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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2012, 09:24:50 pm »
Not getting political but using a sporting analogy.

After yesterdays gaff by one candidate It looks like he has given an own goal to the other side.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Vince G

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2012, 10:46:19 pm »
I'm SHOCKED! GM doing business in another country? whoever put the video together may be trying to gain some ground on maybe the US Government don't know what they're doing but anyone with any knowledge in any related field knows GM, Ford, and Chrysler all have plants in other countries and have for many decades. Most auto parts are made in Mexico and most vehicles are assembled in Canada (trucks mostly).

ALL Japanese cars and also Kia (S. Korean) cars are assembled here in the US (the ones sold here) to get around the import tax the US government (Clinton) put on them in the 90's.

So who's kidding who? Besides both Chrysler and GM have paid back the bailout amount. Whether right or wrong it worked, it helped and it's done and over with.

Just media BS

Offline maxx

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #47 on: September 18, 2012, 12:24:07 am »
Vince has got it right.Your American made car.Has parts in it from all over the world.And yes Gmc trucks,Along with Dodge.And Ford.Are all assembled in Canada and Mexico.Before the Brits and the Aussies fall out of there chair laughing.Your autos are the same as the Americans.The cars may be assembled in your country.But the parts come from all over the world.

I know a guy who is a photographer for Boeing aircraft.He flies all over the world and takes pictures for Boeing.For the last few years he has flown to China,Japan,England,India,Singapore numberses times.He has ben taking pictures of the new 777.He told me that  only the final assembly of the plane was done in the U.S. he said some of the componets were manufactured in China, Japan,India,And yes and no.Some of the componets are made by companies that Boeing owns in other countries..Some of the components are made by companies that Boeing doesn't own.When you are building a car or a airplane.You have got to outsource some of the compnetes to stay competitive.You cant source all your parts in house.

How many of you Americans remember American motor company.AKA AMC They were useing this concept.Before anybody else thought of it.They built the vehicles.But they didn't make the parts.My Jeep J-10 had axles built by Dana,The transmission along with the electrical,was built by ford.The engine was made by Dodge.My buddy had a J-10 his was the same way.It had parts on it from the big 3 GM,Ford,Dodge,Now you would think this would be a problem to get parts.Or to match parts up.It was never a problem for me.If the parts weren't available for my motor.Somebody out there had made a adapter plate.Or manufactured a replacement that would work.My Friend had a built Gm 350.Backed up by a Gm 4 speed.with a Werner transfer case.All going to beefed up Dana 20's axles.That he would twist off about every six months.Because he was always drag racing in it.

Shaun I remember making a post to you awhile back.When this bailout thing was going on.I remember telling you I was confused why would Gm need bailed out.They sell more vehicles then anybody else does in the world.The reason they sell more cars then anybody else does.Is because they manufacture them right there in China.I have seen Buick's from Zhuhai.All the way to Beijing.I know why they took the money.Because the government offered it.If your government is offering free money.Most people would take it.

Since GM is a American company with corporate offices in America.Most of that money that the Chinese are spending on new cars is coming to the states.So I don't see what the big deal is.

Do you guys know how big the N.B.A. is they were hiring people right and left in China a couple of years agoThey were setting people up with huge salaries,nice houses.That came with all the perks.It was the same thing.Most of the money the N.B.A. made went right back to the states.Right into the share holders pockets.Whats the the new buzz word.I think they call It a global economy.

So somebody who didn't know nothing about nothing posted that video and is trying to stur up the unwashed masses.Lets Waite and  see what this guy does.when he figures out that the weapons that the U.S military uses.Have parts in them from all over the world.The last I heard the only weapon manufacture that is 100% USA is the Henry firearms company.And I think the only thing they make is lever action rifles.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 12:26:59 am by maxx »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2012, 07:50:47 am »
Not quite right Maxx. The British still prefer gear levers.  I think for some reason Americans call then 'Sticks'  Plus the laws in the the UK mean cars have to be made different to confirm to the UK's more rigid traffic laws.

What you see being driving around in the USA would invoke immediate attention from the Traffic cops and immediate prohibitions would be placed on the car.

In Palm Springs they allow Golf buggies to be driven along the road by geriatrics!!   

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Vince G

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2012, 07:56:47 am »
My FORD Freestyle, a crossover auto is actually all VOLVO mechanical parts. At the time Ford owned Volvo which was sold to a China business group. Kia was also owned by Ford and sold to Hyundai, Jaguar was also Ford owned and sold off.

GM and Toyota ventured off together years ago. Chrysler and Mercedes-Benz, on & on.

AMC was a combined older auto companies that formed AMC. Jeep was on it's own until Chrysler bought AMC & Jeep (1980's).

This is why I have no problem having my Fuel Less Generator produced in China. (btw in need of investors, need to raise some capital) which will be assembled here in the US. 

Offline shaun

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2012, 09:28:02 am »
I guess I should have commented on why I put the link to the GM deal.

The reason I posted it was because of Lloyd and JohnB's comments.  Vince has it right.  Free money is free money to make billions on.  If you listen to what the man said and this is my point; Obama is no different than Romney.  It is all about money and power.  They are all crooks their agenda is only how they plan to stealing it.  Obama gave money to GM but Romney buddies made billions.

If you think Obama runs this country then you fall into the delusion of masses.  People think Biden is Obama's dumb sidekick.  Wrong.  He is higher up the food chain and keeps Obama on task.  The money who put Obama in power run this country.

