten him out ( which is quite embarrassing with People all staring you down). After she saw, I was not (or could not) enjoy our walk.. she just left him on his own. Follow us or just keep standing right there, which he did.. until we were out of sight.. he started to start walking to catch up with us. Ones he did, the face he was showing.. said a thousand works (as you can see from the Photo). Spoiled Brat, which was a result of living two years with the Grandparents (in their 60's) that he found easier to get his way's through.. then his Mother. Like I've say before.. she don't take anything from him (no little Emporer here) and this is my Luck.. as I only have to fight one and not both of them. So, as long as he knows.. who's the "Man" of the house and he is NOT going to "Play" mommy in his favor or against me.. all should and will fall into place. Me and Qing are on the same Page as a Couple and Parents.. this can only be in our favor including the Brat's.

Offline David K

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #35 on: October 16, 2012, 05:41:06 pm »
To Willy, Arnold, Rhonald, David E  ..Its much the same over here in Kiwiland...It seems like a 3 act play....The first part of it is our addiction to 'The Chase'..The ups and downs, the anticipation, the thrill of the new, the awakening of long forgotten biology...There have been truck loads of songs on this topic (e.g Chet Bakers-The Thrill is Gone).

Then all of a sudden,the second act. We get married, we are signed and sealed and into the interesting territory of making a relationship succeed with our past failures as our primary guide  :(  ( I recall that doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome was Einsteins definition of insanity. )   And of course its easy to share excitement, much harder to confess to feeling fragile. So, in the third act, the unglamorous part,  we are seen as sedate by the 'yet to commit' crowd. Yet it seems to me that in this unglamorous work are some of life's real lessons.

The first two years Yan was with me in NZ, I had to pinch myself to actually believe the courtesy and consideration I was given.  Then her 21 YO son come out and of course wanted to stay in the same house ( mine) with his mother.  Overnight, more or less, my marriage vanished. He's actually a nice kid, but 12  years old inside, with an enormous sense of entitlement ( Wheres my Iphone 5 ... ). The local school where 50% of the pupils are asian call it "the little prince syndrome". He is a practiced mother manipulator using a combination of adoration and helplessness and guilt. He also eats like hes about to die of starvation (seconds and thirds), unsurprisingly he's overweight. Like Arnolds "inheritance" he was brought up by his grandparents, a not uncommon occurrence  . see 

My first tack was to make it clear to him that his mother was now married and no longer at his beck and call.  Second was to set up his own room at the opposite end of the house, where he spends the hours he should be learning English on QQ / Mandarin to his mates in China (Our internet bill has doubled).  Third was to enroll him at an English class to get him out of the house ( and away from the fridge) 3 days a week, although he seems a reluctant learner.  Finally, I tried that rotten 4 letter word WORK. Got him a part time job as a kitchen hand. He lasted 2 weeks before the boss had to explain that he was the boss and was not working for the sons betterment.  Heres a YouTube link on how it feels WWT Slimbridge: Juvenile cuckoo being fed by reed warblers   :)

All of this is a strain on me and the marriage ( as it is for Willy, Arnold, Rhonald, David E relationships  - and I suspect, most who have progressed to Act 3 of our little drama). 

In NZ we can request up to 6 counseling sessions for marriage difficulties,
so that is now in progress - the dude speaks both mandarin and english.
I've 'sold ' it to my wife because its free  and will likely help her son.
( Chinese folk seem determined to deny there is any problem, less lost of face ensue )
Hopefully he can explain the facts of life about growing up clearly to our asian peter pan  :)

And finally I'm looking at the house with a view to turning part if it into a self contained flat
(which will be available to him at a reasonable rental ) to separate him from his mother
and the fridge  :-)

Funny thing tho.. all of the things I see in him that I dislike intensely, I've also done
myself at some time in my life... So its not a judgement or a vendatta.. just a remedy

David K

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #36 on: October 16, 2012, 06:48:41 pm »
The thing is I just had to put up with the son syndrome for a few days.  I am not committed to it long term  like many on here.

