Actually, one of the issues is that the little emperors often come from divorced families..
In most parts of China, divorced woman are discriminated against
In most parts of China unmarried woman over 30 are discriminated against
In most parts of China unmarried woman with children are even further discriminated against
... Usually the money promised as part of the official divorce settlement never come through....
So its off to the big city sweat shops for mother... and grandparents for the child...
There are 50 million such cases (officially) - see my previous URL for more details...
And not unsurprisingly, some of these ladies see CHNLOVE as the only way out...
So its off to the photoshop bureau to have those curves enhanced ( or erased )
Along comes the Western Hero - whether it be from unbrindled lust, loneliness or the
desire to rescue.. and before long long our hero has fallen in love with photoshopped pixels...
Only later do we realise what the phrase "responsibility to the family" means: ready made offspring,
and then its too late :-)
So in addition to the normal Chinese male arrogance, OUR little emperors have truckloads of guilt to
use as weapons in the combat zone.....
YOU are responsible for the divorce so YOU are responsible for depriving me of a family
YOU have deprived me of a fathers love which would have made my life fulfilled
YOU have abandoned me to work long hours, when you should have been BOTH
mother and father to me...
MY friends come from a WHOLE family but I do not and YOU are responsible..
The list goes ever on, that being the nature of guilt, which can only ever be used
as a weapon..

Probably the best example I can give is the movie/DVD "The Last Train Home"
made by a canadian chinese filmmaker... worth a look... before you leap

So the old saying "Beware of strangers bearing Gifts" becomes
" Be wary of divorced Chinese beauties bearing Children"
Caveat Emptor

David K