Romney will not be the person who runs this country, his major contributors will be.  The main difference between Obama and Romney is that Romney is higher up the food chain.  This isn't a racial comment it is a financial and power one.

Who run this country?  Look at the electoral college.  Find out who they are.  I can tell you this.  It isn't Joe the plumber.  They are financial moguls.  Guess what they do.  They elect the president not you.  Have you even noticed how a candidate wins the popular vote but not the electoral college vote?  Why?  Who really runs this country?

So to sum it up.  JohnB  and Lloyd are correct on some issues and they are not on others.

Now I will stop because the crap I am spreading here is getting to high for even my shoes.

Vince G

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #51 on: September 18, 2012, 11:13:56 am »
Shaun, (good to see you still around btw) I've been saying these same things for years. My common explanation is if all the voting (or all the) people vote for one person to be president and electoral don't like him? He won't be president. Hence; why I never voted.

The republicans have a religious right nut case. Not that he's the  front runner of a religious group but he is sneaky, sleazy, hypocrite that uses religion for power and making billions off of. His is Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition who gets presidents in as long as they follow what he tells them to say and do. Any of you, Read up on this guy if you have a hydraulic jack to raise your jaw off the floor.

So yeah, who runs the country?

Offline maxx

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #52 on: September 18, 2012, 07:04:58 pm »
Willy you missed the point yet again.Global Economy.Those British cars that you are so proud of.Have got parts in them from all over the world.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2012, 07:44:09 pm »
No Maxx I have not missed the point at all. There is not much that is British made that ends up in a British made car. You were saying that the cars in Britain are the same as the ones in the USA. I was saying there is a far higher safety standard in the UK than the USA both inside and outside.

There is no real British Motor Manufacturers left.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2012, 08:00:34 pm »

Who run this country?  Look at the electoral college.  Find out who they are.  I can tell you this.  It isn't Joe the plumber.  They are financial moguls.  Guess what they do.  They elect the president not you.  Have you even noticed how a candidate wins the popular vote but not the electoral college vote?  Why?  Who really runs this country?

Well Shaun I guess there is really not much fundamental difference in what happens in the USA and here in China.!  The only difference being is that in the USA the general public really think they have a say in who are the people at the top whereas here everyone knows they have no say at all ;D

But whose economy is going better!  I saw the figures flashing by at the Mitt Romney convention showing how many billion, trillion, zillion dollars the American government is in debt.  Whereas they have no debt and are sitting in Billions, of Trillions.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline shaun

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #55 on: September 19, 2012, 10:16:42 am »
Thanks Vince.  Yes I am still around.  I read almost everyday but don't always log on and comment.

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #56 on: September 23, 2012, 09:18:03 pm »
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 09:21:34 pm by Rhonald »
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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #57 on: November 03, 2012, 06:01:24 am »
Ok, I have to straighten out a little point about the electoral college. There is this gross misunderstanding, what the authors of the Constitution did when they created that entity.

The electoral college is not required to fulfill the desire of the popular vote. For the simple reason that the popular vote is dominated by the most populous states. The Constitution's design was to protect the minority from the majority. Thus, you can win New York, New England, California and few other large population states, but still lose the election.

It was designed that way, because people in Wyoming don't like New Yorker's theory of how the world should run. That's also why the Senate has two from each state in the country. It creates a system of equality.

I know that there are people, primarily supporting the "Left" party, who want the electoral college gone. Granted, if you actually look at those "two parties" in the US, you will realize there is no real difference between them. It's all an imaginary line created by the media and campaign managers.

I for one, as a happy supporter of the "third parties" don't want to see the electoral college gone, b/c when people finally wake up and realize they have a choice, other than (A) Jackass, or (B) Babar, they will start to vote for C, D, E, F and G. This is what allowed the "GOP" to become one of the primary parties in the late 1850s, it's what will allow the next parties to rise and hopefully they will rise, before those two parties run the US completely into the ground.

How do I know this. My first degree that I started and finished after leaving the army was Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy. For those of you who do not comprehend what that means. I spent an entire year of school studying the works of the people who created the US government, the people who critiqued their work (most de Tocqueville) and a great deal of time studying what went wrong in the USSR, China and all of those great "Socialist" Authoritarian societies. Sadly, I was informed that if I continued to Law School, upon finishing my law degree, I would be sentenced to life in family court (appointed as a judge), or I could turn that down and be a blackballed lawyer. I was told this by prominent members of both parties in my home state. They wanted me to know, b/c they knew if I turned down a bench position, I would be sunk professionally in the legal world and that no matter which party supported me, the media would ensure I got ignored. Why family court? b/c family courts can't interfere with Washington's agenda.

There is no conspiracy theory, it's the truth. So in turn, I became an accountant. At least this way, I can pay bills, and have a life, outside representing the militias in bogus court cases.

Message in all of this, if you are an American and vote for either of those "primary" parties. You need to wake up, read the fine print and realize those bastards are robbing you, your children and your children's children of the future.

The fastest way to get rid of a corrupt politician, is to vote him out. The fastest way to get rid of a corrupt party, is to vote both of them out. Remember, the US actually has seven, that is 7 political parties on the national stage.
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Re: Yet another interesting article
« Reply #58 on: November 06, 2012, 08:34:17 pm »
I found this at the new york book review.  Sort of scary.
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