All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

Jealousy issue. What's your experience in the matter?

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Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: Smaug on January 26, 2013, 05:07:40 pm ---Thanks Peter.

We have worked through this issue, by having a few hours' worth of chats and emails, and a 2.5 hour phone call this morning.

We each understand the other's point of view. She agreed to politely decline any future possible matchmaking offers in honor of my feelings. I said I will try to be less jealous and more understanding of cultural differences, such as "Holiday Words."  (promises made in certain situations with not much possibility of being followed up on.)

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You really think that is so?   The proof will be in the eating. A Chinese person, man or women will tell you what they think you want to hear, not always what they are thinking deep down.

Your problem will be getting her into the USA.  That is going to take you many a year or longer.  Others on here have been waiting for a long long time.

 In your case the US authorities will, I am sure, be looking at your background. A man still married and living in the same home with a baby that was was unweaned when you started on this relationship!   You need to regulate your life in the USA before going any further.

You need to move out of that home into one on your own and get a divorce.  You will need to buy a home (at the same time as supporting your child).
A Chinese women will not be wanting move into a rented home.  A Chinese woman may be in love with a guy but practicality comes first.  She does not take on marriage to stand still she needs to improve otherwise she will lose a great deal of face in China.   And marriage is has to be.

I have heard it suggested to women that they can have a good life if they both work in their new countries.  An average Chinese woman does not want to work to help support a man's lifestyle she wants to work to earn money, usually that is her money with her choice of where it is spent.   I am sure that most on here who have wives who are working will confirm the wives keeps her money to do with it what she wants, but it is not to support a household unless a one off emergency occurs.

You may be well into planning your future but do not forget you have a lot of past to resolve at this time.


RobertBfrom aust:
[I have heard it suggested to women that they can have a good life if they both work in their new countries.  An average Chinese woman does not want to work to help support a man's lifestyle she wants to work to earn money, usually that is her money with her choice of where it is spent.   I am sure that most on here who have wives who are working will confirm the wives keeps her money to do with it what she wants, but it is not to support a household unless a one off emergency occurs.

This I agree with Willy , Sujuan has her own income to spend and I run the house , that being said she also spoils me totally even while she is back in China till after the New Year with her girlfriends coming this way I now have more Shoes , Suits, Slacks and tops than my wardrobes can hold let alone me wear ,also the odd $50 Dollars or 100 yuan note that I find in my glovebox , there are only 7 days in the week along with her employees here shouting me dinner a couple of times a week , because I will give them a lift or even do an airport pickup if someone is arriving back to Melbourne , that being said , I think in a few weeks I will be busy with all returning after their holidays in China for the New Year regards Robert .

Willy The Londoner:
Your right Robert. They like to spend. But as you say they like to spend on what they want to spend it on, not what they HAVE to spend it on.


Are you guys sure they're all the same?

Maybe you're right, but it seems like you're lumping every woman of Chinese ethnicity into the same boat.

My woman doesn't like to spend money AT ALL, unless it will get her more money. When she does, she only likes to spend it on what is necessary. Today, she told me she went to the post office to send me a photo album. Said the price was 200 RMB, and she only had 100 RMB on her. Now, she is going to check FedEx, DHL, and UPS to make sure they're not cheaper before spending the 200 RMB to send the 100 RMB album, hehehe.

She likes her simple life.


--- Quote from: ChinaBound on January 30, 2013, 05:56:03 am --- But Smaug i do think your right that there is much grouping done here on
the forum.
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"Grouping"? That sounds like a bad word in the sense it is used here. We've been through this before, being called..  that is what we do. There are no more than 15 members that write on a steady bases, answering questions for newbie's. These pretty much had similar experiences along their journey. If these now of course answer with 90%/95% one way on somebody's question... does that make it wrong? Really, if I am put into a class like that or looked at as a "Groupy".. I'd rather not be here.
Smaug problem (and he does have one) is out of the ordinary for sure, so of course he will take not so kind comments... but they are meant in a good way... even if it seems we the Groupies like to shoot down People. If he can handle all that is on his plate, great for both of them and we can't be any happier for Smaug... but what are the chances to succeed? If he is thinking outside the box and not really wrapped up in dreamland, so more power to him!


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