Author Topic: Met her family today  (Read 9165 times)

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Offline Jason B

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2013, 09:45:00 pm »
Hence my comment, is this just a "summer school fling" that her family in China does not even know too much about?  We on here have all done the hard yards and some are still going through them, but we feed off each other and take comfort in the fact that someone on here will know an answer to a problem or we will all nut it out together.

As to the value of an Asian woman, just to look at my wife with our daughter and you will see value that no money on earth can buy.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline shaun

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2013, 10:01:58 pm »
Gee!!!!!!!  I wish ya'll had opinions on the subject.  ;D

Smashinz you might get to know us a little better before making such a comment.  Then again if you had taken the time you wouldn't have made it.

Most of us have chronicled our journey on this site.  It isn't an easy journey and isn't one that we would wish to change if we could.  I have asked myself if something happens between Peggy, my wife, and me if I would take this same journey again and my answer would be a resounding yes.  But that isn't going to happen because my wife and I deeply love each other.

Offline JohnB

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2013, 11:29:36 pm »
me too thinks this is as Willy says...
...a young man who has met a Chinese Girl in the USA and has been smitten.  If that is the case then he is a lucky man.”
I do not think any slight is intended. Maybe the  “Irrational exuberance” of youth. Sort of like finding his pot of gold under the rainbow. Like where the hell are you guys? Look under the rainbow. It's easy! He is lucky man to enjoy his life as his is.
Smashinz is fine. He'll figure things out. Lucky guy. Early China love in life. He has a long journey in life.

Offline Pineau

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2013, 01:42:48 am »
Irrational exuberance, love, infatuation, summer school fling....its all the same stuff. It is in our DNA and I love it. hormones are fun, exciting and  funny too. It makes us do stupid things (really stupid things). Like given away houses, 401k plans, and all your tools in an attempt to escape from (Fuck if I know) . I'm sure I was escaping from something. Something terrible that was smothering me and threatening my happiness. And the endorphins and hormones helped me manage my escape. And now I have a steady diet of endorphins. They are running out of my shoes.

Anyone (Smashinz) wanting to make this journey be warned. It is going to hurt (really bad and more than once). It is going to cost you much more than you thought. And there are no guarantees of success.

Someone here once told me that there is no guarantee that my New Chinese wife will be my last.  That a horrible thought but if it comes to that then the journey this far has been the most exciting time of my life and I would not hesitate to do it over again. 
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 09:20:48 am by Pineau »
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Offline fivetrout

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2013, 01:55:15 am »
I think we just get to a point in our lives...when we have learned what it is we really need, and can't face the thought of living a less than full life. More have wasted an important aspect of it. That come from experience and self growth, and the realization finally...of what is really important!

Offline brett

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2013, 08:06:01 am »
It isn't an easy journey and isn't one that we would wish to change if we could.

Ha ha ha, Shaun you're right here. This could be the toughest journey you'll ever make.

I'm just back from "Man goes on 2nd date with girl to Macau". Only we only get as far as a Zhuhai hotel, have a gigantic misunderstanding, a rather great makeup, eat the greatest Jiaozi ever cooked, face the hall of evil (Zhuhai train station ticket office) and the gates of hell that are Guangzhou metro on a Sunday evening.

Plus in the interval from when I visited Willy in 2011 they have moved Zhuhai station 10 miles!!! And my date found a wonderful shopping mall for us to visit, but when we got there it was a construction site. Things change so quickly here (especially the train ticket prices!!!)

And that's before I even get started on my date having some huge problems in her life. This is the first lady I've met whose family are farmers, and her personal life is really tragic. Life sucks here if you're poor, from having to work 60+ hour weeks (and face your health being ruined by 50), to costly healthcare, a high cost of living and random catastrophes. Last week I was nearly totalled by a motorcycle driving the wrong way - luckily I have two health insurance plans here which is two more than most of the population have.

If they made a movie of my attempt to find a wife here it would be dismissed as pure fiction.

Is it all worth it? Well I laugh at all the photos of Hollywood movie stars/Kardashians beach photos. The girl I was with has a simply astounding figure, and it's all natural.

And there are so many little things that make this journey so fun at time. Like the waitress in the Yunnan restaurant couldn't stop smiling at me - I was maybe the first Westerner who'd ever eaten there. And tonight's bus journey through the mean streets of Sanyuanli was as epic as always.

And as for the culture remark, well I'm currently living in one of the poorest parts of Guangzhou. I see it all here. Actually I'm not supposed to be living here at all but that's how this country works.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2013, 09:26:58 pm »
  Brett I remember the area you live in when I was in Guangzhou exploring. That is what we
  call here in the states   The Hood.

  Why are you living there? There are many other areas that are far better.

But then you have to know Brett!  He likes challenges in life.  Ready for anything. ;)

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Smashinz

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2013, 12:35:50 am »
Hey guys,
   I'm very sorry if I offended anyone here. I know I'm new here and still sorting it all out. .Once again, my apologies. I do want to be part of this community. . Perhaps I'm over-excited about the whole situation at hand, because, it is quite exciting, and I am just wanting to know other people with similar relationships with the wonderful Asian ladies.   
    And yes, I have travelled to Asia once so far, to meet her family (parents, and her sister and nephew). It went exceptionally well. I met her in the U.S., as she visited my church, since she was here on a student visa (career change/burnout (age 40),/friends in the U.S. doing the same, encouraged her to try it).                   
     We kept in touch via Skype, every single, when she returned to China, and before I was able to plan a trip there.
     Now, she is back here , and we are engaged. All is going exceptionally well.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2013, 06:28:34 am »
Perhaps we would understand more if your age was not hidden from your profile. It could be that you are a 20 year old college boy or, god help you, an old codger like me.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline brett

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2013, 08:41:00 am »
  Brett I remember the area you live in when I was in Guangzhou exploring. That is what we
  call here in the states   The Hood.

  Why are you living there? There are many other areas that are far better.

I'm living in Baiyun because my school is here - I live right outside the front door so it's very convenient. Also the air by the mountain is a little better. I kind of like my quirky neighborhood rather than totally sterile and boring Zhujiang.

I'm in quite a good location though, with 4 metro stations and a huge number of buses to choose from. And there are loads of small stores in the neighborhood selling everything a student would ever need. And it's an ideal real-life classroom for trying out my Mandarin.

If I get in any kind of stable relationship then maybe I'll share an apartment with a lady. But for now I'm happy with my very cheap minimalist apartment. My lady wanted my to cook for her yesterday but I had to admit that I only have one food bowl  ;D.

Anyway, as to the other theme of this thread - it is nice to see new members on here. Given the problems getting Chinese visas these days I guess more guys are going to the Phillies or Thailand. But Chinese ladies are of course the best  :-*.

Offline Smashinz

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Re: Met her family today
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2013, 02:30:12 am »
Yes, once again my apologies.. I did not yet complete the profile. My age is 46.     Also, after reading responsive posts, it is much more clear to me just how incredibly serious you guys are about this topic. Honestly, I failed to realize the level of sacrifice involved. It is truly incredible to read about. In my case it has been at least a little bit easier, since she was already in the U.S., therefore it has been mostly her sacrifice; of which I am eternally grateful.