It is not just me that is against his attitude. He has worked in the business of three family members and he has been sacked from each for non communication skills!  When he stayed here his Grandfather was also here.  But he could not stand the grandson and went off to stay with another daughter until the boy left.

I think that the talk we had has sunk in and he is now the other side of China and is working selling cars and apparently his communication skills have improved.   He mother has told him that he can visit but not stay here.

One thing my wife is certain of that as the mother of a son she will never take on the chore of looking after a child of his if ever he gets married.  Well not in my lifetime that is.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2012, 10:08:16 pm »
The mother with son discussion is very interesting, and one that will hopefully be something I will have to deal with sooner or later. 

The discussion about new members and their lack of discussion/questions is something I would like to bring back to the front.

Anyone can read any of the messages on this forum, without registering, and without posting (anonymously).  I know it has been mentioned before, but I believe that only certain topics should be available for public, anonymous access.  This would solve two issues.  One, more people would register.  With a username, maybe they will post more.  Two, this would greatly reduce the lurkers that are undoubtedly there looking for personal information. 

Every other forum I have ever joined requires a valid email address, with a confirmation email check in order to post.  Maybe the complete lack of security is what is holding some people back from posting questions. 

There are some very bad people in this world.  I had an encounter with one while I was in China a couple weeks ago, but I am hesitant to post about it publicly. irresistible as chocolate

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2012, 10:48:10 pm »
The mother with son discussion is very interesting, and one that will hopefully be something I will have to deal with sooner or later. 

The discussion about new members and their lack of discussion/questions is something I would like to bring back to the front.

Anyone can read any of the messages on this forum, without registering, and without posting (anonymously).  I know it has been mentioned before, but I believe that only certain topics should be available for public, anonymous access.  This would solve two issues.  One, more people would register.  With a username, maybe they will post more.  Two, this would greatly reduce the lurkers that are undoubtedly there looking for personal information. 

Every other forum I have ever joined requires a valid email address, with a confirmation email check in order to post.  Maybe the complete lack of security is what is holding some people back from posting questions. 

There are some very bad people in this world.  I had an encounter with one while I was in China a couple weeks ago, but I am hesitant to post about it publicly.

 I agree with your thoughts about requiring people to become members before being allowed to have full access to the site, the downside is that someone has to review profiles if you really want to keep the undesirables out. I review every profile that applies to join my site, but my membership levels are small so it is not difficult to monitor the site daily for any suspicious activity or offensive comments. You will also discover as I have that many people who only want to post spam or collect e-mail addresses will usually join using a fake e-mail so the if you do use the e-mail verification link then that would only limit some of your problems. If you look through the membership roster you will see where many people join and never return again, but they normally leave a url in their signature line hoping to score some spam points. I usually go through my membership roles and delete any members that have not logged in to the site in over 90 days to keep my records and files easier to manage. I also think many people would prefer some of the forums and other features be made available to members only.  Regards, Robertt

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2012, 12:09:48 am »
We have talked about putting limits on none registered users.It was decided that.The information is best suited to be a open forum.There are registered users here.Who have not posted.As far as checking out new members.Yes Martin and I do it all the time.If you register here.And your signature line looks funny.Or there is advertising attached to your signature line your account is closed.If your profile doesn't look right.I or Martin do run I.P checks.everytime a new member registers here.A notice goes straight to my email.And I check out the new member from there.In average we ban probably 4 or 5 new members a month.Because the information they have given us doesn't match there profile.Or there is some kind of advertising attached to the signature line.

As far as deleting old none active accounts.I don't have a problem with that.It will have to be put to the mods for a vote.There is a wealth of information here.And yes it is disorganised.But if we go threw and delete the back and forth between some of the members.The threads wouldn't make any you would loose the topic of the thread rendering it pretty useless.

