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Offline IrishGuy65

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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2013, 07:27:38 am »
One thing makes me a weak westerner?  That's a pretty silly thought.  I use the Zero Water at home, and I plan on using it in China as well.  If this makes me weak, then weak I am.  I'm OK with it.

As far as my lady's thoughts... the boiling water is more her idea than mine!  She never drinks the water without boiling it first.  Mostly, if she drinks water it is either tea or boiled water with lemon.
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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2013, 12:48:29 pm »
Mostly, if she drinks water it is either tea or boiled water with lemon.

That's the only way my LaoPo drinks her water.. here or there! I have gotten used to it also, when I'm not drinking Wine that is.

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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2013, 05:45:23 pm »
Worth looking at.

Latest warning from the dept of state in Guangzhou
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline shaun

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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2013, 08:58:03 pm »
Don't freak out.  We haven't seen any westerners dying in China.  At least none that would admit it.  ;D

Some may have thought they would die but found out what a great woman they found.

Most doctors will tell you if you contract a virus, "This to shall pass."  In small print spewing from both ends.  :o :o :'(

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2013, 10:45:01 pm »
One thing makes me a weak westerner?  That's a pretty silly thought.  I use the Zero Water at home, and I plan on using it in China as well.  If this makes me weak, then weak I am.  I'm OK with it.

As far as my lady's thoughts... the boiling water is more her idea than mine!  She never drinks the water without boiling it first.  Mostly, if she drinks water it is either tea or boiled water with lemon.

I did not say that you were a weak Westerner. 

It is 'perception' that is most important to Chinese. If they get a wrong perceptive of you then a relationship will flounder very quickly.  And it is only one little  thing that they need to give them this view.

You do not say if she is boiling water from the tap or from a bottle?
If your lady is taking tap water and boiling it then that is normal for a Chinese women.  If she is taking bottled water and then boiling it then that is considered extravagant by them.   Most Chinese do not take cold water but usually take it warm to hot.  So your answer really depends on which she uses, tap or bottled.


Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2013, 06:58:01 am »
Just a thought! If your lady insists that you drink the water and sample the local cuisine at all the sidewalk vendors, it might be a good time to look for a new lady! ;) 8)

Offline brett

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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2013, 11:13:00 am »
I was using bottle water in my cooking, then I read the health scares about NongFu Spring (a popular brand here) so I thought I might as well use the tap water.

Two of my ladies have got sick from eating street food. I had one apple thing from the back of the bicycle store last time I visited Guangzhou and that made me feel really rough for a day.

I never drink the hot water in restaurants, only Chinese people like hot water.

I swear I'll go mad in this place. Last week an English teacher and I went for a cup of tea and a chat... yeah it took us 3 attempts to find a restaurant that actually served tea.

And yeah, this place is filthy. People spit everywhere, babies toilet everywhere and outside my student apartment block are a couple of chickens. Rather makes a nonsense of the University's bird flu preparations. Plus we don't even have soap in the loos.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2013, 12:31:44 pm »
Probably the same reason the authorities advise never eat from street vendors in London or New York!

Be sensible by all means but do not let it become a obsession, that along with having the idea that everyone is going to rip you off.  You eat what you want to eat - the choice is yours.

I been in the backstreet of Lagos and nothing is filthier than that place where even adults crap in the street.  and then go back to trying to sell you giant black snails as titbits. At least the snails were black so the buyers could not see the ink from the newspapers they were wrapped in.!

 I hate to think what was offered in the slums of Mumbai.  Then in Morocco I always grab the first plate that comes up. A waiter may be carrying 6 or more plates, one on top of another so the bottom of one that has stood goodness knows where is touching the food on the plate below.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline brett

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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2013, 11:37:31 am »
Hmm, I'm now in Shenzhen. There's apparently no street cooking or hawking allowed here. On the other hand hooking is rife. It's being advertised outside metro stations, and my hotel doesn't really seem to be a hotel at all. Well I was warned about this place.

As usual, the police seem to have no idea what's going on  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Still my date tonight was legit, although she was 10x more fierce than Miss Woo. Yikes  :-[. Oh well, roll on the next date. Eventually I will have met every single lady on CLL  :P.

Walked out to get some beer earlier and there was a guy looking really ill outside a restaurant. The staff had no idea what to do and gave him a bucket and covered him with a blanket. I guess he drank too much alcohol or had a shellfish allergy. Yeah, NEVER come here without health insurance, and come to think of it, don't get sick here!!!

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2013, 10:44:42 pm »

Walked out to get some beer earlier and there was a guy looking really ill outside a restaurant. The staff had no idea what to do and gave him a bucket and covered him with a blanket. I guess he drank too much alcohol or had a shellfish allergy. Yeah, NEVER come here without health insurance, and come to think of it, don't get sick here!!!
Sounds to me they looked after him well - a bucket and a blanket. In most western countries he would have been given a 'friendly pat' on the back whilst they lifted all the valuables he was carrying......!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline daghoi

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Re: Vaccinations
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2013, 05:58:31 am »
Hi !

Hope you do not mind me bumping and old thread. Guess it is quite so it wont hurt, I'll also ramble a bit off topic....

Get the basic vaccinations, Hepatatis (A ?), Tetanus and boost the Polio. I'm sure your healt clinic recommended something like that. It could be interesting to know they told you, if you do not mind to share ?

Here are a few shots (!) of me at the "health clinic" in LiJang. Got a serious infected sinititus, probably from the polluted air in Bejijing where I stayd before we left for a trip. I was really happy I was with my girl friend (at the time). She speak mandarin and fluent in english. without her I would probably not even found the clinic. Just a wooden door, with some chinese signs on. Looked just like any other old building there. Off course the doctor only spoke mandarin. After what I could see everything was treated with antibotics administrated via iv. No room for privace, we all shared a large room where we satt and got our dosis. Everybody smiled and wawed to me, thougth it was great fun to see a western there. Noticed that several off them removed the iv by themselvs when the bottle was empy and walked.