Author Topic: Interesting article about English gun laws throughout recent history. (Part 1 )  (Read 6109 times)

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Vince G

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I guess it has nothing to do with the targeted middle eastern having a habit of keeping civilians near to shield themselves with. It's not that the US targets civilians. So what is there to do? Let them slide by because they figure they won't be shot at because they're shielded?

There is a difference between innocent unarmed children in a classroom to kids shooting at US troops isn't there.

I've got a thousand USD that says you can not find who said what in this article as in "A local psychologist says" and the 259 strikes for which he is ultimately responsible killed between 297 and 569 civilians, of whom at least 64 were children. These are figures extracted from "credible reports". Who are they calling children? 17-18-20 year olds?

Before believing in an article from some reporter looking to make a name to increase his income I wonder what the real facts are. It's easy to throw blame on the US President instead of the Terrorist that brutally harm women and children daily.

Offline Rhonald

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Yes, David, my use of the word drone was deliberate. I meant it in both its meanings.
Check out:

Vince I think the numbers do not seem out of proportion. Yes it is a tragedy that this happens and it is not so much that they use civilians as a shield but that Al-Qaeda & the Taliban work in an urban environment.

Philip, although the writer of the article you posted has raised some points, he is as Vince says, an Author that earns by writting against the establishment. Just click on his name in the linked page and you can see the types of articles & books he pens.

His attention does show the tragedy of the drone war but my link below shows that the enemy of the drone war, statistically is the worse evil.

The ironic yet morbid fact of this war is the two main weapons used. One side uses human bombs, while the other uses a distant observer. Sometimes history, in the past (after all history is about the past) paints warriors as heroic, but this war spray paints that illusion as morbid.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 09:57:33 am by Rhonald »
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