We have tried to control the back and forth between the members here.But we met with allot of opposition.Because we had deleted somebodies fart joke.And they got offended.Because one of the mods had the audacity.To delete said members post.All though it had nothing to do with the topic being discussed.Then said pissed off member sends me a nasty Pm.About how oppressive my mods are.And have I ever heard of free speech.It just escalates from there.first comes the nasty name calling then comes the threats of bodily harm to myself or one of my mods.Then I have to really ban the member.Then all his so called friends think they have to get involved.Sending me nasty Pm's.Because I have just banned there best and only friend in the world.Remember this got started over a fart joke.So we do let the back and forth run its course.This is supposed to be fun.And a true adventure.It isn't worth getting beat up or shot over.Or reading somebodies verbal abuse.

The veterans have made this web site what it is.If you don't like what you have done.Then change it.Go threw your posts delete all the fart jokes.The useless information in your posts.Take responsibility for your own actions.Don't expect somebody to come along and clean your mess up.This job doesn't pay my bills.Or put food on my table.I'm just here trying to help you guys out.and trying to keep this a happy and clean place to hang out while your trying to figure out this Chinese woman thing.

Neil send me a Pm I'm really curios to here what happend.

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #40 on: October 17, 2012, 08:58:50 am »
What Maxx wrote is totally true...every mod has probably taken a pile of abuse for trying to keep things organized here.  Off the top of my head, I can think of a few members over the years who have torn a strip off me for editing, or deleting something they wrote.  It is hard to balance keeping things moving on a certain track, with someone's off track post.

As far as new people joining, and trying to glean personal address's are always hidden from other members.  Irishman and I have access to your email address, and maybe Maxx.

That being said, I am open to any and all suggestions on how you think we can liven up this forum.

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #41 on: October 17, 2012, 10:35:36 am »
I think what Maxx said is a good idea, funnily enough I thought about doing that many times..
Everyone go through their posts and if NOT really relIvent, DELETE IT....of course this is time consuming, but we mostly not doing anything anyway ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #42 on: October 17, 2012, 10:54:40 am »
I'd like to say that, on occasion I have given Martin hell for some of the things he has done.  I apologize for it.  I don't think I've ever given Maxx hell.  He scares the hell out of me.  ;D 

Really it is up to us to police ourselves as grown, mature men.  The mods shouldn't have to do it.  I agree with Maxx in that we have gotten what we asked for when we complain about the other guy or how things are done on this site.  People will say things behind the keyboard they would never say face to face.  I know I am guilty of it.  It has taught me to clean up my act and has also improved my relationship with Peggy.

I wish I knew what would set this site back on fire again but I really don't.  Many of the issues have been hit on here.  In my mind the biggest issue is the economy.  I scrap for every dime I make.  I still have my regular job but since the downturn in the economy I have gone bankrupt in my store and am still paying off debts from that.  I have been selling on ebay and which is nothing more than a royal pain in the hinder parts.  Now I have opened a new store and am hoping for good things to happen.  Eventually something good will come of all of this.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 11:05:35 am by shaun »

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2012, 09:37:23 pm »
I'd like to say that, on occasion I have given Martin hell for some of the things he has done.  I apologize for it.  I don't think I've ever given Maxx hell.  He scares the hell out of me.  ;D

REALLY???  MAXX???  If only you knew the things you could get away with saying to him!

I can relate to what you said about the financial downturn.  At the beginning of the recession, I sunk, and as a result, had to delay doing the immigration stuff.  For me, the recession has been over for awhile, but if I was in other industries, or other countries, I likely would not embark on this journey at all.  Its too expensive when the economy is so uncertain.

And Shaun, I appreciate the apology, but it is not needed.  At one time, I had pretty negative thoughts about you, but you certainly have proven to me more than once that you are a really good man.

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Re: Newbee's need to talk/tell/ask...
« Reply #44 on: October 19, 2012, 05:40:28 pm »
Thanks Martin.   Really...  I'm not afraid...   I was just trying to help his image a little.  Most of us know how it works.  Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain.